men????(who made them?


Oh Boy,
Have I got a good one for you guys now.
Last night me and my darling husband went out for a beer and some wings...he ate the wings and the beer.I just drank the water.
So there weren't many people at the bar and we decide to flex to see who as the biggest biceps.Now keep in mind that I am married to a 140 pound man who eats whatever he wants and only works out twice a year but as every intention of doing it today.
So we flex and of course I have the bigger bicep and he say'sf for goodness sake don't let anyone see that.I guess in his little fit of embrassment he says to me," you know when you get pregnate and have a babythat muscle is going to turn to fat and then your going to be FAT!" And I said "oh, you want to lose your life tonight do you"?
Now please tell me that that was just old theroy.I use to hear it before but I don't think that this is the way it really is.So I responded with ,"well, for one thing I am not going to stop working out if I get pregnate,I will do what I am doing now...not so strenous but I can lift with lighter weights and still do cardio."
"But you can't do sit ups and if you squat with that amount of weight, the placinta is gonna fall out on the floor"
" Well, I don't want to do sit ups then, anyway, but I will still squat weights just not so much, now eat your chicken wings and shut up"
DO anyone else have jealous husbands.I know he means no harm and if anything he was probably trying to get a rise out of me, with the main word being FAT. I think that he also gets a little bit of raz from his friends because his women can beat him up.
Anyway just thought that I would share that with you guys,
Have a great day,
You know Lori, I think it is just an ego thing. Men definitely don't want to be seen as the "weaker sex." Also, I think he might be a bit jealous because you have obviously been working hard and have results to show from it. Don't let him discourage you, hon. My husband finally understands the importance of fitness in my life, and doesn't say anything negative anymore. If anything, I think he's even gotten motivated to get back in shape himself. Anyway, if your hubby feels inadequate because of your strength, then let it be his problem! You deserve good health, even if he doesn't appreciate it!

Lori :)
I just laughed sooo hard, Lori!!! Only because my husband says the same stuff to me! He's such a goof. He likes to get my goat...BUT, he actually LOVES that I'm muscular and strong...he likes women with muscles! :9 Of course, he's 6'4", 230lbs. and NOT intimidated at all. LOL I try to get in some kickboxing moves on him when he gets too squirrelly on me!! He says, "Oh, please!" :-mad Enjoy your strength and good health...he does! And no, your muscles won't "turn to fat" if you get pregnant. They'll just be covered up with a little bit more fat. :)

Glad to hear I'm not the only one out there who practices kickboxing moves on their husbands when they start getting out of line, lol.

My 'babies' are 14 and 9, and I have more muscle now than I was 20 years old and single!! I worked out through both pregnancies.
It doesn't all go away, and what does comes back.

Don't let it bother you Lori. There are plenty of men AND women like you described. I personally think women who are defined muscularly are very sexy. Jealousy shouldn't be an issue.
trevor :)
Women are from Venus, Men are from hell!

Present company exclued, Trevor!

My wonderful husband, who also stays slim and trim in spite of being a sedentary smoker who only eats one meal a day, tells me that I am very selfish because I work out too much and make it a priority. He doesn't appreciate that the only reason I let him live is the fact that exercise mellows me out and takes that desire to strangle him for his occasional lapses of good sense! Who listens to husbands anyway? :)
Tell him that muscle doesn't turn to fat! So there! Also, men have greater muscle mass so most of 'em are more muscular than we Amazons even without the weight training. Hmmm, Maybe you should take it easy on your little guy! Those male egos can be very delicate! And you do have bigger biceps!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
RE: Women are from Venus, Men are from hell!

Keep working it Bobbi! :)
I am trying to get my wife to be at least a little more like you "Amazons" on this site! :)
"But you can't do sit ups and if you squat with that amount of weight, the placenta is gonna fall out on the floor"

OMG! This had me laughing so loud! I think he was just teasing you...hahaha. Most guys know all that stuff isn't true! But some guys do try to sabotage you when you start to look pretty They get you pregnant.
I'm glad everyone enjoyed my little story.I am sure that their will be more to come.Just the other day he was on "the skinny bastards diet".This diet tells you to eat 3500 calories a day and then he will gain weight.He thinks that he is still on the diet but he isn't eating nearly enough
That was pretty good to bobbi, men are from I thought that was funny.Anyway, it is 6 in the morning here and I am going to go workout while he is till in bed...
Have a great weekend..

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