New, need help creating a rotation with the DVD's I own


I would love some help creating a rotation with the DVD's I recently purchased. I had never even heard of Cathe before a few weeks ago. I had been debating buying the new Firm stuff, when Cathe was recommended to me. I just tried her Basic Step + Body fusion and love it! :) So I went out and bought 4 more of her DVD's. My husband was not really excited about the money I've spent ;) , so I want to use the DVD's I've already purchased.

Here is want I currently have (or will have soon):

Basic Step + Cardio & Weights (DVD came with the step I got)
Basic Step + Body Fusion
Pyramid lower + upper body
Low Max
Imax 3
Core Max
Hardcore Extreme

So any help designing a workout schedule where I will loose weight and gain definition would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you so much!

You may want to do something like this:

1 PUB, Core Max(one segment)
2 Imax 3
3 PLB, Core Max
4 Steady cardio of choice, run, walk, kickboxing or step no weights
5 Low Max
6 Hardcore Extreme 1

The most important thing to lose weight is to watch your food intake, portion control, avoid white breads, sugars, and grains or keep them to a minimun.

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