New baby and working out?


Hi everyone,

As I've said, I'm expecting my first any day now (my due dates ranged from March 25-April 6), and I'm experiencing all those emotions that come from waiting for a new baby. In the past few weeks, I've really gotten back into the exercise mode, anxiously anticipating when I can crank up the intensity again.

I guess now I'm just worried about actually being able to with a little baby around. I know my schedule will revolve around baby's, which is fine, but I guess I just need some encouragement about being able to find time to exercise again. I'm picturing in my mind having a baby that will never let me put her down :eek:

I will be staying at home with my baby, so at least I won't have a work schedule also. I realize I won't be putting in marathon sessions, but I really want to be able to have an hour per day to get back in to shape. I also realize that I will be pretty sleep deprived, so I'm worried about my energy level, etc.

Well, sorry this was so long, but any of you mothers out there, please give me some encouragement and suggestions. Thanks so much :)

Hi Emily! I found that after having Eric, my first too, I was so completely overwhelmed with joy and amazement(and lack of sleep;-))that I had completely forgotten about the outside world for a few days. The feeling is just soooooooo, well you'll know soon enough:)! I'm so excited for you.

There really is no way to know how, when, where you will work in fitness until your sweet little miracle has arrived. Depending on how you deliver, whether you breast/bottle feed, whether you had an episiotomy, whether you have help of friends/family, whether the baby is fussy or a heavy sleeper etc. All of these things(plus more)are going to have to play themselves out before you can get yourself on a schedule.

In any case, don't even worry about it. When the time is right and you are ready to get yourself back into shape, you will find a way. The baby wil most likely be napping a lot for the first month or so. Many times that was when I jumped on the opportunity. But, I'll admit, many times I just jumped in bed too (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz).

Lots of luck to you!
Hi Emily!
I had my daughter almost a year ago (last April) and I just started working out again after the first of the year. Before she was born I was a workout nut! But after she was born, I enjoyed having her nap on me, watching her sleep, etc. That just seemed more important! Also, her naps were usually short and irregular. But starting in January, I really started to need to work out again. Fortunatly, that is when she started taking longer (1 - 1 1/2 hours) naps on a more regular "schedule." I am really enjoying the CTX Series for the length. It is working out very very well. I am glad I took the time off to be with her and just enjoy "mom" time.
Good luck with your new bundle of joy!
Hi Emily! Congratulations on your soon-to-arrive bundle of joy! I remember the same anxiety over my workout schedule when I was expecting my first one. First of all, give yourself time to heal, to get to know your new baby, and get a little rest before you start thinking about your workouts. For the first couple weeks you probably won't want to do much of anything so DON'T, and don't feel the least bit guilty about it. This is an incredibly exciting time so get the absolute most amount of enjoyment out of it that you can. Eventually, the best thing that you can do is try to get your new baby on a schedule (easier said than done.) But if you try and feed her around the same time every day, give her a bath around the same time, get her out of the house around the same time, soon her naps will also become part of the daily routine and viola! There's your workout time. Just remember not to put too much pressure on yourself and insist that you finish a Cathe workout all the time or get that entire 45 minutes of cardio or whatever you do because there will always be that day that she just doesn't feel like sleeping or takes a short nap. Even a little is better than nothing. One day, your workouts will be as much a part of her routine as they are to you. My kids are so used to my workout schedule that they're like my personal trainers now, encouraging me to do it on the days I don't feel like it, and usually they're right there with me doing the exercises. Don't worry, when there's a will, there's a way. Keep us posted on your delivery and good luck!
Hi Emily!

I second what everyone said. My son is 2 mo. old and luckily for me is a VERY easy baby. Even if he wakes up from his nap and I want to finish working out he'll usually hang out till I'm done (unless of course he's hungry!;-)) My first son was a HANDFUL, so you never know. You'll be so excited over your new one that you won't even care about working out for a while. Enjoy him/her and it'll come! The first time I felt like I really wanted to work out I asked Dad to keep the kids busy! Congratulations! It's bringing back all those wonderful memories! Mine is cooing at me now while big brother laughs at him:)
Relax and enjoy the baby!!

Hi Emily,
As others have said, you will have to wait and see how you feel and what your baby's temperament is like before you can plan what kind of workout schedule you will have.
With my oldest son, my husband would watch him in the evenings while I exercised a few days a week for 20-30 minutes.
After my twins were born, the only exercise I did was take walks with them. I didn't do any "formal" exercise until they were about two years old. I just didn't have the time or energy and my kids were very needy. Now that they are older, finding time to exercise is much easier - I just have to take "referee" breaks every once in a while because my twins fight all of the time.
Best wishes for you and your family and the new baby!!!! Enjoy every minute - they grow so fast!!
I've been where you are. I am a crazy, exerciser(miserable inside if I miss working out just 1 day a week). After my first baby, I began(where I left off) working out(45 minutes cardio) 14 days post-partum. Mistake. I didn't heal as quickly, bled a little during workouts, but kept doing it anyway out of fear of becoming fat. I lived, and everything is fine, but I was being cranky with myself and everyone around me, my precious baby too. I was being selfish. New babies are so hard. If you're breastfeeding, it's even harder. Just when you think they're in routine, they change it up on you(at least my two were/are that way). I sacrificed sleep to get my workouts in, and still do(I have a 5 month old). I hope you have a different mentality. Life is too short, and babies grow too quickly.
My humble advice to you is fit working out in when you can for as long or short a time as you can. Little is better than nothing and sometime within the first year of your baby's life, you will find a routine and can get back into working out heavily.
Thanks for the encouragement

It helps so much to hear other people's experiences. I will definitely take off time after the baby is born so I can recover and so my husband doesn't roll his eyes at me. He's very concerned about me and my healing - in a good way. I know I will have to do some kind of exercise because it's such a habit in my life and makes me feel so good. But, I also want to give the baby everything she needs. It's nice to have other people to ask questions to and get support from. Thanks for helping me:)


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