My posts were deleted and I was threatened to be banned from the forum!

Thank you Cathe,

I'll spend more time on the OD, and looking forward to it. I have a Lurkers group too, that expressed how afraid they were to go there, and didn't want to leave the comfort of the Lurkers group. Again, maybe now they can get their feet wet without them feeling so cold.

I'm afraid I did not see that particular post that was deleted. Since the original post is still there with a lot of people voicing their negative opinion about the music, I would guess the deleted post was worded in a way that was taken to be more negative or rude. SNM and Cathe seem to allow a lot of "constructive criticism". I applaud their willingness for an honest conversation about their product. I'm not crazy about the new music when it is in a cardio dvd but I appreciated SNM taking the time to explain why they will be using it.

I also love seeing more of Cathe on the forums, but wonder how she has the time.
Since the original post is still there with a lot of people voicing their negative opinion about the music, I would guess the deleted post was worded in a way that was taken to be more negative or rude.

I think they were deleted because my replies were directly to what Chris wrote and not another forum member. Chris didn't like that and deleted my posts and then sent me a nasty email.


Thank you Cathe and SNM! I think this is such a positive step for these forums! I think this is great!

I agree with Carolyn too. I think it's crazy to think that it's okay to say rude things to/about Cathe or her products on HER forums. There are other places to trash-talk Cathe and her team if that's what like you doing with your time, but here is just not the place! And what counts as rude for Cathe and team might not seem rude to the poster, but this is Cathe's forum and she has the right to moderate as she sees fit. It's absolutely her call when something crosses the line. Cathe is always super humble and gracious about accepting constructive criticism, but if she wants to put a stop to useless trash-taking, I say right on, sister!
Erica, I am so sorry this happened. I know you are/were an avid Cathe fan and junkie, and I don't believe what you said invoked that kind of a response. I am guessing maybe they think you are promoting for KCM, but I don't see how anyone could think that from your post count and content. I would like to think this kind of censure would be reserved for when the bullying is going on or the nastiness of some posters rears its ugly head, not when stating an opinion on the DVD music that could be beneficial to Cathe and Co.

I never read the OP's posts that were deleted so I can't speak as to what I personally thought of them.

All I can say is that this site/forum belongs to Cathe/Chris/SNM. They make the rules and, like them or not and we need to abide by them if we expect to be allowed to come here. End of story.

I, for one, never thought they asked too much of us and am more then happy to abide by the rules they have set. I have always tried to be kind, tactful, etc to everyone here when voicing an opinnion on whatever topic is being discussed and have not always had the favor returned to me which was upsetting. I have also read some disturbing threads over the years that turned into downright nasty fights and I just shook my head. I couldn't believe what I was reading! There have been many a thread that I was actually AFRAID to post my opinion on b/c it had turned so sour that I was sure someone would flame me no matter what I said. I have also seen what goes on during the pre-order phase of Cathe's productions and it makes me angry every single time I would read someone's post bashing SNM for the way they do business. I am not saying you do not have a right to your opinion but come on! There is no need to be as nasty as I have seen some people get and if you just can NOT figure out how to express yourself in a kind manner then perhaps you should consider privately emailing your thoughts to SNM instead.

Anyway, I am glad that they will be keeping a closer eye on things around here. Maybe, as Janie mentioned, it will encourage some lurkers to come out of hiding. :)


Thank you Cathe, Chris and SNM for all you do! I, for one, have never had issue with anything and will happily continue to do business with you!
Deleted Threads

We would never delete a thread just because it expressed a negative opinion about one of our DVDs. As proof of this, you can still read and see that the thread these two posts were deleted from still has plenty of posts remaining expressing a negative opinion.

When you're on our site you're in Cathe's house and a certain amount of respect and civility is and should be expected. As Cathe has said, the two posts that were deleted were done so not because they expressed a negative opinion or because of what they said, they were deleted because they were needlessly rude and we seriously doubt were posted with the purpose of "constructive criticism". This violates our forum rules and feel we took the appropriate action.

There are other sites not affiliated with us where there are no boundaries to the degree and level you can express a negative opinion, but on our site we expect a certain amount of civility... and threads that don't will be deleted and in some cases further actions will be taken. Our goal starting today is to return our website to the overwhelming majority of Cathletes that come to our site for a positive and learning experience.
RE: "I, for one, never thought they asked too much of us and am more then happy to abide by the rules they have set. I have always tried to be kind, tactful, etc to everyone here when voicing an opinnion on whatever topic is being discussed and have not always had the favor returned to me which was upsetting. I have also read some disturbing threads over the years that turned into downright nasty fights and I just shook my head. I couldn't believe what I was reading! There have been many a thread that I was actually AFRAID to post my opinion on b/c it had turned so sour that I was sure someone would flame me no matter what I said. I have also seen what goes on during the pre-order phase of Cathe's productions and it makes me angry every single time I would read someone's post bashing SNM for the way they do business. I am not saying you do not have a right to your opinion but come on! There is no need to be as nasty as I have seen some people get and if you just can NOT figure out how to express yourself in a kind manner then perhaps you should consider privately emailing your thoughts to SNM instead. "

