Moms that Rock! March 7-14

Jen- I agree that I am into lifting heavy and loving the results. Even my mil commented on my triceps! And dh was snuggling me last night and loved how my legs feel! Today we will do an 8 mile family run then I will do insanity and insanity cardio abs. I am making sesame brocolli ans steak pasta.
Lisa- great to hear about the sleep. If you want my timed heart rate monitor you can have it. It does not count calories so I do not like it. Brand new it was a gift! The aeropress sounds cool. I am a caffeine junkie lately. There is a starbucks a half mile from our house so we walk there all the time.
Melanie-- we will miss you today!!!!!
run, insanity, cardio abs... all done! we are going to take a bike ride and go to the taco place. then maybe some lovin at nap time! i am so glad dh is home!
Christine- I wish I had your energy today! I feel so blah! I don't know why.... I thought a run would make me feel better but I can't even muster up the energy for that.

Headed to dinner tonight but don't know where yet.
Hi Ladies!
Christine=dont ya just love nap time! I am tired from your workout!
Jen-I was blah this morning big time. We got out and did some shopping and I feel a bit better...hope you do!
I was TURBO blah two days ago. You need sleep! I am just in a great mood, it is nice to have DH home. The kids are behaving, and I slept last night, which was the first time in over a week. And.... I do have naptime to look forward to in 30 minutes, not that I am counting or anything. Ahhh the days when nookie was not scheduled in!
Hope you are all feeling better! Also, we got a new keyboard, so maybe it will help with my super sloppy typing.
I feel a little better....I scrubbed the bathrooms and mopped the floors. :p That was a workout, kinda.

Christine- Hope you got naptime. ;)

Hi Susan!
melanie-hope you had a good day at work!
christine-did your kids cooperate with a nice, long nap so you could finally welcome DH home? You mentioned having a 'timed heart rate monitor'. did you mean timex or iis it a certain type of minitor?
Jen-I'm so blah today, too! your day was far more active than mine. I did NOTHING!

Ug..I woke up feeling so blah and in a funk, despite the kids' great sleep last night. I was down a pound yesterday but it showed back up this morning. My stomach is also bigger than it has been in a month. Most people would use that chubby feeling to get in a good workout. Me? I got in to a good rut and eat the wrong food! I'm ready for tomorrow because I need a new day! I'm the type that feels better when I 'confess' my terrible eating days, so for your reading pleasure....

B-oatmeal w cottage cheese, orange, 1/2 c rice krispies, coffee w milk
S-air popped popcorn, cheese
L-chicken and pineapple pizza, carrots
S-WAY too much homemade snack mix (I mix natural PB w almonds, walnuts, oats, flaxseed, and honey. Fairly healthy but very high calorie)
S2-peanuts, choc chex mix
D-cabbage soup

After all that crappy eating, my stomach is in no mood for a workout. I'm not evn touching the scale tomorrow
Lisa- Yes I meant Timex.... I was typing on my ipod and i have big fingers I think! You can have it, I just do not like one without my calorie count. Any chance you might be getting your period? I had pounds come adn go mysteriously and then WHAM! There was auntie flow! I hope that you feel great tomorow!
Jen- Yes, had a nice "nap", even though neither kid slept! I gave Jimmy my ipod and loaded it with Handy Manny shows and told him to stay in his room till we got him. JOhn hung out on his play mat! Gotta do what you gotta do! Grrr, there is the dryer alarm. I am doing all of DH works shirts. Since I do not iron, gotta run!
Hi ladies
Lisa-I need to confess too..I have eaten badly today!I mean BAD! Heres to a new day tomorow!! We'll cheer each other on! I just put K down..hoping for a better night like yours last night!
Christine-we had to tell H we were taking a quick "nap" today lol. She was watching a movie so it worked out good.
Jen-glad you feel always makes me feel better for some reason.
Melanie-how was your day???
Hi Pricilla!

Made homeade pizza for dinner with turkey pep/pinapple/jalepenos...that is after a day of j-u-n-k! When will I learn!
Oh a good note-dh commented on my arms being "bigger and cut" I am loving sts!
ok gotta get H to bed...Im soooo tired want to go to bed..and sleep! we'll see if that happens.
Confession: Hardees on the way home....long day.....12 hours work day + 3 hour drive + 90 minutes at grocery store = one tired moma

New day tomorrow! ....and a NINE mile run on tap for tomorrow. YIKES!!!
Melanie- you will rock the run. My advice is take a stool softener tonight and wake up and have coffee. Eat some complex carbs and a little protein. Poop! Run your bootie off. I know my mix is cheesybut the beats get you rolling in a rhythym . Missed you today. Arbys is actually a great choice when it comes to fast food. I read it in the eat this not that book.

Susan- so glad to have a libido! Tmi alert.... We even got to take a shower together which we have not done in years! Va va boom!

Lisa and Susan- your bad days are much better than my worst days! I had beer at lunch and my hubby pointed out I ate all the chips. They were damn good .

Jen- I am lame. I wear my heart rate monitor when I clean. Burns lots of calories!

Tomorrow Jimmy turns four. Bad eats here I come! And nookie. Wooohhoooo!
Melanie-Hardees brings back such memories for me! I rarely see them around anymore, but my mom and I went there when I was little whenever we would go shopping. Hot ham and cheese, milk, and one of those yummy big cookies!

Christine-glad you and DH got to snuggle and stuff :). I'll let you know about the HRM. It may be a way to see if I like to use one before I take the plunge and spend a lot of $$ on one. I'm nearly the only one bringing in $$ in our house, so I have to watch it a bit.

Hope you all had a much better night than we did here. Reese fell asleep late, was up a couple times through the night, and Caden was up at 5:30. Reese has another cold, so I'm sure that was why she was having such a tough time. I can't help but wonder about her immune system, since she's had 2 colds in her short 5 week life, even though she is breastfed 50-75% of her food.

I HAVE to clean up my eating today. I am super achy and swollen today, likely from all the carbs from yesterday and too much salt from the past several days. I'm doing a full one hour workout, despite how cranky the kids might be this morning, as DH is going to a friend's house to watch basketball this afternoon.

have a good Sunday...time for my coffee!

ETA: Ok, I shouldn't be annoyed by Caden sleeping longer, but just as I was going to get him out of his crib, he went back to sleep! I guess I should have stayed in bed a little longer..I can never go back to sleep once I'm up at this time of the day.
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Okay, guess I am retarded today. You wrote Hardees not Arbys. I am officially not paying attention! Get on the ball!
Lisa - Have grapefruit juice (not the sweetened kind) it helps you de-bloat. I always use it when I have had alcohol or too much sodium. Hope that you have a better day today!
Great sleepers here last night, probably because neither kid napped yesterday. Just when I think I have john all figured out and on a schedule he has a no nap day. Everyone slept till 7! That would be 8 if the darn clocks did not change!
Jimmy's birthday today, so not sure how I will get exercise in. I am hoping he is interested in our daily run.... Maybe I can bribe DH with some "alone" time so I can run...


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