New Runners April 2010

Good Morning

I just tried a different instructor's step workout. It wasn't that great, the cueing was all over the place. I put on two pounds last week, I know it was the Easter bunny! So, this week I'm taking the opportunity to eat properly, move a lot, and be smart. For the first time in like two weeks I woke up and ate normal food not something I would wear on my butt:p Yippee! I'm thinking about going back to teaching piano. I don't know how I'm going to rustle up students but I might try posting something at the junior college, they teach music.
Try contacting the local school music teachers - they usually know who is looking for private teachers teachers and for middle school and high school kids who are learning other instruments -they often need accompanists.

I found both of the teachers for my twins through their school orchestra/band teachers.

good luck!
Hi Everyone,

Here's my workout for tonight:

3 Rounds
kettlebell swings x30
push ups x25
kettlebell presses x20 (10/10)
kettlebell pullover sit ups x15
pull ups x10
Renegade Manmakers x 5

Well here's the news on my mom. The nodes they found were cancerous so she has been diagnosed with Stage 3 - Endometrial cancer. She will have both chemo and radiation treatments. She'll have 3 treatments of the chemo (1 every 3 weeks), then have radiation then another 3 treatments of chemo. It wasn't what we wanted to hear but it's curable. Mom, once again, is positive and upbeat. So another challenge to face and conquer for all of us.

Tricia ~ That is so weird about your foot. What you are doing sounds logical. I hope it gets better soon!!

Alisha ~ That bad Easter bunny!! ;) He does a good job of giving all of us some extra poundage. I'm sure there are lots of places you can advertise your piano services - music stores and elementary schools would be good places to start.

Cindi ~ I wish I could do some spinning but I would have to join a gym and I just don't know if I want to do that right now. I'm sure it will get my quads in great shape.

Hi Lisa!!

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!
Jane ~ I'm sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis but at least the prognosis sounds good even though the treatments can be pretty awful. Sending positive healing energy your way.

Tricia ~ Ick. Sorry to hear about your foot. Hopefully a little rest, ice and Vitamin I and you'll be back on track in no time.

Alisha ~ Good luck with that! I think the idea of teaching some piano or accompanying students would be a lot of fun.

Cindi ~ Sounds like you all had a great spring break. I love the Museum of Natural History in NYC. I could spend days in there.

I did nothing yesterday but drive back from Hatteras and teach dog class. This morning I did Sculpt from BBL. This afternoon I have to teach a con-ed night class and won't be done until 9 pm. Tomorrow will be my only opportunity to run until the weekend. I am going to try to do Providence tomorrow morning before work. I don't know why but I love to run on days that I do kb in the morning. I'm not getting much running in lately - I feel a little silly posting on a running check in at the this point. Oh well, I'm staying anyway :D.

Cindi - Take it slow and easy! I hope your heel will be fine!

Alisha - I can't bring myself to try anyone else's workouts right now! I'm still on my honeymoon with Cathe! LOL! Good luck with teaching piano. My DH didn't have any luck keeping students when we first moved here. He got students, but they weren't serious and would stop within 1-2 months. It stunk. I hope you have better luck!

Jane - Sorry about the diagnosis, but I'm glad it's curable! Your mom's attitude and positive outlook will work wonders and help alot! I will keep her in my prayers and send healing energy to her every day!

Lisa - Welcome back! I'm thinking about making KBs my next project after STS and DH gets a job. I'm getting really excited after hearing so much from everyone here in Catheland!

Foot is a little bit better today, but I have iced twice and Vit. I twice today. I'm hoping to be back on the trail by Saturday! We'll see. I may have to modify plyo legs tomorrow morning, but I'll play it by ear and see how the foot feels.

We're still polishing off cake from Easter. It takes us a full week to finish off any baked goods! We don't like throwing food away and DH just won't share chocolate! LOL!

Have a beautiful night everyone and a good week! Live every minute of every day!

Yoga Yeah Yeah is what my Dad says every time he sees me in my yoga outfit. Its funny, I tried to explain that yoga is more of a peaceful activity.

Anyway, I will be doing some yoga shortly and then I will go out for a hike/jog.

See you girls later.
Hi ladies!

Last night I did some weights at the gym and then Zumba class. The weights were fast and short - maybe 30 minutes to hit the major muscle groups with a couple sets. Zumba was fun. I'm hoping to get to spin class tonight and then run a couple miles again and see how the heel feels. A running friend of mine suggested some heel cups that I'm going to try - hopefully I can avoid re-injury. $25 is a lot less then $450 for orthotics so I figure it's worth a shot. I'm still not convinced I need orthotics.

Alisha - I like Kimberly Spreen's cueing - does she do step? I think I only have her kickboxing workouts. A lot of step instructors are hard to follow. I always liked FIRM workouts that used the step (transfirmer or step up box) because they seemed straightforward and well-cued. I could do them without much thinking. Amy Bento really makes thing when I try to do her step. Which instructor did you try?

What yoga did you do?

