Measuring BIG question


I am 26 weeks along and measuring around 30 weeks. I have read a lot about the affects of working out on pregnancy. I was wondering if those of you that do higher impact cardio (running) have measured ahead too? I remember reading that running mothers-to-be generally have larger babies, and larger amounts of amniotic fluid around the baby. I am just curious if the measuring big is likely due to the activity level I have kept.
I ran and stayed consistent with exercise throughout my last pregnancy, and my measurements were average and my daughter was an average size at birth. I've heard that mothers who exercise in the first trimester have larger placentas, but I've never heard that they have larger babies - I thought that they generally had babies on the smaller side.

I don't know the answer to your question, but I've always measured weeks ahead, carry amniotic fluid on the high/normal end, and have large babies.

If you are running at 26 weeks, my hats off to you:)

I guess with the external measurement it could just be the placenta being larger. But at my 20 week ultrasound the baby was already 12 inches long, so I am thinking I may have a big baby too! Thanks for your replies!!

And Maggie - I am running, but it isn't as far or fast as it used to be.

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