Moms that Rock! March 7-14

Wow Christine! He is a chunk!

I just printed off Jen's brown rice & black bean casserole recipe as well as Christine's White Bean & Turkey Chili yum! They both look tasty! Thanks for sharing!

I've been eating a ton of beans since the girls have been born. Anyone else get super gassy? I think I work my butt muscles alot at work trying to hold all that gas in!
Sorry I was off on some adventures with my BFF co coworker! I swear they should not let us out of the building some days!

I was planning on using ground turkey with it so I think it would work.
afteroon ladies
Legs done..K watched the last few minutes. I never wash my boobies if K needs to nurse after I workout before I shower..never really thought about it lol...doesnt seem to bother I gross or what!
Jen-thx..I might take you up on it. I think after meso 1 I will give C a try! ...I am loving meso 1 though. Do you know if the other sts's are the same format? I am not looking forward to solids..nursing is so darn easy and cheap! I plan on starting cereal after her 6 month check up..then start making some babyfood to freeze and have ready. I rushed it with Haley and she wasnt really ready...the day she turned 4 months I started it lol.
Waves to everyone. I smell of puke so I better go change before dh gets home!
Workout is done. Whew, somedays or more challenging than others. DH has been home all day...but we had carpenter here (had to make an access panel downstairs so electrician can fix hot tub)....I had to wait until he left to exercise...then with the girls growing spurt (feeding hourly)...I had to cut my workout short.

So...... long story short I did an hour of Kickbox Extreme with new 2lb handweights. It was definitely harder & I hope my arms feel sore tomorrow. I'm suprised my abs aren't sore from Charlean's I got Abs workout. I want sore abs!!! I hope to do some abs & Jillian's strength work later tonight.

Jen, I never answered I like Jillian? I did step 2 of 30 day shred & it was too easy. I'll try step (stage) 3 next time. I don't mind her. She's not polite, she's to the point. I do like her Biggest Winner workouts so far. It's a 2 disc DVD works muscles in front of body, the other DVD works muscles in back of body.

I joined Runners World forum. There is sooooooo much information over there. I'm so green. I'm excited about this new 'hobby' I have. I can't wait to run my first marathon someday!!!
Susan- I think Meso 2 and 3 actually breaks the workouts into bodyparts instead of the supersets like Meso 1. I read it in another post on here. There is an Insanity/Meso 3 rotation that I want to try that someone posted on here and you are supposed to lose some major inches!!!

Melanie- That's great that you found a place where you can get more information about running! Now you can share with us! I previewed 30 day shred and it looked too easy. I figured I could just try step 3. If you do it soon let me know what you think. I saw the frontside/backside workout for $5 at Ross. You said you like those and they are challenging??? I might go back and get them

Meso 1 Disc 3 Legs is done! I wasn't sure if I liked it much at first but I feel a little soreness setting in already. It was interesting to say the least. I agree with Susan, I'm not sure about the paper plates. I did do the bonus leg conditioning at the end and liked that.
Jen, I didn't say they were challenging....I just didn't mind them. I'm not a strength junkie.....and I don't like Cathe's weight work... AT ALL. She's more cardio-strength. Fast moving....I like that. :)

Sorry....I guess I"m not good at video reviews, ...better keep my day job! lol
Okay, got in about 9 miles and then a walk and muscle endurance! The kids must be getting sick becuase they slept like champs!
So, 30 Day Shred. I just do not like Jimmian. She seems to use a lot of knee danger moves and I have also hurt my shoulders as well. I like reminders on form while I do a move... And she is kind of a man.
I want to do insanity/ STS 3 rotation. Wow, makes me drool thinking of it. I know Insanity is repetiitve but it is awesome. I am losing major inches and my stamina has gone through the roof! and I am obsesses with lifting heavy weight now. I love it. And my muscles are popping so much faster!
Hubby had a major delay on teh flight. Boo. So I might wear ugly underpants tonight after all!
I attached the light/ music portion of the Baby Einstein mat to the carseat handle and John was mellow the whole run! I am a genius! IT was nice to not hear screaming!
Jimmy lied to me two times today. bummer about him getting older. I ahd to be really stern. But we are okay now. We are having green eggs and ham for dinner and we had pizza for breakfast. IT is fun! And wine.
I am plannign a run and Insanity Plyo circuit tomorrow. DOMS here I come!
Melanie- I love runners world. I have gotten great eating tips on there... I have run the Boston marathon, if you want tips! I want to run SF in a few months. We are runnign the half as a team for hemophilia, Speeders for Bleeders. But I want to do the whole!
melanie-I chuckle a your hour workout as 'being cut short!'

christine-what an awesome day of workouts! You all motivate me to push a bit harder...even though it might not show with what I do. Ugly underpants tonight? I'm surprised you were planning underpants at all for DH's return! ;)

hello to Susan and Priscilla! Oh, Priscilla-does your F11 track distance? I'm looking for a monitor that tracks calorie burn and distance/time.

I 'm excited about my new purchase to enjoy when I return to work--I bought an aeropress. It's for making coffee and espresso and is portable. I fell into a daily Caribou run into the mall at work, and I really need to curtail it! I hope I like the got fabulous reviews. I'll have to find another reason to go into the mall...I enjoy those quick walks to get the blood moving.

we got a few more pics back of the Y shoot, and I just love them. My belly looks huge though! It's weird how I never felt that big, but when I looked at the pics, it was 'whoa'!
Lisa- I love my garmin. It tracks heart rate distance calories. Awesome. If you use a treadmill you need the footpod.
Lisa, here is the link to the website where I bought my polar f11. It does not track distance but they do have the Polar RS series that track speed, distance and pace. They have different models but like Christine said you need a foot pod.

