new videos



Not to be a pain, but when are the new
videos coming out? It is already Aug 14th
and the release was supposed to be late July
early August. I just can't wait to get them.
Any idea how soon?
What else needs to be done?

Liza, I was also soo sure we'd have them by the second week tops this month. I am starting to have nightmares that August will never end and therefore we will keep waiting! Oh, say that can't happen!! Cathe or SNM, what is it that has to be done that we can't be given a date? Please, please tell us. I've been through tubs of ice-cream because I don't have my videos. If I had them then I could make better use of my time. :eek:) Will they ship at the last week of the month or sooner? Please tell us before I go out and buy more ice-cream and really need those videos to get the weight off!
Thanks for your patience!

We absolutely understand your concern. Staying on top of this project has definitely been our priority. We will make an announcement by the end of this week(or sooner if we can)stating a ship date. Again, thanks for your patience. Hang in there, we are pretty darn close now
Thanks, Cathe and SNM

Thanks for the update. We understand that due to the large number of videos that need to be duplicated and that this is the peak vacation time that it takes longer to get these videos out to the consumer.

Thanks for putting up with our constant inquiries. Also, thanks for letting us preview the new videos. I am enjoying watching them.

Hope you stay dry. If you really want to be dry, you can always come out to sunny, dry, San Diego. My cats and I would love to have company!

Fear and the UPS Man

He fears me now. He throws packages into our office and runs. He can't look me in the eye. I threatened him last week. NO CATHE - NO SIGNATURE!!!!

(just kidding)

:( Donna
I'm sure Cathe and SNM understands that...

we love their videos and we are just anxious to get the new ones. I for one really admire Cathe not only for her fitness but her business. I can't imagine the pressure they are under. Cathe, I have often wondered if things were difficult or slow when you first started out. I have dreams of starting my own daycare but I am afraid!!! I have children to help support! I just think it is great what you have accomplished.
I wish they'd update Home Page

more often. We all know we are anxiously awaiting Cathe's new videos. A new picture, a new teaser--"only days now to the new videos!" would be great! I sign on every morning, check my e-mail visit the Hungersite and head to Cathe's Home Page and (I know I'm being a big baby) I just wanna scream when it's the same old pick and the same old message:) Where's Debbie H? I need my pep talk!
We'll make It!!!!

Remember when it was 3 1/2 months til we would receive our videos??? It's ALMOST HERE!!! I can't imagine the pressure that SNM feel at this point. We know because of the quality Cathe & her crew ALWAYS deliver, that these tapes will be worth every day we've waited, even if it's a few more days then we hoped. HANG IN THERE!!
Which tape will you all do 1st.?????? I think I'm going to try CardioKicks because I have never seen any of Cathe's style of kickbox and from what I've heard, she makes it fun! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

I'm Getty Edgy Too......

I check this website several times per day/week/hour now in anticipation of a release date.

And I'll have to wait longer because I ordered the DVDs!

Me too!

just a little note on the front page would be great - there's been no change for about 2 weeks already - i know we are being impatient but hopefully we'll be surprised tomorrow!
End of the Week

Remember Cathe's post saying they will announce a date by the end of this week (if not sooner). Well Friday is here so hopefully we will hear something today. I can't wait for these videos either. I paid back in May and ever since they got done taping I have been waiting anxiously for them.

Hi Rhonda!

Just wanted to be sure that you were aware of the most recent announcement about the new videos in the "ask Cathe" forum(or in the "Breaking News" section on the home page)

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