New To Cathe....


I have been training for 25 years mostly in a gym. I moved to Lady Lake ,Fl and there is no gym close by. I started watching FITTV and need to start
at home workouts. Which series do i start with if i buy the DVD's. I am more advanced, I do my own cardio,and i need to know what equipment i need for home.I do have 3,5,8,10,and 15lb DB's, stability ball, bands and ankle weights.
Also what sneakers does cathe wear?
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What kind of splits do you like? I would recommend either the Pyramids (if you want to split upper and lower) or the Gym Styles (a three day split). I would start there.

I like pyramids,supersets, 3-4 days per week, upper/lower or other splits. what are the names of the dvd's you suggest
You could get pyramid upper/ pyramid lower body (they come on the same dvd, two workouts). You can view segments from Fit TV. You could also go with Gymstyles - there are three Chest/Triceps, Legs, Back/Shoulders/Biceps. I'm advanced and have been working out for a long time, and this series gets me sore just about every time. Cathe is definately the right choice if you want to push through plateaus. She also has a dvd called Supersets/Pushpull but i find it a little easier. Power Hour is a full body weight lifting workout that is challenging and Muscle Max is another good one. basically, you cant go wrong with any of the dvd's cathe has! Her cardio is excellent as well.
Welcome Beth.

What do you mean by "you do your own cardio". That's got me curious.

I also recommend the Gym Style series. It's one of my favorites.
Thanks for all the replies!
what equipment is essential?

I run/walk 3-4 days per week. i don't have room to do her cardio segments . that is why i prefer the workouts that are just weight training with maybe a warm up.
Welcome! I started Cathe workouts around the beginning of this year and absolutely love her workouts. I used to be a competitive bodybuilder (many, many years ago) and then had trouble getting to the gym after I decided to stop - long story, but basically I burned out. Didn't really workout for a few years. Then I decided to set myself up at home and started with The Firm - quickly became bored with that and found out about Cathe. I love Gym Styles and the Slow and Heavy Series. Also love MuscleMax for a full body workout. I just purchased the BodyBlast series for some cardio and it came with Push/Pull and Supersets. I haven't tried Supersets yet, but push pull seemed very easy to me. Others have suggested trying the premixes so I will do that on my next full body workout. Hope this helps.

I don't have much room to store equipment. what is the least i can get away with.? i see she uses the high step and regular step. can i just get 1?
i have DB but do i need barbells?
Thanks Again
You can modify and use dbs instead of bb for the exercises, I think. I know GS requires a high step for leg presses (which are killer - but I love them). Cathe uses The Step in her workouts for a bench for flat bench and incline presses, and for some other exercises, but not as a Step. I have a weight bench, but don't like the degree of the incline - it's too high, so I use my Step too. You HAVE to get the resistance bands for the "bonuses" she has - they really get in deep to the muscle and hurt so good!!

Hiya Beth,

I find my barbell takes up much less room than my db's....I have a Troy Lite and I just take the plates off and under the couch it goes...its' so easy and fast to switch plates that it's not a pain in the a$$...
And I might be wrong, but I don't see what's wrong with doing some of the weight bench work on the floor as long as your back is supported? (I've even put my yoga mat on my coffee table if I didn't feel like pulling out by do triceps and sit n' squats off of it since it's the perfect height) Just an idea!
Or maybe just going with a High Step would be good as it's smaller and easier to store somewhere. And I definitely agree with princessbear....get those resistance bands!


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