Need Help!


Active Member
Hi everyone!

I am trying to lose about 8lbs. I workout everyday. About 1 hour of cardio and about 20-30 mins. of weights. My diet is pretty clean. I am 5'4. It seems like in the last 5 months I keep on gaining weight. I have put on 8lbs. What should I do? Can someone give me a rotation? I want to get more cut in the upper body and slim down the lower body. Please Help! I am so depressed. :-(
Not Cathe, but I'd like to offer some suggestions. First of all, do you workout EVERY day? IMHO, you should take a rest day. Second of all, it seems to me like maybe your body has acclimated itself to your hour of cardio and half hour of weight work and you need to shake things up. What is your current rotation? Do you usually do a Cathe step tape and then your own lifting? If I knew what you were currently doing, then I could better suggest something to break through your plateau.
I do all cathe tapes. I just got done doing a rotion using the new videos. I have all of her videos. I really want to lose this weight and get cut. I was thinking about trying to cut back on the cardio and up the time in weight training. What do you think? Thanks for the reply.
Yes I would suggest cutting down on cardio and maybe doing PUB and PLB twice a week. I also find that if I do Power Hour three times a week or PH twice and MIS once in a week, this promotes great definition. Maybe something like this:

Sat. MIC
Sun. PH
Mon. Cardio Kicks
Tue. PH
Wed. Imax
Thu. PH or MIS
Fri. Rest

You could also use ME in PH's place, but you said you just finished doing a rotation of the new tapes, so I didn't know if you were sick of it or not. Boot Camp is a good one to break through plateaus, as is the Slow and Heavy series. That is another option, doing each S&H tape 1x per week and then 3 cardios, varying the intensity of each one. If you aren't sick of them, the pyramid tapes are another way to bring on some nice cuts. You could try this, if you'd like:

Sat. PLB and CTX cardio or 1/2 or Imax
Sun. Longer, lower intensity cardio like Rhythmic Step or Step Jam
Mon. PUB
Tue. Intense cardio such as Imax 1 or Imax 2
Wed. PLB
Thu. PUB or Cardio and Weights
Fri. Rest
You can add a CTX cardio on the weight training days when time permits, but I know that some people find too much cardio can sometimes hinder strength gains. I hope this helped!

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