Need a new challenge



I need a new cardio challenge. I have all the Imaxes, all the cardio Hardcores, Boot Camp, Step Blast, High Step Training Advanced. I have pretty much mastered all of them (give or take a few moves) and the boredom factor is also kicking in. I want pure cardio that will absolutely wipe me out. Any suggestions?


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
Do you have the Terminator series? What about circuit training? I know it has weights but the tempo of the workouts usually keep your HR up.
Sure and it's cheap - running! You can focus either on endurance for long distances or speed work - either will make you sweat like a dog and you can go for as long as you have the energy to. Nothing is pure cardio like running IMO.:)
Do you have Cardio Hits? I love PowerMax and Step Works. They get me every time.

What about CTX? I put together two cardio sessions from the series to make a tough hour-long workout.

>Sure and it's cheap - running! You can focus either on
>endurance for long distances or speed work - either will make
>you sweat like a dog and you can go for as long as you have
>the energy to. Nothing is pure cardio like running IMO.:)

I agree! I have recently incorporated interval work on the treadmill. I'm sweating as much as I do when I do a Cathe cardio DVD. Give it a try. I've read there are great benefits in doing interval work.

HTH - Dallas
I don't see any Kickboxing? Have you tried an A-Jock mish-mosh? Her Kickbox mish-mosh is a 600 calorie burner for me. I use a lot of her mish-moshes.

Terminator DVD

Circuit Max / Cardio Kicks DVD

CTX 2-DVD package

Maximum Intensity Cardio (especially the hi/lo section)

You really need these for upper margin cardio work.

Another question: do you have Interval Max and I-Max 2 on DVD, or on video? Whatever videos you have, get their DVD counterparts, because you can skip the recovery segments of blast-oriented cardio work. Also because of the premixes. For Interval Max and I-max 2, skip the recoveries after each blast and go right to the next aerobic segment. For I-max 3, use the blast only premix.

I haven't done the Terminator series, but I hear it's pretty killer. Also, a note on Maximum Intensity Cardio: Isn't that on the RS DVD? If so, I've had it on backorder for over 4 months. Can't wait to get it, but the wait is starting to get to me. :-(

Hey, I didn't notice that you have RS, either. It's got a lot of interesting cardio that should keep you motivated for a while...and I understand there's a "challenge" at the end, like in Step Blast. But again, it's on BACKORDER! Arrrggghh! (I taped it off Fit TV, but they cut out a bunch of the workout to make it fit into the time slot. That's how I know about the fun cardio without actually having the DVD, in case you were wondering).
Hardcore Extreme is another goodie.

I second the Terminator DVD suggestion and for me Interval Running is VERY helpful when added on my rotations once or twice per week (except now I am trying to recover from Plantar Fasciitis and a heel spur)

AJ's mish moshes are very intense.

Try to keep variety in your rotations to mix things up.

AKA "Likes2bfit"
The Terminator, running and A-Jock's mish moshes. You'll never get bored and your cardiovascular system will sing songs of praise to you:)

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