New Step Workouts For Download Only?


I know that step is not the popular workout that it used to be, and that it's not a particularly profitable product any longer. I was wondering today whether it would be feasible to do a few new workouts with just a few cast members for visual effect, with less production, and then just make them available for purchase as downloads. Those of us who still love our step workouts would be thrilled!:D
Step Aerobics

As a company we never strive to do things more cheaply. Instead we always try to improve upon our productions. This is as much a passion as it is a business for us. With us quality is everything! I think the late Steve Sabol at NFL films said it best, "long after the price has been forgotten, the quality lives on". We could not agree more!

Also, don't think for a minute that we've given up on step aerobics. Though step is currently not as popular as it once was, things are constantly changing in this industry and there is certainly still a market for step aerobic videos.
Agreed SNM, I still like step workouts and would want them available as a regular DVD. Also it wouldn't be the same Cathe workout if not done in the high quality you all provide.

I do have a question though, would you all ever consider doing BluRay now or would that be too expensive?

I ask because appraently Blu-ray lasts longer and I have a couple discs that I will need to buy again because they stop and skip. I have tried cleaning them but they continue to do the same thing.

Thanks :)

Blu-ray just hasn't caught on and it's doubtful it will. The advantages of Blu-ray are just not great enough to make consumers switch. The market penetration of Blu-ray is also pretty low and not growing by very much. Digital downloads have already surpassed Blu-ray in market share and in my opinion will eventually kill Blu-ray before it really gets started. So it just doesn't make since to invest money and time in a media that we feel doesn't have a high probability of success. But if Blu-ray ever catches on we will certainly consider it.

As for the life of a DVD I doubt a Blu-ray disc will last any longer than a standard DVD. A typical regular DVD that is stamped like ours will probably last 100 years if taken care of. You will find different opinions all over the web though about how long a standard or Blu-ray DVD will last, but the truth is nobody really knows. How long a DVD really lasts depends more on how it is handled and cleaned. Purchasing a DVD cleaning kit can also greatly reduce and help fix a majority of DVD issues.
A possibility of a future step workout would be fantastic. I'm finding myself reaching for the older cardios with more choreography to them, most of the time now. Imax 4 or Step Blast 2 or Rythmic Step 2 would be so much fun! : )
I have a couple discs that I will need to buy again because they stop and skip. I have tried cleaning them but they continue to do the same thing.

Your video rental store probably has really good DVD cleaners and they might even do it for free. I haven't tried it myself but my younger brother did for his video game dvds and it fixed them. Couldn't hurt to look into that before spending money on buying the same ones.

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