My 39 week ultrasound...


We went for an ultrasound to check on size. U/S tech guesstimated a 10 pound baby. My first DD was estimated to be about 10pounds, 5 ounces but only was 9 pounds, so I know the ultrasounds can be about a pound off. My ob appt was this morning. I am at 2-3 cm and slightly effaced. She thinks I'll probably start labor before Saturday. I will walk, have sex, do acupuncture, plant daffodil bulbs (squatting), and walk more to get something going. I think I may be having weak contractions already.

Since my first baby was a c/s, and second was a VBAC, I scheduled a c/s for saturday. If I go into labor before then, I will proceed VBAC.

Someone here was asking about gender being wrong on ultrasounds- we were told at 20 weeks that this was a girl, and now are told this is a boy.

I'm nervous about proceeding with a VBAC if this baby is above 9 pounds. I know some of you have had bigger babies. ANy comments you have would be appreciated.

My second was a VBAC, 8 pounds, 14 ounces. It wasn't easy, but wasn't complicated either.

DD 10-31, #3
Oh boy can they be wrong...the nite I went into labor my ds was estimated at 7lbs. and was 9lbs. I must say though that maintaining my workouts through out my pregnancy hepled when it came to pushing. My ds was out in about 45 minutes and he is my 1st. I thought the pushing would be more difficult but once i got the idea on how to push he was out quickly. I was 5cm dilated for 2 weeks and was having record sex with my husband, the funny thing is the night my water broke I was lying in bed reading a book. i guess you never know. I wish you a speedy labor and recovery and please keep us posted
Kristan -

Wow! Are you still having contractions? I don't have any VBAC advice to offer, unfortunately...just wanted to offer some support and a hug. I know the u/s can be off on the weight estimates, so I understand your concern about the c/s vs. VBAC decision...that's such a tough call. What does your doctor think? (Sometimes they have good 'hands' as far as detecting size...) Have you had any other u/s since 20 weeks and have your measurements indicated that 10+ lbs is a realistic estimate for the baby?

Post (if you can!) if there are any updates - I was kind of watching for any news since you're so close.

Lastly - about the gender - another 'wow'! It's just funny we were just discussing that issue! Do you have names picked out, either way?

Hang in there - I'll be sending hopes and prayers for a smooth delivery with as little anxiety as possible...

Kristan--you are sooo close--I had a 10lb 7 oz baby, delivering him with no problems, but it was not VBAC as I have never had a c section (at least not yet), so I can't really speak to that. I'd just go on the advice of your ob.

Are you in shock at all about the change of gender? I mean have you been all psyched for a girl and now have to get ready for a boy? I have no real preference, but we found out it was a girl at 20 weeks and I would be fine with a boy, but my 9yo daughter has been praying for a little sister for some time. She would be bummed for a day or so.

Anyway, keep us posted.

TEN pounds? Wow. I hope he's smaller, for you sake. Wow again for sex of baby. I would be so shocked!! Of course, we haven't found out so we won't be shocked either way.
Keep us posted!!

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Kriste, 10 pounds, oh my! I am suprised they saw gender on the ultrasound when I had an ultrasound at about 32 weeks they told me you couldn't see gender since the baby was so sqooshed.
Good luck with the delivery!

Just curious, are you flustered at all by being told the sex of your baby is not what you were originally told?
No, not really flustered about the gender. All my equipment/nursery is gender neutral. However, all my clothes are pink since I have 2 older DD. Admittedly, I was a excited about 3 girls. I don't know which u/s was correct-- one will clearly be wrong. Really just hoping for good health for me and baby.

i am totally crabby today, don't want to eat, and still crampy. I may ask to be induced on Friday in lieu of the c/section. This really made my morning: I stepped in dog poopa few days ago, left my icky shoes on the vestibule (like a porch), and someone took them! Gross. We live in the city, and there's a bus stop near us. Probably just some punk kids. I will be going out there after school and questioning them. Watch out! Cranky pregnant lawyer lady.

Just frustrated I make these large kids who won't come out. I am not a large person (ok- i really want to be 10 pounds below my pre-preg weight) but my husband is 6'5", and i have a large framed family as well.

Gotto go plant those bulbs.

what did you do as far as maintaining your workouts? what did it consist of? i am just 5 wks and wondering how i will adapt my exercise as i go along. thanks for any help.
Go get'm Kristan! (those bus stop punks)}(

I am not really a large person either, when I am at my normal weight--5'4, 132 lbs, so I'm not sure why I crank out large babies either. My mother was even smaller (height wise anyway--5'2) and my brother and I were both over 9 lbs.

Oh I hate those last few days before delivery--I always think I am just going to lose it.

take care

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