My neighbor is making me fat!

I recently moved into a nice new place, a duplex. The man underneath me isn't so understanding about regular noise. I've spoken with him about my workouts and he seems indifferent, and I haven't done cardio when he's home. I haven't done cardio in months because I know he'll be a @ss and complain to my land lady. Does anyone know any rights tenant have regarding this issue? I have every DVD made by cathe, and I just don't feel like myself without her... should I fight with this guy? We're on good terms now, I just don't want to start a bad relation with a neighbor... oh, and when I step... it's pretty noisy... I could move into my kitchen on tile... it would be a pain though


I would ask your landlady what your rights are. Perhaps she may be able to appreciate your problem and work out certain times that are acceptable for you to work out.


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Hi Amy -

Talk to your landlady as Donna suggested. She may tell the guy to live with it since it's not like you're having wild parties or anything. Besides, you're paying rent like he is and you have every right to excercise. Don't stop excercising!!!

Kali :)
The more I think about it...............

You should talk with your landlady just to c.y.a. (cover your @ss), but the noise you'd make exercising couldn't be anymore than the noise having a child or two in the house would make.
I could certainly understand having certain times of the day be inconvenient, like 4:30 or 5am if you're jumping directly over his head, but there is a certain amount of noise that has to be expected when you're living in a duplex/apartment situation! So you should be entitled to work out during day hours, at least up til 10pm I'd think.


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
You poor thing:( I think you should talk to both your Landlady and your neighbor. If you are on good terms maybe you should just explain the situation. Tell him you really like to workout but don't want to bother him. Maybe you could ask him what times bother him most??? I always believe in open communication. Maybe explaining your love for exercise to him will help him understand and be a bit more patient. I mean seriously, it can't be like pounding hammers into the floor. Hopefully he can give you a break!!!!!!!! :)

Good luck!


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