New KOS-USA catalog


Sorry if this has already been posted, but KOS-USA has the new Summer/Fall 2006 catalog posted. I'm already eyeing the new 3513 pants in Mango.

Edited to add: I don't see them yet on Sharon's Active You website. I've emailed her to see if the products will be available soon through her site.
I received word back from Sharon at Active You. Here's the note:

Nothing is available yet on that catalog, some items will be done by the end of the week, but that is just the first page and the second page, then some printed tops, this catalog is from March 30 delivery till June 30. This will take weeks for KOs-USA to get some of their products ready for this season.

And the follow up:

Well this is the stuff that is supposed to be finished around the end of the week: the first 2 pages, plus the next 2 pages. Let me know if for sure you want the items and in what size, thanks for the inquiry, and take care, I will probably order by Monday next week, as I leave for Florida the following week, I have a trade show in port saint Lucia Florida, so I will be out of town for about 11 days. If I have the product with me, I can ship from there, if it is here in New Jersey, then my husband can send out. I have an extreme about of stock right now, so I will only be ordering certain things in the next 2 weeks, so please let me know what you would like, I do not have a major trade show until the 20 Th. of April, so I will order a some new items then. take care. And thanks again. Sharon

Why did you have to post that? I love all of that stuff. But I just can't justify spending money on workout clothes when I work out at home.

Me too Shelley. That stuff is cute but Target is about as upscale as I get when it comes to workout clothes. Besides, I don't look that cute when I'm done so what's the point?

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