multitasking exercise throughout the day


do you do exercises during other activities?
ex: washing dishes- calf raises or leg lifts.
when i remember, i try to sneak it in, reinforce the burn from last w/o or some days too busy to w/o.
so i'll post what i can think of, then everyone can post what works for u. i'm sure there's tons i haven't thought of.
brushing teeth- squats
walking lunges down hallway or high knees
can't remember anymore right now.
I like to stretch and/or work on balance during or between activities. I have little contests to see how long I can stand on one leg while doing extensions or figure eights with the other leg, and I do lots and lots of stretches all day long.
Miss Lee you might like the one I do. Instead of figure eights, you print the alphabet with your foot while standing on one leg.

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