Miss Lee


Did I just see a reference to you running? If I understood correctly, then I must say that I am quite impressed!!!! Are you having a secret love affair with cardio?
Did I just see a reference to you running? If I understood correctly, then I must say that I am quite impressed!!!! Are you having a secret love affair with cardio?
Bwahahahahahaaaaaa!!! Yeah, although the possibility exists that I'm not really Miss Lee, but an alien being from another planet, and the real Miss Lee is somewhere sitting on her arse eating cookies -- LOL!!!

I've always done my cardio on the elliptical with Cardio Coach, and then one day I just decided that I needed a change so I took it outside. I was using Volume 1 or 2 and during the 3rd challenge I just started running, just like that! And then I had the most incredible endorphasm :eek:. I had no idea it could be like that! So now I'm training for a 5K. Weird, ain't it!? :p :D

P.S. Thanks for the shout out!! It's really great to hear from you!!! :D
Endorphasm!! Heehee. I've always wondered what that feeling is called......

Really??!!? Where can I get one of those endorphasms? :confused: I haven't come anywhere close to one of those yet! I'm still struggling to just breathe! :(

Sign me up! At least it gives me one more reason to keep going! Something to look forward to! ;)

Really??!!? Where can I get one of those endorphasms? :confused: I haven't come anywhere close to one of those yet! I'm still struggling to just breathe! :(

Sign me up! At least it gives me one more reason to keep going! Something to look forward to! ;)

Tricia, I have not had an "endorphasm" during the C25K training runs at all! I've only experienced that with the Cardio Coach workouts ;). I know of people who use CC to train for running, but his interval structure isn't set up like the C25K program. I still think you could use it for training, though. I intend to, that's for sure! I think it's good to mix it up a little bit.
Really??!!? Where can I get one of those endorphasms? :confused: I haven't come anywhere close to one of those yet! I'm still struggling to just breathe! :(

Sign me up! At least it gives me one more reason to keep going! Something to look forward to! ;)


Hi Tricia,

I'm currently working my way back into running after having been away for almost two years dealing with plantar's fasciitis and a nasty HMO (just have to add real quick that it was my little whirl with that healthcare plan that causes me to quake in my boots when I think about the *government* taking it over.)

Anyway, I too started back into it using the couch to 5K plan. I did that on the treadmill. Once that was done I took it outside and my focus has been to build mileage while keeping my HR below a certain point, following a plan in the book Heart Rate Training for the Compleat Idiot and getting advice from a friend (Sarah/Imafitnessfreak, who use to post here). Keeping my HR at the level prescribed was difficult at first because at times I was either shuffling or walking and I wanted to RUN! But I stayed with it and it's paid off.
I love this HR training. My body never feels like it's been beaten up and I'm always ready and chomping at the bit for the next run.

My longest run is now up to 10 miles and I'm fantasizing about another marathon.
Hi Tricia,

I'm currently working my way back into running after having been away for almost two years dealing with plantar's fasciitis and a nasty HMO (just have to add real quick that it was my little whirl with that healthcare plan that causes me to quake in my boots when I think about the *government* taking it over.)

Anyway, I too started back into it using the couch to 5K plan. I did that on the treadmill. Once that was done I took it outside and my focus has been to build mileage while keeping my HR below a certain point, following a plan in the book Heart Rate Training for the Compleat Idiot and getting advice from a friend (Sarah/Imafitnessfreak, who use to post here). Keeping my HR at the level prescribed was difficult at first because at times I was either shuffling or walking and I wanted to RUN! But I stayed with it and it's paid off.
I love this HR training. My body never feels like it's been beaten up and I'm always ready and chomping at the bit for the next run.

My longest run is now up to 10 miles and I'm fantasizing about another marathon.
Hey, thanks for posting this! I really don't know ANYTHING about running so I'm always happy to get tips from those of you who have gone before me.

I understand your fear of government run health care. YIKES!!! I'm so sorry about the problems you had with your HMO, but so happy that you're back in fighting form!! I might have to PM you if I have questions. ;)
Hey, thanks for posting this! I really don't know ANYTHING about running so I'm always happy to get tips from those of you who have gone before me.