Good night everyone

Off to check if I find that Insanity/Meso 3 rotation. Now I do need Insanity LOL!
Okay fitness fanatics....ya'll gotta give me a couple weeks before we start "Operation Insanity"!!!!

2nd workout complete. Jillians back side. You know, I really like it b/c it incorporates cardio insto strength work & it's only 30 minutes. I was planning on doing some abs....but she includes core I was content with that (and I heard baby crying).

Today was rough at the homefront. We felt like we had 12 kids!!! Whiney, Needy, Crying kiddos. Maddie is still awake, but with some rocking & snuggling I think she'll go to sleep soon.

Our bean & sweet pototo soup was just okay. We won't make that again. I look forward to trying some to recepies this coming week....but I start 3 days/ we'll see!

Susan! I forgot to make your protein pancakes. We'll make Sunday AM. How many does that make?...just so i know I have enough for everyone.

Ta Ta for now. Chat with ya'll on Sunday. :)
Christine-do you have the 305? That one got excellent reviews, but it looks a bit bulky??

Melanie-the bean thing--I've been the same way since eating more fruits and veggies. It's not fair that eating healthy has to make us big gas bombs! As for nursing, it's going ok. She generally has to take around 10oz of formula in a day, so I'd say she's only getting about 1/2 her food from me. I'll be pumping when I return to work, but it will only be to keep my supply up for the times I'm with her. I doubt I will be able to pump enough for food. When I did it with caden, I'd get only an ounce or two--and that was using a hospital grade pump. I'm taking fenugreek, and that is helping a bit.

Reese just woke from sleeping 6hrs! I hope she goes down easily after I nurse her and gets a few more hours of sleep.
Lisa, I have garmin 305 & I love it! Have you tried Reglan? Women get great results (up to doubling) increasing their milk production....just curious.

I'm off to work! Be good ladies, I'll miss you!
Have a good day Melanie! When I make the pancakes I make a triple batch...and use a 1/2 cup measure when cooking makes 12.
Dh made it home safely..I hate when he travels. Of course he was all lovey forward to in bed ..things get going..then......K wakes up AND Haley wakes up. H ended up in bed with dh after an hour of whining that she couldnt sleep alone (she always does this after sleeping with me a few nights) and I ended up holding k all. night. long. Maybe K is having a growth spurt..she nursed hourly and wouldnt let me put her down...finally at 5 I put her down and got up. Im all cramped up from the position I was in all night..a good workout will hlep that.
Christine-did hubby make it home? hope your night was better than mine! You and Mel are beyond great for OC..thanks sooo much!!!
Ok..going to drink coffee with dh
Melanie-I haven't tried Reglan. My LC didn't mention it as an option. odd.
Susan-aw..sorry your night turned out like that! :( Hope you can make up for it today!

Reese had a fantastic night! 9-3:30, 4-?. It's 6:30 now. Everytime I type that she is still sleeping, she wakes up, so I'm sure she'll be up shortly. I could only get her to nurse one side last night, so I haven't done the right side in 10hrs!! Not good for my supply! I'd pump, but it's tucked away somewhere in her room, and I really don't want to disturb her.

Have a great Saturday. Not sure what we have planned here...nothing too exciting I'm sure! :)
Lisa-yayyyy Reese!!!
Not sure what we are doing here either. going to be cold (40s)..but warming up to spring temps this coming week.
LisA- yes I have the 305. I am actuAlly on my second one. Yes, it is bulky for sure but a much better product than the 405. The 405 breaks when wet, and that includes sweat. If you only run indoors stick with polar but garmin is the item foroutxoors. You can upload the data to your computer and keep Track of everything. Also, it has a gps which has come in super handy when I get lost! As well , you can view your route in google earth. Dorky but fun!
Susan- not a good night for you and dh! That happens here too. I let Jimmy sleep with me when dh is gone too! K must be going through a growth spurt. Boo!
Well this was the second night that J was up in the middle of the night to eat so he must be having a growth spurt also. My trick of rocking him back to sleep did not work so I fed him and he zonked right back out. We are headed to JCPenney's to look at new rugs and I am going to this used fitness warehous to look for 15, 20 and maybe 25lb dumbbells.

Lisa- Yay for Reese and her sleep! Sounds like she might be creating her own schedule!

Melanie- Have a good day at work! We will miss you!

Susan- Sorry about missin out on the lovin. I'm sure we will find out about that soon enough when J gets older.

Hey Christine! What workout is on tap today? I hear ya on the lifting heavy lately. I think I have just found more success with weights lately than I have cardio. I am usually a string bean and weights give me curves. My shoulders have been getting pretty cut lately and that really encourages me. And the inside of my thigh muscle has a nice line now. :D

Priscila- I found the Insanity/Meso 3 rotation under the DVD rotations. JanieJoey created it and then modified it. It looks great! But HARD!

Cardio is up for today but not sure what I will do yet. Possibly just go for a run with Coach Sean. DH has a security detail this afternoon for a few hours so I will try to w/o then when J is snoozin. Have a great day! I'll try to check back later!
Susan- I have to laugh because I am typing on a bed with four bodies in it! John was like k last week. I called his eating every hour "wine tasting". Now he is sleeping like a champ. He slept from 9 till 5:30 and the. Ate and he is snoozing next to me still.
Dh got home around 10 pm, we were all asleep. I hate that I fell asleep! Jimmy was over tired and had a tummy ache so I was snuggling him in bed and fell asleep in his room. I woke up around midnight and snuggled dh. Hope we can get the kids asleep at the same rime today so we can get some action!
I think I hurtmy back lifting. Bah. Motrin here I come.

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