

Melanie - Are you out there???? I bet you are so busy preparing for your little peanut! Can you believe how close you are now?? Anyway, just checking on you. I miss our workout thread and I always count on you to start it - even though we are the only 2 "brave" enough to post each week!! ;-) I'm just kidding. Hope to hear from you soon!
Dilated & Effaced!

Sara, I'm here. Thanks for asking about me, you're so sweet! I didn't have a very exciting workout log last week. The baby's room is done though! I thought I'd slide through this week & then dive right into this workout week. I even had an extra day off, but it seems that I wasn't able to keep up with the workouts. I only worked out twice last week.

I've already worked out three times this week, so I'll be braver with my post on Sunday!!!

Guess what? I had a pelvic exam this morning and I am 3cm dialated & 70% effaced. I know I could be like this for months...but it's encouraging neverthless. MD said she can "mix things up next week" to get things moving quicker if I'd like. Can't argue with that, can we? Especially since the baby's room is ready now. It's getting really tough for me at work now too---so the sooner the better on that end. I'm not sure if I can handle another 10.5 hour Saturday shift (every other week--next one is the 17th)--so I"m keeping my fingers crossed that maybe the baby will come before then!!!!

Thanks again for your inquiry. Feel free to start a workout post--I'll jump right in. Maybe you can entice others to join (I'm not very good at it)!!!!!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Dilated & Effaced!

Oooh, Melanie--how exciting. Boy you are so close! But those final weeks can seem to drag (at least for me they always did). I will pray that baby will come before your next 10.5 hr shift (that sounds sooo miserable--but think how bad you'd feel if you weren't in such great shape).

Keep us posted!
RE: Dilated & Effaced!

Maggie,thanks for your encouragement! I know my measurements today can mean absolutely nothing, as I could stay in this predictament for weeks yet!! It's still fun though knowing.
Also, I"m so grateful that I have such a great job. I hope it didn't sound like I was grumbling about my 10.5 hour shift...they're just getting pretty tough right now. Let's put it this way: I'm ready for maternity leave (even though junior isn't here yet)! I might have to consider going on maternity leave on my due date whether baby's here or not. I was hoping to spend my entire maternity leave with the baby though. We'll see. :) Again, you're encouragement is so appreciated.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Dilated & Effaced!

You did not sound as if you were grumbling:), but if you were grumbling, I think all of us would understand. I am definitely a grumbler and worse at the end of pregancy--can we all say melodramatic basket case:p :p?

Are you having lots of braxton hicks? Any more painful type contractions? Has the baby dropped? When I was at a 3, my OB stripped my membranes and I went into labor within the week.Anyway, I'll keep praying.

RE: Dilated & Effaced!

I haven't had ANY braxton hicks contractions during this pregnancy. Strange, I guess not everyone gets them. It sounds like she'll probably strip my membranes next Wednesday when I go in. Last pregnancy my MD stripped my membranes & it didn't do a thing! I did have some bleeding after the pelvic exam, but I'm sure this is common. I'm still looking forward to a Feb baby---this way I won't be all disappointed if the baby comes late. I was really surprised that I was even dilated b/c I just don't 'feel' ripe. I know that probably sounds funny.
Yes, I welcome your prayers. Thank you! I'll keep ya'll updated on the progress you can count on that.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Dilated & Effaced!

Melanie, I don't know if you recall my birth story. I was 2 cm dilated feeling fine with no contractions at all. I was sure I was going late and when a few days later water broke first ignored it, figuring it was too soon and i just peed on myself. Of course it was my water and I was 3 cm dilated and induced that day. That baby may be coming sooner than you think. Best of luck.
RE: Dilated & Effaced!

So you didn't have any braxton hicks contractions either? I do kinda remember that you said your water broke and you thought you had peed all over yourself b/c you were having some incontinence (if I remember correctly). Didn't you workout right through the water breakage? Too funny.
When I told the girls at work they all ooed & ahhed and said that the baby was coming early. I guess I'm in denial. I'll be estatic of course if the baby DOES come early!!!!!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Dilated & Effaced!

Yeah, I worked out, making many trips to the ladies room but did complete the Firm's Tortoise . Not to get your hopes up, but I didn't have noticeable contractions until i was induced.
RE: Dilated & Effaced!

YOU ARE AMAZING SHOPAHOLIC!!!! My bathroom is upstairs, and I workout downstairs. I could not imagine taking many trips to the bathroom. I think I would have gotten a commode or something (probably just given up). You are so disciplined & motivated. It'll be nice to chat with you, Maggie, & Emy again on the post pregnancy workout logs. Oh how I long for my jeans!!!!!! Hopefully we'll be able to hear from Briee again soon. Apparently she's had computer difficulties.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Dilated & Effaced!

I haven't ditched you guys REALLY I HAVEN'T!!! I miss you all soooooooooooo much!!

I'm at the library, dh is watching baby at home (who is doing very well now - what a sweet heart - babies smell like heaven don't they?) and I'm quickly checking the forum to see what I'm missing!! I've been dying to know how you are doing's so tough at the end, hang in there and he will be here before you know it. By the time my computer is repaired, you guys will all have beat me to the post partum checkin. Hopefully we will be up and running in about three days or so.

I started working out last week and boy is the BB fun when you aren't pregnant. I feel like peter pan doin "over facin over's" on the step, I think I overshot the first time, almost landed in the next room. And lunges oooooooooh ---I almost feel "springy" with the weight of the baby gone. BUT the old abs are sore, but coming along!

I've got to get off so someone else can get on, but again....I miss you all so much...will be back soon, Lord willing.

RE: Dilated & Effaced!

Melanie, thank you for all your kind words. I workout in my basement with no bathroom so I must have burned extra calories with all those bathroom trips. Before you know it you will be joining us on our postpartum check in and fitting into jeans with no elastic.
More dilated!

Went to ob yesterday. I'm about 4.5cm dilated now! Yahoo. It's exciting, yet I know it can still be a long time. My breasts have been very tender past couple of days. I've had a thick discharge today, it's not bloody...kind of dark yellow. It's quite gross--but you guys have been through it all so I hope I"m not disguisting you!! Also, I"ve had menstrual like cramps. NO CONTRACTIONS though!!!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: More dilated!

Hmmmmm... cramps huh? I've seen women come in with "cramps" and it was labor. You just never know. But, yes, it could be a while too. You are almost half way to complete. :)

I am not disgusted... body stuff never grosses me out... even when I was nauseated a few weeks ago... I trucked right along doing exams. :)

Oh, my gosh, your EDD is less than two weeks away. Yep, I am a little slow these days. :) Take care!


Okay, yesterday at work I continued to have that yellowish discharge, but happened... I had a blood-tinged thick strick through on of the 'globs'. That must have been my pluggie or something. Hee hee. This sounds so gross I can't help but laughing. I've continued to have this discharge now for over 24 hours. Lots of cramps in lower abdominal area & heaviness. Nothing mind blowing though. I'm going to have to ask my boss if I can work just 1/2 a day tomorrow instead of my 10.5hr marathon Saturday. I'm sure he'll understand, hopefully he doesn't have plans so he can cover for me (he's picking up all my hours when I'm on leave so I doubt he has plans).

Yesterday I thought for sure it was THE day. I was all crampy, nauseated, tired, sore (from hi-intensity kickboxing for 2 days), and full of vaginal discharge. Maybe today. Maybe next month. Urgh! So uncomfortable!!!

I will hope around some more today & see if I can't get things moving. Talk to you girls later.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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