Jane - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis. Definitely not what you wanted I'm sure, but the fact that it is curable is great news. Just have to climb that mountain now and get to the other side. :)

Lisa - On feeling silly about posting on a running thread - you and me both! :)

Tricia - We are still finishing off some ham (well the men in the family are since Honor and I don't eat ham), soup, and coffee cake. The soup is really good - it's a squash curry soup I got from a recent issue of Food Network magazine. The soup itself is great but they also put toppings on it that make it REALLY good - coconut, banana, cashews, and scallions. I also made 'poptarts' from scratch for Easter breakfast. I found that recipe in Bon Appetit. These things are amazingly good. You start with a piecrust and then make it into poptarts. I filled some with strawberry jam, some with Nutella, and some with cinnamon/sugar. Then you freeze them and bake them right out of the freezer. That makes them super flaky. The recipe only made 8 and I still have 4 in the freezer for this weekend. The rolls are gone thank goodness!
Hi Chickas!

I'm going on a 4 mile run this evening. The weather has been beautiful lately! We went right from winter into summer! :D:D I have a 5K race on Saturday. I set my PR there 2 years ago (in fact it was the second 5K race I did) and I always hope I'll set a new PR there.

Thanks for the prayers and positive vibes. Mom is a very positive and upbeat person. I'm confident she will come through this. She has a great support system. I think after my dad died, she wanted to get back into life and now that is delayed. Although she is healing from the surgery she isn't healing fast enough for her.

Tricia ~ I'm glad your foot is feeling better. You will love kettlebells. The girls in my kettlebell check in are getting great results from ETK. I have the workbook but haven't done it but you are a great candidate for rotations based on your success with STS.

Hi to Alisha, Lisa and Cindi!
Good morning ladies,
I did Providence this morning. I still oh-so-love my kettlebells. I'd really like to get another AOS workout, I'm thinking the Kettlebell Way Volume 2 which people seem to really like. I am going to walk the dogs or run this afternoon. It just depends on how I feel. My con-ed class didn't finish until 930 so by the time I cleaned up, stopped at the grocery store and got home it was midnight before I got to bed. I felt a little shaking during my kbs so I'll run if I feel good and I'll walk if I don't.

Cindi ~ The soup and the poptarts both sounds fabulous!! The zumba class sounds like fun too. I really want to love the zumba class here but it just doesn't seem to be fast enough paced or well-cued enough for me. Oh well, it conflicts with my con ed class this month anyway so I guess that's a non-issue.

Tricia ~ Glad the foot is feeling a little better! I swear baked goodies are worse for me than anything I do love them - cake, cookies, brownies, yum! Then it all goes straight to my butt :)

Alisha ~ Yay yoga! I wish I had more time for yoga. Namaste yoga doesn't come on until 830 in the morning which makes it hard for me to do before work.

Jane ~ Hi and thinking of you!

Hello Running/Workout Friends!

Who cares that this is a running check in and we're all doing other things with a little running thrown in! LOL! It's still fun and the rest of you had better stay, otherwise, who am I gonna talk to every day?

I hope you all got to enjoy a beautiful day today! It hit 90 here! 90!! I loved every minute of it, too! I say that past tense because we'll be back in the 50s tomorrow. Yes, I know, it's sad. Ah, New England in spring - it sucks!

Alisha - I hope you enjoyed your yoga and your hike/jog!

Cindi - Good luck with the heel cups! That really is a much better deal, especially if it works for you! I'm done with that cake! I cut the last of it, put it on a small plate and hid it in the back of the fridge for DH! I cannot touch any more of that thing or I'll hate myself!

Jane - Enjoy your run this evening and good luck on your 5K Saturday (not that you need it)! Let us know how you do! When I get around to KB, I'll be picking your brain about what DVDs to get first, etc. We have a PUNCH gym here so I may take the free consult, but that's still a ways off.

Lisa - What a late night! I just can't do that anymore with getting up at 5 a.m.! It makes me so tired if I stay up much past 11!

Ladies - I had a bad foot day. I did the usual, iced and Ibuprofen, went to work and it swelled up under my desk. By the end of the day, I was propping my foot on top of my computer tower with my shoes off! I was going to walk the pups tonight, but I just couldn't. So I've been sitting here with my foot propped up, icing it again and will probably do it again later tonight after dinner and more Ibuprofen. Thank goodness tomorrow is just Bi's, Tri's and Shoulders!

I know. Yes, I still did plyo legs today, but I skipped the one-legged plyo exercises! You don't have to say it, I already know. REST! Yeah . . .

OH! I almost forgot the most important thing:

DH GOT IN FOR THE MARINE CORPS MARATHON IN DC IN OCTOBER! YAY! I don't get to sign up for the 10K until next month. I didn't realize they don't open registration for both events at the same time. He signed us up for the Dining In the night before, too. It's a dinner, but the real USMC Dining In is a formal event with specific rules to follow. It's fun! I'm not sure this is going to be the same as I don't think everyone will be Marines or former Marines. I'm so looking forward to it! This will be DH's first full marathon and my first race! AND, I get to see the sights both during the run and the day after at a more leisurely pace!
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Hi ladies! Took a spin class and ran 2 miles yesterday. Felt good to run a bit. The foot felt stiff at first but not what I would say as painful.