WELL SAID Wendy!! I couldnt agree more ... I find it infuriating and down right ridiculous some of the viciousness that has been spewed .. and some directed at Cathe herself.. this is her site ..if she wants to delete all of us .. it is her right ... I myself dont have her THICK SKIN when it comes to some of the negativity .. I think if this were MY product and MY site they were bashing or ME on MY OWN site they were bashing ... *humpf* .. delete them ..ban them .. and not think twice ... but as usual Cathe is always gracious and certainly tolerates more than I would be willing to! (and dont get me started about the useless nitpicking on some of the posts)

Cathe has this site .. FREE to us .. FREE for open HEALTHY discussions .. FREE workout manager .. more FREE and INFORMATIVE and UP TO DATE information than any site or instructor out there .. come on .. pay some respect!!! I dont respond to a lot of post b/c of the fear of being attacked ... and if anyone reading this wants to "flame" me for it .. you may be part of the problem!! JMHO!!!!
Thanks for your support!

Hi Everyone! Thank you for your support in helping to keep the Cathe Community a warm, friendly and positive place to visit. We are actively on our site everyday to enjoy your company as well as monitor the forums. We look forward to seeing you here.

Have a great weekend everyone! :)
I never read the OP's posts that were deleted so I can't speak as to what I personally thought of them.

All I can say is that this site/forum belongs to Cathe/Chris/SNM. They make the rules and, like them or not and we need to abide by them if we expect to be allowed to come here. End of story.

I, for one, never thought they asked too much of us and am more then happy to abide by the rules they have set. I have always tried to be kind, tactful, etc to everyone here when voicing an opinnion on whatever topic is being discussed and have not always had the favor returned to me which was upsetting. I have also read some disturbing threads over the years that turned into downright nasty fights and I just shook my head. I couldn't believe what I was reading! There have been many a thread that I was actually AFRAID to post my opinion on b/c it had turned so sour that I was sure someone would flame me no matter what I said. I have also seen what goes on during the pre-order phase of Cathe's productions and it makes me angry every single time I would read someone's post bashing SNM for the way they do business. I am not saying you do not have a right to your opinion but come on! There is no need to be as nasty as I have seen some people get and if you just can NOT figure out how to express yourself in a kind manner then perhaps you should consider privately emailing your thoughts to SNM instead.

Anyway, I am glad that they will be keeping a closer eye on things around here. Maybe, as Janie mentioned, it will encourage some lurkers to come out of hiding. :)


Thank you Cathe, Chris and SNM for all you do! I, for one, have never had issue with anything and will happily continue to do business with you!

Took the words off my page!
We are in Cathe's house and we follow Cathe's rules. This is a wonderful place to hang out and share knowledge and positive energy, but SNM is a business and there's no reason they should have to take people crapping all over their products on their own websites. Would you go to someone's house and start trashing the furniture and telling them their baby's ugly? Constructive criticism is welcome when framed the right way, but even more welcome is discreet feedback from long-time customers.

I don't see this as going to Cathe's house, I see it as a place of business that I have been a customer at for over ten years. As you said, "SNM is a business" and I wasn't "crapping all over their products."

I'll use this as an analogy of what happened. I buy clothes at a specialty boutique for many years. I buy the newest fashions every season they come out. One particular season, customers are told that the clothes are made from a very special fabric and take a lot of time, effort and money to make because the fabric is so special. I buy the clothes and think they look nice and wear well, but they are itchy. Every time I wear the clothes, I am amused that the company made such a big deal about the fabric when it makes me itchy but I don't say anything about it and continue buying from the store.

A year later, I am at the store and hear other customers commenting on the fabric from that clothing line and saying that they don't like it either and preferred earlier fabrics. The manager comes over and says again that the fabric is made from the highest quality fabric and goes on to say how special it is. I reply by saying that I like the clothes but the fabric still makes me itchy no matter how special it is and then go on to say how I really loved other clothes that they had made in the past. The manager replies that no one else in the industry spends so much money on their fabric and I tell him that I buy clothes from other stores and their fabric doesn't make me itchy.

At this point, the manager tells me that I'm spreading hurt and negativity and I will be banned from the store if I continue my behavior.

This is ridiculous. Erica, if you are so hurt, just stop coming here and don't buy Cathe's products! It is a simple fix to your problem. I am an expert in child behavior and this is just attention getting at the adult level. Just stop! What good are you doing for yourself or anyone else? Post something that people can benefit from. I don't usually respond to stuff like this, but it is bothering me because I look forward to checking the forums in the morning and this is just so negative.
Forum Rules

I don't see this as going to Cathe's house, I see it as a place of business that I have been a customer at for over ten years. As you said, "SNM is a business" and I wasn't "crapping all over their products."

