Meals per day......


New Member
I have been trying to eat 5 small meals a day, going by how I "feel" as to when and how much I eat. Lately my stomach has gotten used to eating every 3 - 4 hours during the day, but I am never full and have noticed that I am muching little snacks more and more, but my stomach still growls at the same time everyday (because it's used to every 3 hours). I already eat enough fiber, protein and veggies, but am wondering if maybe some of you can post your meals and approx. how many calories each meal is (if not, I have a calorie counter book). Also, I know I am taking in way more calories eating small meals than before when I ate 3 regular meals and 1 snack a day. Thank you! : )
Funny you should post this, as I have begun to think that although I feel like I am eating enough, I am constantly hungry. I am a terrible creature of habit, and everyday I eat the same things. Breakfast is a bagel (180 cal) with just a touch of margarine, and either a bowl of soy cereal or a bowl of oatmeal. I eat this at 5:30 am, because I leave for work at 6am. Around 10am I eat a banana, 11am I try to drink a protein shake, and at 1pm I have a Lean Cuisine. During the afternoon, I have an apple, and 5 crackers with a small smear of peanut butter on them. For dinner, I have a chicken breast, cauliflower and broccoli, with some margarine and parmesan cheese on it. Once in a while, I will have some rice with dinner. My treat is popcorn during the evening. I'm not sure how many calories all this adds up to.

I do 4 cardio sessions per week, and try hit each body part twice with MIS or the PS series. I am at a weight that I am happy with, so I am not cutting out calories on purpose. It's just that eating at work is so difficult. But I have been really tired lately, and am thinking I need to eat more. I do eat more on weekends, as we go out to dinner or lunch. Sometimes I eat candy or cookies, but I am extremely sensitive to sugar, and if I overindulge, I get very grumpy the next day.

Just writing this down makes me realize that I am probably not fueling my body properly. :-hmmm I used to always write down what I ate, but that was when I was trying to lose weight.

I would really love to hear what others typically eat! LoriV...what do your 5 small meals consist of?

Lori: Veronica, it's funny you should mention that you are oversensitive to sugar. I am hyperglycemic, which means my bloodsugar spikes up too high when I eat sugar therefore I am not supposed to eat any sugar. This is what I try for:

45 - 60 minutes aerobics 5 days a week every morning at 5:00.
Breakfast: 1 1/2 servings of Wheaties or Bran Flakes with 2 Tbs. raisins, and 1 1/2C skim milk ( I love milk) - or - 1 serving Cream of Wheat, with 1 Tbs. butter, 8 oa. skim milk and a slice of whole wheat toast (w/1/2 Tbs. butter).
10:00 Snack: 1 apple with 2 Tbs. no-sugar peanut butter - or - a can of tuna with a hard boiled egg.
1:00 Lunch: Lean Cuisine, homemade soup/chili, or Egg/tuna/or chicken salad with shredded carrots + celery.
4:00 snack: Another little something. If I eat something sweet for my first snack, I usually want something non-sweet in the afternoon like bell pepper strips, or carrot sticks.
Weights from 30 min. to 1 hour, 3 nights a week.
7:00 Dinner: Normal, light "homemade" dinner. Meatloaf, Baked Chicken and Garlic Red Potatoes, etc.
about 80 oz. of water a day
Saturday is automatically MIS day.

This is what I have been eating :
45 - 60 minute cardio (aerobic) 5 mornings a week
Breakfast: same as above.
1st snack: Lean cuisine dinner.
Graze for about an extra hour (protein bar, candy bar, Combos)
Lunch: another Lean Cuisine Dinner
2nd snack: none.
Weights maybe once or twice a week. Saturday MIS day.
Dinner: normal dinner with a cookie or peanut butter wheat toast afterwards.

Saturday and Sunday I usually eat my typical breakfast, skip both snacks, and eat dinner out. I do eat healthy, just too many calories.

Do you think maybe I have been trying to eat too clean and now my body is sick of it? In my opinion, what I try to shoot for is not even "clean" compared to some people. I have noticed the "jiggle" is back in my waist area so I know I need to eat less, but I have no willpowder to anymore. Everyone on here probably thinks I am a basketcase by now!!! Sorry guys, just in real need of good advise and someone else to workout with I guess!! Thanks! Any help??

Very sad & let down
I had the same problem as you. I just read in Prevention that some people lose more weight by just eating 3 meals a day with nothing in between. I found that I was eating "mini-meals" all day long but never really feeling satisfied. Now I eat hot cereal, a hard boiled egg and juice for breakfast, a Lean Cuisine or similiar for lunch and as healthy a dinner as I can manage. If I'm truly starving in between meals I'll go for string cheese or peanut butter and crackers. Anyway, I've actually lost a few pounds. Prevention says that if you eat all day you forget how to recognize hunger pangs. Anyway, my opinion only - hope it helps! :) PS my problem is eating enough veggies and fruit!
I've been reducing my intake for 2 weeks, because I've gained 5 pounds over the last 9 months, and they are all around my midsection. I decided to count my calories and write everything down. I've been averaging about 1800-2100 calories a day, and I'm working on not being so hungry. I think I was averaging 2500-3000 calories a day when I started gaining weight, because I wasn't paying attention. I've lost 2 pounds so far!

On weekdays, I've been eating 6 times a day: 3 servings (really!) of oatmeal (300 calories) with 4 oz of 1% milk (50) at 7:00 a.m., a luna bar or other energy bar at 10:00 a.m. (180), lean cuisine and light yogurt at 12:00 (420), sugarfree hot chocolate or a few crackers at 2:30 (50), a small bowl of cereal or piece of fruit or something like that at 4:30 (150) , and a regular dinner at 6:00 (600-800). On the weekends, I still want to go out and eat/drink too much on one of the two days, because I figure I have to have some fun sometime!

I don't know if I can keep this up forever, so I hope to lose 6-7 pounds, and then increase by about 100 calories a day until I find a maintenance number of calories. My metabolism is fairly high, and I work out for about 60 minutes 5 days a week. I do a short stretch/abs workout every weekend.

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