Motivationally challenged


I've been working out with Cathe for the past 8 years and up until the past year or so I was good at keeping up with my workouts. In fact, working out was something I used to look forward to. However, last summer I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I found myself struggling with feelings of exhaustion and depression (not to mention the 20 pound weight gain). I think I've finally found the right medication level, but my motivation to workout just hasn't returned. In fact, lately, I've found myself opting out of my workouts more often than not. It's so disappointing to struggle through workouts I used to find fun and doable and I also find the new HiiT and metabolic workouts dreadfully hard. I want to like them, but I don't.

Of course, the more I avoid working out the harder it gets. So I've tried to go back to my old favorite step routines and to add in some DVDs from other trainers to mix things up a bit - anything to get myself moving again. I know that I have to push through this tough spot to get back on course.

Any advice or suggestions from those who have had similar struggles? What helped you get back on track?
If you not been working out for awhile and have weigh gain then IMO cathe workouts would be exhausting and not fun. I would start out with just walking each day with a great playlist or biking. I know when I get off my advance workouts even for a few weeks. I take a week of intermediate stuff to get back up to speed for a hiit workout. I've in the past do to injury had to take off from cathe for several months. I was only able to spin/walk and do yoga. I missed my high octane kick ass cathe but my body just was not ready for the speed, endurance and advance level of workout. When I started back it wasn't with cathe cardio cause I just was not up to her level after being off for several months. I find spin bike the perfect thing for me to get back in the groove.

I think if you give yourself permission to be a "beginner" again and find something that is fun not exhausting. Then as your body starts getting energy from a workout they become more doable then work yourself back up to Cathe stuff

If you do a workout and feel exhausted after the workout then it was to hard for your body. You should feel energized after a workout which is why beginners are usually started off with something like 20 min workout then move up to hour of endurance then after 6 months introduce hiit workouts if the person has a baseline healthy body. I think with thyroid issues your hormones are just against you and you need to find a workout that makes you feel good. I've heard from others that once they have thyroid issues or menopause they have better result with lower intensity stuff and then with some its the opposite.

Keep working at it to find what your body needs.

Sorry you are feeling frustrated, but I say good for you for trying to get back at it. You've been hit with a tough health challenge, so I would encourage you to be kind to yourself and not to expect to much from yourself at the beginning.

It's so disappointing to struggle through workouts I used to find fun and doable and I also find the new HiiT and metabolic workouts dreadfully hard. I want to like them, but I don't.

Cafelattee has already given great advice. When I've come back from setbacks (both expected and unexpected), I just focus on doing my best and finding the FUN factor in working out again. You don't like HiiT or metabolic workouts? That's OK! Just do something else that appeals more to you. Maybe one day you'll want to give those workouts a try, and they'll be there waiting for you if/when you want them.

Something that helps me with the FUN factor is simply doing whatever I feel like each day--a fly by the seat of my pants rotation, if you will! ;) I The only "rule" is that I try to alternate between weights and cardio so that I'm getting a balanced workout. For example, maybe a total body weight workout on Monday, a cardio on Tuesday, yoga on Wednesday, rest on Thursday, cardio on Friday, total body on Saturday, rest on Sunday. That's just a random example to give you the idea of what I mean by trying to aim for balance.

A few other thoughts: take rest days or stretching days as needed, and make premixes your best friend (especially the shorter versions as you get back in the workout groove). Maybe invest in some new DVDs that seem appealing or Cathe Live or some of the other streaming services that have been mentioned here on the forums, if finances allow.

Those are suggestions from my experience, take them or leave them. I wish you continued improvements in your health!!! Best wishes to you on your journey!!!


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