I'll use this as an analogy of what happened. I buy clothes at a specialty boutique for many years. I buy the newest fashions every season they come out. One particular season, customers are told that the clothes are made from a very special fabric and take a lot of time, effort and money to make because the fabric is so special. I buy the clothes and think they look nice and wear well, but they are itchy. Every time I wear the clothes, I am amused that the company made such a big deal about the fabric when it makes me itchy but I don't say anything about it and continue buying from the store.

A year later, I am at the store and hear other customers commenting on the fabric from that clothing line and saying that they don't like it either and preferred earlier fabrics. The manager comes over and says again that the fabric is made from the highest quality fabric and goes on to say how special it is. I reply by saying that I like the clothes but the fabric still makes me itchy no matter how special it is and then go on to say how I really loved other clothes that they had made in the past. The manager replies that no one else in the industry spends so much money on their fabric and I tell him that I buy clothes from other stores and their fabric doesn't make me itchy.

At this point, the manager tells me that I'm spreading hurt and negativity and I will be banned from the store if I continue my behavior.


Just because this is a place of business it does not mean that you have the right to say and do anything you wish on this site or any other privately owned business website. Since this is our web site everyone has to follow our rules and our guidelines or they will not be allowed to participate. Freedom of speech gives you the right to protest and state a negative opinion about the United States government, not say and do whatever you like on our web site.

In your example of the specialty boutique, almost any store manager would ask you to leave their store if it was discovered you were trying to persuade their customers not to buy their products – as well they should. Just because you feel that their clothes are “itchy” does not mean they’re or that their clothes will feel itchy to everyone. What you simply should have done is returned the clothes to the store for a refund and privately expressed your disappointment and concerns to the store manager. If they continued to use the same fabric you should have simply shopped elsewhere. If you wished to express your concerns about the “itchy” fabric to others then you should have done so on your own Blog or a consumer website, but not to customers in their store – that is just not appropriate IMO.

You say you’ve been a customer for ten years, but your posts are nearly always very negative about Cathe, her workouts and our company – so why continue to buy our products?

Just as you should have found another specialty boutique to buy your clothes in the above example, you should also find another instructor whose style and personality you enjoy. To continue to purchase a product from an instructor that your posts indicate you seem to strongly dislike, makes no sense. We’re very proud of our DVDs, but we realize they’re not for everyone and opinions about style, music, intensity, and clothes will vary. Expressing constructive criticism is always okay, but trying to persuade customers not to buy our products on our site or trying to embarrass and cause harm will no longer be allowed.
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In your example of the specialty boutique, almost any store manager would ask you to leave their store if it was discovered you were trying to persuade their customers not to buy their products – as well they should. Just because you feel that their clothes are “itchy” does not mean they’re or that their clothes will feel itchy to everyone. What you simply should have done is returned the clothes to the store for a refund and privately expressed your disappointment and concerns to the store manager. If they continued to use the same fabric you should have simply shopped elsewhere. If you wished to express your concerns about the “itchy” fabric to others then you should have done so on your own Blog or a consumer website, but not to customers in their store – that is just not appropriate IMO.

You say you’ve been a customer for ten years, but your posts are nearly always very negative about Cathe, her workouts and our company – so why continue to buy our products?

Just as you should have found another specialty boutique to buy your clothes in the above example, you should also find another instructor whose style and personality you enjoy. To continue to purchase a product from an instructor that your posts indicate you seem to strongly dislike, makes no sense. We’re very proud of our DVDs, but we realize they’re not for everyone and opinions about style, music, intensity, clothes will vary. Expressing constructive criticism is always okay, but trying to persuade costumers not to buy our products on our site or trying to embarrass and cause harm will no longer be allowed.

I was not trying to persuade others not to buy Cathe's products. I said I didn't like the music in STS Strength, but I did like the workouts themselves.

I was participating in a thread where other people stated that they didn't like the music and I was agreeing with their opinions about the music. I didn't start the thread.

In this case, I couldn't return my STS strength DVDs because I don't believe you would have accepted returns because customers didn't like the music. But, I wouldn't have wanted to return them anyway because I did like the workouts as I said earlier.

I did enjoy Cathe's workouts for a long time up until 4 Day Split. I didn't like that series (but I don't think I ever posted anything about that - not sure). I did like STS strength and didn't like STS cardio at all. My big problem with SNM has been their business practices and the way they treat their customers.

I'd write more but I just realized that SNM has deleted two posts by another member who wrote VERY TACTFULLY that she was leaving the forums because of what has happened here. I'm not going to waste my time writing anymore. SNM is going to keep twisting the facts around and deleting posts that disagree with them.


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