Cindi - Fantastic looking loaves! I'm glad so many of the kids had such success! Congrats to the kids on doing so well in their respective competitions! What talents they have!

Jane - JAX was lovely all weekend! I did not get any workouts in and today was still too exhausted for one. So, I'll pick back up tomorrow morning! Man, only 3 days off and I'm dreading getting up at 5 a.m. tomorrow! LOL! I'll be fine once I get going again! As for now, I think I'm going to lay down with my pets and take a little nap before d-i-n-n-e-r time for them! Yes, I swear they can read as well as understand that word!

Lisa - Hello! I hope you're doing well!
Hi ladies,
I'm slowly crawling out of my hole. I've had some real issues with a rescue dog that I rehomed 1 1/2 years ago. His adopter passed away and, instead of coming back to me to rehome as agreed, the dog has become legally bound up with the woman's (considerable) estate. The attorney has been very unhelpful to me but finally I was able to get in contact with a friend of the deceased who is likely to be the one to take the dog. Luckily she was very understanding and actually agreed to let me meet her and see the dog today. I think it is going to be a good placement for him but it has been an emotionally exhausting and wrenching week.

I flew back from NYC this morning.

Jane ~ I didn't run yesterday because it was cold and windy and I was being a weiny. I don't know what tomorrow will bring - I'm thinking kbs.

Cindi ~ The bread looks fabulous. I think I gained a couple of pounds just looking at it!

Tricia ~ Your Mother's Day sounds like so much fun!

Alisha ~ How was your rest day?

Hi ladies!

Did weights (that runner's world workout) and core last night. Ran 2 miles in the rain this morning and will run again tonight and maybe do zumba class since I'll be at the gym anyway during honor's tennis lesson.
Hail Everywhere!

It was a good thing that yesterday was my rest day. It hailed! Its May, isn't this a little ridiculous? I went for a long hike this morning. It was sunny, cold and a little breezy.

Hi Lisa, I hope you are feeling better.

Cindi- What great loaves!

Tricia- Don't worry, the first day back is always the hardest, but then you will be in your groove.

Jane- How is your mom?
Lisa - I'm sorry that was such a difficult situation for you, but am glad that things are looking better and that the dog will be in a good home! I'm sure that just wracked on your nerves not knowing what would happen!

Cindi - How did you like the RW workout?

Alisha - I agree! The weather has been ridiculous! Its' back in the 50s here again! Wishing I hadn't left Florida so soon! Soooo ready for summer!

I did The Classics Step Works today! Wow, these older step workouts are good! I had no idea! Tomorrow is my first day of Turbulence Training. I hope I feel like I got a workout in at the end! I'll let you know.

I can't believe our running group has diminished to just us 5! I am glad to be able to get to know a little bit more about each of you, though! It does make for a very intimate group!

Have a lovely afternoon! It's back to work!

Hello Jane!
Hi Everyone!

That workout I did last night was killer!!! Tonight I'm going for a 3-4 mile run.

Cindi ~ What did you think of the Runner's World workout?

Lisa ~ Sorry to had to go through that situation. It sounded very difficult and heart wrenching. I'm glad things are better though. Take care of yourself!

Alisha ~ Mom is doing well. She had no problem with the port placement. She actually took a walk on Sunday and worked out in the yard with us for a little while. Yesterday she went to work for 2 hours. She is moving forward and living life as best as she can right now.

Tricia - Let me know how you like Turbulence Training.

Hope everyone has a great day!!
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Hi ladies!

Alisha - how are you doing?

Tricia (and Jane) - Tricia/Jane - I like the RW workout quite a bit - I think it complements running very well. I also did a Women's Running workout for my core from their latest issue and liked that one a lot.

Lisa - what a hard week, I'm glad the dog is in a good place.

Ran 3.5 miles last night.
Hi Everyone!

I had a good 4 mile run last night. It's starting to get hot here (in the high 80's) so I need to remember to hydrate myself. I bought one of those hydration packs (backpacks) to run with on my long runs. I usually run with my sister so I figure we can take turns running with it. When I did my 7 mile run on Sunday I was dying for water. We had to stop at the park for water but it was yucky!!