Jane - Good luck with the 5K!

Lisa - Hope your are feeling refreshed this morning. Sounds like a long night for you. I think the instructor can really make or break a class. My zumba class is definitely an intemediate workout which is fine for me since I use it as add-on cardio. Is there only one instructor? Maybe try someone else?

Tricia - that stinks about your foot! Are you going to call the doctor? I'll let you all know how the heel cups work. They are on their way! AND - that is so cool that your DH is doing the MC Marathon - WOOHOO. :) My DH works in the defense industry and often goes to the Army show in Oct in DC - I really want to do the Army 10 miler this year if we go. AND - your first race - YAY! A 10K is a great distance - it's long enough to be really challenging but no so long that you are spent or sore the rest of the day.

Hi Alisha and anyone lurking out there!
Good Morning

I'm about to go on a long hike. Yesterday was an easy jog. I am hoping to get more time in my THR. I was averaging about 30 minutes. Yesterday I got 40 minutes. I want to aim for 45 minutes today. I hope to be up at 60 minutes by the end of the week.

Hi everybody!
Alisha - Enjoy your hike! I'm sure you'll make your goal!

Cindi - Glad the foot is feeling okay! I did call the doc, but can't get an appt. until 4/20! My doc and my nurse practitioner are both on vacation next week! I'm hoping it'll be resolved on it's own by then!

Yes! Now the fun begins - working out all the logistics of getting to DC and back, what to do with the pets, etc. At least we already have a place to stay! A friend is going to put us up for the weekend! One less expense to deal with!

Enjoy this beautiful day!
Hi Everyone!

I forgot to check in yesterday.

Last night I did a 30 minute ab and upper body workout. Tonight I'm resting for tomorrow's race.

Alisha - Hope you had a good hike!

Cindi ~ I'm glad your heel felt good on your run.

Tricia ~ You are going to have a blast at your race! It sounds like it's going to be a fun weekend for you.

Lisa ~ I'm glad you are enjoying kettlebells. I love the AOS Firepower workout. It's a great workout. There are some parts that use 2 kettlebells but you can always switch arms after 30 seconds if you only have 1 kettlebell.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Jane - Good luck and Happy Running tomorrow in your race! I look forward to your report afterwards!

I'm going to try to run this weekend, but wear my sneaks rather than my Vibrams. They take so much more foot muscle use that maybe I can tolerate the sneakers! We'll see! The foot seems a bit better today. It appears to go up and down - good days and bad! I promise to be careful! If it's too much, I'll just walk.
Hi Ladies!

Hope you had a good race, Jane!

Took a rest day Thursday. Yesterday I ran 5 miles - felt pretty good. This morning did spin class and weights. Running tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone!

The foot is much better! Yippee! Still, taking an extra rest day today just to be sure, then I'll try a run in my regular sneaks tomorrow and see how that goes! Still icing and taking the Ibuprofen, though.

How did your race go, Jane? I'm sure you kicked butt!

I'm baking some french baguettes today! I hope they come out!

I have 3 weeks left in STS and I'm having a mini-panic attack! I've had such a good 6 months with my workouts all planned out that I'm scared to finish! I have GOT to come up with a new rotation for after, so I have 4 weeks to do that. Not sure which way I want to go yet, though - circuit, strength, endurance, blah, blah . . . I don't need to start my 10K training for a while, so any recommendations would be great! I'm going to post this elsewhere as well, see what I get back.

Have a terrific weekend! It's gotten way too cool up here again! Brrr.
Tricia ~ Congrats on hubby getting in the Marine Corps Marathon! So exciting! I'm glad you foot is feeling better. The baguettes sounds fabulous.

Cindi ~ Unfortunately I only have one Zumba class option. I think with the right instructor I would really love it. I'm thinking about getting the dvds since I really do love working out at home.

Jane ~ How was your race? I'll have to check out Fire Power. I'm open to suggestions. Since I only kb twice a week, I was thinking something on the less-hard-core end of the spectrum :D.

Alisha ~ How was your hike?

Thursday I went to the gym and did CC V1 on the elliptical and upper body weights. I did Bum Bum on Friday. Today I did puppy class and went for a horseback ride with a new friend. I rode a Tennessee Walking horse. It was neat because I've never ridden a gaited horse before. It was cool to do something new on horseback after having ridden for so long.

Hey Everyone!

I had a great race yesterday. This is the race where I set my PR 2 years ago. I didn't set a new PR but I did my 3rd best time ever. Yay!!! It was a beautifully cool morning so that probably helped. I really love this race. In the afternoon I did the "prison style" workout with my 16kg kettlebell.

This morning I did a 7 mile run and then came home and did some yard work. My yard has been seriously neglected for the last year so it was nice to get out there and do something!

Tricia ~ I love the baguettes! I'm glad your foot is feeling better! I agree with Cindi, circuits and endurance!

Lisa ~ How cool that you rode a Tennessee Walking Horse!!

Hi to Alisha and Cindi!

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