new to cathe videos


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Hi - I just turned 50 last month and am very into kickboxing. I've done your cardio kicks two times now and I love it. Although some of the moves are a little tricky, I'm getting used to it. I think you are an awesome teacher. I have never done step and would like to try your other programs. Can you recommend a video for beginning steppers. I know some of them have complex choreography and I'm a bit of a klutz. Thanks for your advice.
I'm not Cathe but I can give you my idea on the videos to being with. Mega Step Blast, Step Max, Step Heat, and The Wedding Video.

Thanks for your advice. Do you know of other videos (non-step) that aren't too dancy that I might try. I've tried Gilad, don't care for that much. Some one suggested Charlene Prickett.

Hi! I don't do many non step workouts but Karen Voight has one called strong and smooth moves...that is good and fun too!

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