Need shampoo/conditioner help


I need suggestions for shampoo & conditioner. I have long hair (about mid-way down my back) and it has a few layers in it. The hair strands themselves are very fine but I have alot of hair so my hair is a little thick. It is naturally oily (have to wash everyday) and tangles very easily. I can't use leave in conditioner - makes it too greasy. I have tried using the shampoo and conditioner seperately and it takes me forever to rinse the conditioner out (even a small amount) and then it is still a rats nest when I try to comb it out. I've tried brushing it before I wash it - doesn't help. The only thing that it a little better is the shampoo/conditioner in 1 . But the professional brands don't come that way and I've heard it's better for your hair to use them seperately. I'm going to a new hairdresser on the 22nd to get a trim. Here is what I've tried.
Matrix (Amplify)
Biolage (lt weight conditioner)
Nexxus (sp?)
Sebastion (lt weight conditioner)
Aussie Mega

Any suggestions?
Try Nexus Phyto Organics.
It is my favorite
Intergy shampoo and Nectaress conditioner. It is an upgrade line. The regular Nexus was bought by ST.IVES AND IS IN THE STORES AND NO CHEAPER THAN BEFORE.Phyto much better..
The shampoo is a little stronger than a moisturizer and the nectaress is really light. Leave it in a few minutes. There is also luxtruss leave in. Only spray the ends not the root.
It is still my favorite and I carry alot of them..
Good luck.
The shampoo and conditioners combined are a detangler.
You can't shampoo out oils and condition at the same time.Kinda defeats the purpose
Aka( Storm)
My MIL has the same problem with conditiones weighing her hair down and making it greasy.
My neighbor turned me on to a great product that's a leave-in, but is super light....BioSilk! It can also be used as a skin conditioner after your shower when you have dry skin.
I have thick hair (not oily, though) & love my shampoo (Redken Smooth Down), but it's an "antifrizz smooth for very dry/unruly hair," so it doesn't sound like it would work for your combination. However, I would check into the Redken line to see if there are some products that would be better-suited to you. I love the way these smell, and Target carries them now - they're not super cheap but won't break the bank, either. Might be a good idea to ask your new hairdresser for a recommendation. Good luck!
Definitely ask your hairdresser.

I used to not think about shampoo. Just used any old thing, rinsed it out, and loaded up my hair with "product" (my hair is very different from yours). Then I tried Philosophy's cinnamon bun 3-in-1 (body wash, bubble bath, shampoo) and my hair looked awful! Apparently, a body wash/bubble bath that you can also use as shampoo does NOT work. Just wanted to mention that for anyone tempted to try that Philosophy stuff. I will use it as a body wash though.
I have naturally curly hair that's thick but fine. This time of year it goes kind of flat. When I want a nice light conditioner I use Bain de Terre White Clover.

Also I would suggest using Neutrogena's anti-residue shampoo once or twice a week (not more than that, it could be too harsh). It'll help keep products from weighing down your hair.
LOL I have tried that same Philosophy product and got the same results Nancy ...funny!

I use Matrix Sleek.look and love it - it really makes my thick,long, slighty dry hair extremely manageable.:D
I have very fine but thick hair. I used to use the expensive stuff, but I just got tired of spending so much money on it. A friend of mine told me that she used and liked Dove hair products; I tried them and love them. The conditioner is light, but it works. I use the kind for dry/colored hair.
My hairdresser recommended this brand for me....Pearatin by Loma...and I have never used anything since. It is really hard to find (usually only sold in salons), but I found a local beauty shop that will order it for me. It is that great...I go WAY out of my way to get it!!!

Here is the website...

My hair (naturally curly) has never been healthier after using their products, especially the fortifying repairative serum....I LOVE this stuff!!! This serum is a must have because a tiny tiny bit will go a long way to keep your hair moisturized.

Hope this helps! :)
I have very fine hair oily hair. I wash my hair everyday as well and it tangles so badly that even with a lot of conditioners I have to work at getting them out. What I have found that really works for me is a product I bought at Beauty Brands called Avalon KeraCare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo. I can shampoo with this and get a comb through it when I am done. Sometimes if I feel the ends need a little more conditioning I use Sexy Hair Soy Tri Wheat leave in conditioner only on the ends. Anne's(acatalina) suggestions are probably good ones as she does hair. is another opinion...I have fine hair that leans toward the oily side...And the best thing I have found is Sap Moss by Aveda. They comes separately...but this is the BEST conditioner that I have ever used!!!!! It does not weigh your hair down and keeps it tangle free. It leaves my hair very soft without being oily. I can even leave this conditioner in with out rinsing it out and when my hair dries it is still not greasy! It is a little pricey...but in my opinion completely worth it! Good luck!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Thanks for all the suggesstions. We have a beauty brands here and they seem to have a good deal of selection.


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