I understand your fear of government run health care. YIKES!!! I'm so sorry about the problems you had with your HMO, but so happy that you're back in fighting form!! I might have to PM you if I have questions. ;)

Well, I can certainly tell you what NOT to do!! Like when you are in your late 40's, don't run a marathon where you left everything you had on the course and then run another marathon 2 months later, and then get depressed because your brother died and you can't run another marathon to have something to focus on, and then you sit on your arse and eat cookies and still try to run after eating lots of cookies, then hurt yourself so bad that you have to go to the doctor and learn to hate HMOs, and then have to switch healthcare plans and have surgery. Whew! Don't do *any* of that!
Well, I can certainly tell you what NOT to do!! Like when you are in your late 40's, don't run a marathon where you left everything you had on the course and then run another marathon 2 months later, and then get depressed because your brother died and you can't run another marathon to have something to focus on, and then you sit on your arse and eat cookies and still try to run after eating lots of cookies, then hurt yourself so bad that you have to go to the doctor and learn to hate HMOs, and then have to switch healthcare plans and have surgery. Whew! Don't do *any* of that!
{{{{{{{Elaine}}}}}}} But look at you now!!! YOU ROCK!!! And I know your brother is smiling upon you for persevering. The past year has been really tough for my family, too. Luckily I haven't had any physical issues, but my DH has, and my DFIL passed away in February, and I lost my young niece in December to Juvenile Diabetes :(. Part of my new found cardio craze came about as a way to battle the depression. ;)
{{Elaine}} and {{Michele}} Drugs DO work wonders for depression when exercise alone just doesn't do the trick. Just saying;)
Hi Tricia,

I'm currently working my way back into running after having been away for almost two years dealing with plantar's fasciitis and a nasty HMO (just have to add real quick that it was my little whirl with that healthcare plan that causes me to quake in my boots when I think about the *government* taking it over.)

Anyway, I too started back into it using the couch to 5K plan. I did that on the treadmill. Once that was done I took it outside and my focus has been to build mileage while keeping my HR below a certain point, following a plan in the book Heart Rate Training for the Compleat Idiot and getting advice from a friend (Sarah/Imafitnessfreak, who use to post here). Keeping my HR at the level prescribed was difficult at first because at times I was either shuffling or walking and I wanted to RUN! But I stayed with it and it's paid off.
I love this HR training. My body never feels like it's been beaten up and I'm always ready and chomping at the bit for the next run.

My longest run is now up to 10 miles and I'm fantasizing about another marathon.

Thanks for this info! I've never heard anyone talk about training by HR! I've asked my DH for running advice and his favorite line is just "do it and when it hurts, push through it." What do you expect from a military man is all I can say! :rolleyes:

I'll have to try this!

Miss Lee:

I'll take a high wherever I can get it and in any way I can get it! ;) I'm talking about workout highs here! ;) Can't wait to try CC!

I do know my resting HR has dropped considerably since starting my workouts in February! I'm really pleased about that! I doubt it will ever get as low as my DH, but that's ok!

the book Heart Rate Training for the Compleat Idiot Keeping my HR at the level prescribed was difficult at first because at times I was either shuffling or walking and I wanted to RUN! But I stayed with it and it's paid off.
I love this HR training. My body never feels like it's been beaten up and I'm always ready and chomping at the bit for the next run.

My longest run is now up to 10 miles and I'm fantasizing about another marathon.

Thank you so much for posting this Elaine. I have been enjoying running immensely and except for one run outside I have been using the treadmill. I love the cardio coach intervals, but I was still a bit confused about steady state heart rate and I too have been craving longer runs, now I know where to go for more info. :D
Miss Lee Miss Lee

I have a question! (was thinking about this while I drove to the pharmacy)

Are there "Press Play" running t-shirts available? maybe with the "choose to live" logo? Everyone across the country, wearing their t-shirts on the same Saturday, running outside - I'm just a mush ball - but I think that would be so inspiring.

Miss Lee Miss Lee

I have a question! (was thinking about this while I drove to the pharmacy)

Are there "Press Play" running t-shirts available? maybe with the "choose to live" logo? Everyone across the country, wearing their t-shirts on the same Saturday, running outside - I'm just a mush ball - but I think that would be so inspiring.

Janis, I'm afraid not, darn it! Jim MacLaren used to sell T-shirts on his website but discontinued them a year or 2 ago. Maybe we can bring it up in the next Press Play check-in thread and see if there's any interest in having one made. We could possibly design something on Zazzle or a similar site, and then if anyone is interested they can order one. I wonder if we would need permission to do that?

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