Need advice please!


Pretty please!!!

I posted this over at the Ask Cathe forum and VF (as you can see I really want an answer to this). I know that there are some very knowledgeable people around here and that I can get some input.

Over the summer, I slacked on my exercise program and eating habits and have gained a few pounds. Nothing excessive, just enough to make me uncomfortable, but am still in a normal weight range for my height (with a BMI of around 22.5).

I've taken charge of portion control, and am attempting to eat as clean as possibly can. I'm in my 3rd week of a modified version (not having all the required tapes, I have to improvise a bit) of the tank top rotation and have seen my lower body bulk more than my upper body.

Here's what I've been doing
Day 1: CTX Upper body
Day 2: CTX Leaner legs
Day 3: Cardio 30 minutes (step or kickboxing) plus CTX shoulders, triceps and biceps
Day 4: Cardio 60 minutes (step)
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: A firm total body tape (for example body sculpt or MBS)
Day 7: 90 minute spinning class

I think the spinning class may be the culprit to my lower body bulking because as much as it is an interval workout, there is also a lot of resistance training. I don't want to abandon it, because I love it, the participants and the teacher are great!

I want a rotation that will help me integrate my spinning class (day 7) and a kickboxing class (day 3), shed those few pounds and lean out my lower body (for a more balanced look). My tapes include the CTX series on DVD, a few Firms and other miscelaneous exercise videos (such as Mindy, Christi...). I have also ordered PH (DVD) and classics vol 1 (DVD) and am willing to order S and H or PS series on DVD.

Thanx in advance!

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