I'm doing a circuit workout tonight.

GymBoss Intervals: 30/25, 30/20, 25/15, 20/10

1 minute rest between rounds

Jumping Pull ups
Kettlebell Squats
Mountain Climbers
Kettlebell Swings
Jump Rope
Alternating Suitcase Kettlebell Deadlifts
Med Ball Sit up and Toss
Walking Lunges

Lisa ~ How are you doing?

Cindi ~ Thanks for your review on the RW workout. I may try that this weekend.

Tricia ~ How was your workout this morning!

Hi Alisha!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!

Hi ladies,
Thanks for the support. The whole situation was awful but I'm really hoping that it is resolved well now. I'm very frustrated that I cannot be sure it is resolved well because of the legal crap and the attorney has been very unhelpful. Oh well. I did a short KB workout Monday night after I got back to western NC. I did Sculpt yesterday morning before I drove to Hatteras. I'm in Hatteras now and don't know what will happen today but I'm sure something active will.

Jane ~ Hydration is an issue for me too. I hate to carry things when I run so I wind up building loops into the run to pass my car. On a long run, that creates a temptation to stop though. Glad your mom is doing well.

Cindi ~ Glad you liked the RW workout.

Alisha ~ Hail? Fun. May is kind of crazy like that.

Tricia ~ How are you doing?

Its so sunny!

Jane- Park water is disgusting!

Tricia- Step Works is fun, I am planning on doing that one next week.

Cindi- one variation on quick breads that the kids could make is with a little bit of jam or jelly swirled into the batter after its already in the pan. It comes out looking like space food from the 1960s.

Lisa- I am sending you lots of easily settled and in your favor vibes!

I'm all duded up to go for a jog/walk. It was in the low 80s yesterday. I had to take yesterday off due to way too much stuff going on and being too chicken to try Cathe yet. I could have gotten up early but I didn't. Next week I will be back at the Cathe workouts.
Hi Everyone,

Here's my fun workout for today:

KB Swings - 40, 30, 20, 10
Ball Slams - 10, 15, 20, 25
Run 200m after each round

Workout will look like this ~ 40 swings, 10 ball slams, run 200m, 30 swings, 15 ball slams, run, 200m, etc.

Lisa ~ Have fun in Hatteras. It's so frustrating when all you want to do is help and you're not allowed. I hope it all works out in the end.

Alisah ~ How was your jog/walk?

Hi Cindi and Tricia!

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Jane- Jog/walk was great. Its beautiful and sunny. Only thing is, allergies:p

Cindi, Tricia, hi!!!

I'm about to go on a pleasure hike, in other words I'm just walking to be walking. I will be back at the jogging tomorrow.

Hi ladies - I took an unplanned rest day Wednesday, ran 3 miles twice yesterday.

Jane - I get so thirsty when it is hot, I would be dying for water too on a 7 miler. Let us know how the hydration pack works. So far I've kept with water bottles. For long runs, I plan a loop (like Lisa) so I can grab another bottle every 5 miles or so. Your workouts always sound so bad-a**!

Lisa - Hi! Hope you are feeling less frustrated today.

Alisha - warmish and rainy here yesterday (50-60's) but sunny today. Definitely below normal temps - I can't wait for an 80 degree day! That bread variation sounds really good - thanks!

Hi to Tricia too!

I'm going to spin class later today and the family is doing a 5K on Sunday. Pete, Honor and Paul are walking. David and I are running. It's the 'finale' of the Couch to 5K program I was leading at work.
Hi Everyone!

I'm taking a rest day today. I have a 5K race tomorrow morning.

Cindi ~ Have fun with the 5K on Sunday. Was the Couch to 5K program at work a success? I'm running 8 miles on Sunday so I'll let you know how the hydration pack works out.

Alisha ~ Hope your pleasure hiking was pleasant! I understand allergies. :( I never had them until I moved down South.

Tricia ~ Where are you, girlfriend??

Hi Lisa!

Hope everyone has a great Friday!!
Hi Girls!

I've been so kooky! I read posts last night, then, before posting personals, got sidetracked and never came back! Doh!

I'm so lost now!

