Low Carbers & Friends - Oct 2011

Congratulations, Rhea. I think if you show them you do a good job, there will be more security. I think it's hard to replace someone that is good and they won't be apt to do it.

So some more good news.............

DH got a job! He will start on Thursday! It's been 2 1/2 years, I can hardly believe it.

We've had lots of rain here. But today is sunny, and not windy, so we will go biking. I think it will be around 60 degrees. I'll just dress a little warmer. Also, my oldest son will be 21 tomorrow. That is a blessing in so many ways, he's come a long way from when he was 16-18 and we seriously wondered if he live to be 18. He is working full time and has his own place.

So today is a good day. We're having a bon fire tonight with my parents, time for some R&R after all the hectic stuff with work.
Melissa - Yeah for DH!! whoo hoo! I bet he is a happy camper.

Tracy - you are doing so much better than me with the workouts. I have barely worked out 40 minutes a week lately. Now that one thing has settled down, my next agenda is the workouts, If course, I do have the Holiday challenge starting up in November, so I had better get a little more muscle memory back! eek.

Lita - we're like that in Lake Almanor too. Chilly in the mornings, but gorgeous in the mid-afternoon. It is very nice, but I'm crossing fingers for it to last longer.

Talk to y'all later!
Melinda - That's awesome news :cool: :D!!!!!!!!! I'll bet DH is ecstatic - as are you, I'm sure! Congratulations, both of you :)!

Rhea - I know - the time flies far too quickly :( :eek:! We had our first skift of snow this morning and will get our first hard freeze tonight :rolleyes:. Oh well - this the season, right :p?
AHHH snow!!!?? We've actually had snow already, but it left. It is now much colder in the am, and not warming up too much in the afternoon. I think our high is supposed to be about 55-60 today. whee. At least it is clear.
Thankfully our snow didn't last, either. I'm not into the winter sports like you are ;). We are in the 40s with brilliant sunshine - but the bite in the breeze still says "Fall heading to winter!" :eek:!
Lita and Rhea, you both seem to cheery about the weather turning!

Well, more news to report.
1. I got accepted into nursing school for the spring class of 2012. I replied back that I was still interested
2. DH started his job but he's the only white guy working there, the rest of the dept are Indians and he can't understand their accent. So, he is a project lead and I have serious concerns that this is going to last. We'll see. He has a hard time with accents in general and being able to understand them.
3. Got the new Cathe dvds as I'm sure you all have at this point. I have done the triple supersets, upper body and then lower body workouts. I think that's what the dvd is called or something like that. I really like it. I think I'll try a cardio today. The only thing is this was more high reps, less weight, but I really liked it, just went lighter on the weights.

What are you all feeling about the new dvds? Anyone do any yet?

Melinda - Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I am sure you're thrilled to be accepted after all the hard hours of classwork you've put in :cool:! As for DH - I hope it lasts at least long enough for him to find another job :). I'm pretty good with Italian and Hispanic accents but those from India - forget about it :rolleyes:! I am going to do Trisets Upper on Saturday and most likely Trisets Lower on Sunday. I did the Yoga Relax Express 2 workout - it was nice other than it was freezing in my room and I was getting so cold and stiff I ended up quitting a bit early on it :p. I'm not going to do the cardio ones yet (which the majority of these are :( ) - those I'm only going to do in the winter when I can't walk. If I don't like Trisets, I will probably end up selling the set since the cardio is so hard on me - and my joint issues are obviously a lot different than those Cathe are used to.
Hi babes!!! Congratulations to you Melinda!!!! And I'm very happy that DH got a job! I hope it just takes him a little time to understand the accent. A new job after 2 1/2 years is going to be overwhelming to begin with and I think alot of us worry we won't make it when we first start. My DH works with a few guys from India and I sometimes have trouble understanding them but I'm not with them every day either.

And congratulations about your son too!! :)

We have quite the rainstorm carrying on outside right now! And we have a metal roof so the rain always sounds like it's harder than it is. We also turned cold this week. Lows in the 30's, highs in high 40s to low 50s. It may get warmer today because rain does that here.

OK, at work, the exercise group decided to do the Insanity series at lunch. I get a half hour so I don't do the whole workout but what I do is enough to kick my butt! It's cardio based, kind of like doing one Cathe's IMAX workouts every day! :eek: It is definitely flippin' insane! So if I don't want to do one of the workouts, I don't. I'm not married to the 60 day program like the others are. And frankly, the work is basic and would bore the heck out of me in no time.

So today, (I have the day off) I did the lower instensity step work from 4DS because I have really missed step work and then the upper body and abs from Body Max 2. I didn't have the stamina I usually have due to my activities earlier in the week!:p

Rhea, how is the workout agenda going?

Lita, I'm sorry this series is more cardio based becauseI know of your love of weights! I figured it was going to be leg focussed but was hoping for upper body work too.

Melinda, I haven't been able to get it together to preview the new series yet--ack!

Have a great weekend babes!
Well, DH wants to buy more work clothes this weekend, so I guess he's committed to the job! That is good because my work is so crazy (why I haven't posted much) that we have decided together I will work part time while in school. This will be much more managable.

I did slide and glide yesterday and really like this. It does take some getting used to, but those discs are super, more than I gave them credit for.

Lita, this workout is low impact, but there are strains on the knees. I think before giving up on it, give it a try and see if you can modify. I think there is some great value in these workouts so far as I have seen and a new movements that could strengthen joints. I'm actually more excited about these workout than I have been with the others we've gotten in the past few years. And initially, I didn't even want to get them.

Well, I can't wait to hear what you all think.

Tracy, I've seen those insanity infomercials. They do look intense and I think 30 min looks good enough to me!

Have a nice weekend. Can't believe Thanksgiving is 4 weeks away.
Tracy - I'm with Melinda - even with all the cardio, I think this series is FAR superior to the last one. So far I've done the Triset Total Body upper & lower segments and Athletic Training upper express. Yes, it's more cardio than I want and not much strength work, but you know me, the modification queen ;).

Melinda - I am so glad you're going to go to part time when you go back to school!!! You were carrying way too much of a work load last year :(! Missed the part about your son - but I'm glad it turned out so well and he had a 21st to celebrate :)! Hopefully DH's job is still going well :cool:!

As for modifications for the new series, I have to modify everything so that's nothing new :rolleyes:. It's actually not my knees so much as trying to do any abduction/adduction or even knee lifts. Imagine having an extra bone sticking down in your hip joint. Now imagine everything (muscles, tendons, hip flexor, etc) catching on that spur when you move the leg in any direction. I can tell you it seriously limits certain movements along with general ROM. Not fatal by any means :p - just not very darned comfortable... The aggravating part is that this causes me to be off kilter in general to accommodate the problem which then causes some pretty painful back issues. Oh well - didn't mean to whine, just thought I'd explain why my limitations are not the usual impact related or knee related issues. I'm just no where near average :eek:!

Rhea - Are you hiding in your office eating Halloween candy ;)? I know you love this day - so hopefully you're not so swamped that you aren't enjoying the day :).

AND - while I'm here, this is the November thread ;).

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