Low carbers - July 2009

HI everyone,

I'm at the hotel, this is the only place I can post. Monday I did M2, week 4 back/biceps and finished off that mesocycle. Then travelled to RI.
Tue I was totally stressed from travel and work and just felt sick! (I'm not the best traveler).
Wed I got used to things a bit. Borrowed a laptop from work so I could do 4ds kickbox cardio + B&G abs in my hotel room. That helped me feel a lot better.
Today (Thur) I'm hoping to repeat bringing the laptop to the room and exercising.
Fri I come home (yea!).

I"m not getting to do anything fun here. Pretty much work then get dropped off at the hotel. It's been humid and rainy, in the 80s. My guess is I won't do anything extra tonight, Then Fri after work I go straight to the airport and fly home. So I could really be anywhere because I'm not doing anything extra.

Hope you all get some relief from the heat. Reece, I'm glad you're in a better place now.

Take care.
Hi babes! I'm sorry you couldn't do anything fun in RI Melinda but with that weather, I'd rather stay in my room too! I was in Seattle for 3 days last year for work and one of the days just poured buckets of rain. I was soaked walking the 6 or 8 blocks from the office to the hotel! And I had no laptop to bring dvds. I tried to used the exercise bike at the hotel but it bored me so badly I wanted to shoot myself! :p

Our heatwave finally broke today and I hope we're not sending it east! I think our highest temp was 103, Portland got to 107 and Seattle was 101 or 103 or something. Bleah!

:pI stuck with the Slow and "Heavy series this week and was grateful it didn't cause me to sweat a whole lot more than I already was.

Have a great weekend!
Yep, I got up early all last week just because it was so darn hot. But it really has not broke hear yet. I'm hoping it give a little soon, a least a little more at night. Been doing YBB in the mornings except this morning. I took a rest day today. However, I did tons of house cleaning, so I think that the "rest" day was really not much of a rest day.

Well, I think I'll go off and do some sewing or maybe go to bed and veg in front of the tv since I'm already yawning.

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!
Hi babes! We finally got back down to the 80s today--yippee! Hope you are cooling down too Rhea!

Did what I thought was a light cardio workout today but got tomato head anyway! Added some weights too since I'm missing another workout this week. Gotta get the hair colored you know!

Hope everyone has a great week!
Yep, we're cooling down. It was actually 52 degrees this morning when I got up (slept through both alarms!) That is the coolest it has been in the morning for the last two weeks. If I had had the time to workout this morning, I would have had to close the windows cause of being too chilly to sit on the floor and start off with yoga!

How is everyone else doing? Today ended up being a rest day for me. Monday was a three workout day...well, pajama yoga in the evening really isn't that much of a "workout". Morning was YBB, advanced, just the cardio, Burn Circuit #1 at lunch. Yesterday was YBB, light and easy, which was probably all I needed since I was sore and tired yesterday. Darn those boy push ups.

Have a great rest of the day.
Hi everyone,

I've been home since late Fri. Sat I was in a fog from being so tired. Managed to walk every day since Sat for 3 miles. Also added in 4ds cardio one day, 4ds chest, shoulders, tri premix and today GS legs floor work. The walks really help me to unwind. Going to take advantage of the good weather and get out there.

I think maybe next week I'll start back up with meso 3. That will be 2 weeks off from meso 2.

Where is Lita?
Melinda - Glad you made it back safe and sound! Have a great time at the Fair! I am here - just not very perky or chatty these days ;).

Rhea - I'm so glad it's cooling down for you!

Tracy - Hopefully you've cooled down a lot, too!

I'm going to go start an August thread now ....

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