Cindi - Have fun on your 5K Sunday - to all your group that did C25K!

Jane - You, too! Rock that 5K tomorrow!

This morning was Workout A of TT and I actually went out and did my sprints! Never got around to it Wednesday (shame on me!). I got up late with a sinus headache and a tad woozy (due to DH's gin martinis last night! Wow!). It took me an hour to do the 30 minute routine! LOL! Next week will be better! I've learned my lesson - no strong alcohol the night before TT! Yes, I know, I shouldn't be drinking alcohol anyway because of the empty calories, but I can't help myself! I have to have one now and then!

Going for a run in the morning, maybe, then breakfast and it's off to the wine tasting at Newport Vineyards! Yay! I look forward to this one every spring and fall! Next, it'll be off to the Mall for shopping! I do some work for the co-owner of our building that I work in and he paid me a little bit for helping him get funding from FEMA for the flooding in our building last month. It was a nice surprise! I'm hoping to find some deals, so I can get more than one outfit! Clothes are so stinking expensive these days! I want to get back into sewing again, but there's the cost of a sewing machine and all the little things you need, needles, thread, pins, etc., etc. I'm hoping to do that next year or, if DH finds a job, this fall maybe!

Anyway, I am here, I just flaked out a bit!

Have a great night and a beautiful weekend! We'll be back in the low 70s again and sunny! Yay!
Good morning ladies. Thursday I went horseback riding with my sister-in-law, then we dragged the kayaks out to the sound so they could take their boys for a paddle. Yesterday my brother and I went out fishing all day. I'm beat but today I ride two rides, tomorrow two rides and then a ride each on Monday and Tuesday. I'm not sure how much "exercise" I'll get in but I'll be working out :D.

Tricia ~ Have fun with the tasting! A little advil and a glass of water before bed that night before going to bed really helps me.

Jane ~ Good luck on your 5K. Let us know how it goes.

Cindi ~ Good luck on your 5K and congrats to everyone that finished the Couch to 5K program with you.

Alisha ~ How was your walk? I love walking/hiking.

Yoga yoga

I am going to attempt some yoga this afternoon/evening. Its been two weeks. My Yoga mat may not even know my name anymore:( I could have gone for a hike if I hadn't been soo lazy. Instead I surfed the internet and showed my Mom the Pioneer Woman site.:p

Lisa- How are you doing?

Tricia- I wouldn't workout with a sinus headache. I hope your DH gets a job soon, crossing my fingers.

Jane- With all that activity I don't know you need a workout at all. I'm lucky, my allergies are mostly just some sneezing.

Cindi- If you ran 3 miles twice does that really mean you ran 6?
Hi Lisa! You've been a busy girl! With all that extra-curricular activity, you shouldn't need a traditional workout too, so if you don't get it in, I wouldn't worry too much!

Alisha - Good luck with your yoga mat! Hope it doesn't kick you out because it doesn't know you! LOL!

Jane/Cindi - How did your races go?

Wine tasting was fun, as usual! Picked up just a few bottles of the wines we were out of. Clothes shopping was a bust. All the fall lines are out and it's all black, grey and beige. I need some color! Also, I must be getting old. Everything just looked too young for me. We went everywhere! I'm so depressed. I don't want to dress grannyish. Where do I find nice clothes for an almost-49 yo active and young-at-heart woman?
no yoga

It didn't happen. Instead I ended up going out with my Dad and Mom and taking pictures of this new proposed solar panel installation. Its supposed to go in one of those clover leafs off the highway. That took most of the day and by the time we got home I was just wore out and lazy so I just watched TIVO of In Plain Sight, The Mentalist, Merlin (yippee Syfy) and CSI.

I'm ready to go for a jog/hike. Lately, the prospect of getting out my gear to do anything other than a jog seems insurmountable. I must get my household chores done or else I will never see Cathe again.:p

Hi Everybody!
Hi Alisha! Nothing wrong with a change of plans! The solar project sounds cool! It is daunting some days to think about dragging out the workout gear! That's why I set up at night before bed, otherwise, it wouldn't get done and I'd never work out!

Have a great jog/hike today!

Helloes to everyone else!

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