need help on previous posting



can you guys help me once more??? I read in a previous posting a reply that cathe gave about training other body parts in conjunction with the PS series. She mentioned on the free days to choose a body part and do 4 exercises for it, the firat was to lift a weight heavy enough for 8 reps then do 3 other for 10-12 reps, (but how many sets????), but I can't find this any where on any of the forums, can any body remember where it was??? I ahve tried a search, but I can't even remember what the thread was called:7
thanks in advance
I found it!

It's from Ask Cathe, Sept. 25, and the thread is entitled "Cathe, need advice on new tapes". There are 63 posts included in the thread.

Hope this helps!


Sorry, Belle, but I just re-read your post and I think I referred you to the wrong thread. I thought you were looking for the thread with Cathe's rotation suggestion combining CTX with PS Series.

Ooops! Good luck and sorry for steering you wrong!


Are you referring to the 'Arm Definition' thread? Cathe discusses using the PS series, plus adding on 1 day each for biceps, triceps, and shoulders following the sets/reps you mention in your post. It's in the Ask Cathe Forum, originally dated Jun 1 99. You can search for arm definition in the title - that is how I always find it.

I did this rotation for 2-3 weeks about 6 months ago, and was seeing results after about 2 weeks. I can't remember why I stopped, but I am starting it again this week.

Hope this helps!


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