need encouragement. very frustrated


Active Member
I've been here before, can't believe I'm back. Have that out of control feeling I hate again. Here's a little background. I have been working out with Cathe for 9-10 years. Had my ups and downs, but basically been in good shape. I had a baby one year ago. I worked out during my pregnancy and was actually pleasantly surprised with how quickly I lost the weight after birth. For a long time I was actually thinner than before. Then all of a sudden it crept up on me the past couple of months and its like a runaway train I cannot stop! I have upped my workouts and runs and watched my diet, but I feel gross. This only makes me more obsessive which in turn brings out my worst habits and behavior, (picking more, waking up at night and bingeing involved at all thank god, but just not the cleanest or wisest choices) Then I wake up feeling horrible and either punish myself by not eating, and trying to get in as hard a work out as possible (which is tough sometimes with the baby) or as I've been trying to do lately eating small regular meals and hoping that will bring me back to normal. I also just started a rotation again in the hopes that I would stop over exercising. Please help me. I cannot talk to the people in my life about it as they don't nkow what to say, it has been an issue for me forever and no one wants to know about it. I am also on the very real verge of a divorce/move etc and I know the stress and fear of that is compounding everything. Some more info...I nursed my son for a full year and am down to once a day now, although I am trying to stop all together, I just got my second period since I had the baby and I started an antidepressant 2 months ago that I believe contributed to the weight gain. (4-5lbs that I know of, then I stopped going on the scale) The doctor added a second antidepressant which she believes may help alleviate the problem, but it has only been a week. I just needed to vent and could use some feedback because I'm feeling really challenged here. :-(
Sorry you are going through this. You sound like you are determined to get back on track, but maybe are trying to do too much all at once. Try stepping back for a moment and make some small changes, whether it be diet wise or exercise wise. Once you get used to those changes add a few more. Slowly you will get back to a routine you can live with without rebelling. Good Luck. You can do this.

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