Low Carbers & Friends - January 2012

Mucinex probably wouldn't even touch it. One of those, not really there, but just drains down the throat...eew lovely imagery there. It will go away soon (how's that for positive notes!)
Sorry, Rhea :(. I thought maybe it would work. I had an iffy sinus thing going on a couple years ago with a sore throat that went on for months. Finally went to the doc & he said to get Mucinex PE. At the time I thought he was crazy because what the box said was nothing close to what was going on with me, but it worked. Go figure! It is now my go-to product at any sign of sinus problems. Hopefully you'll find something like that that will work whether it should or not :).
Yes, I have been coming and going with the blues. Jan almost over!!! Today I felt very good. Had to pick up something at my parents who are about 1/2 mile away, so hopped on the bike. It was cold (46 degrees and windy) but I thought I had gone to heaven, so invigorating to be outside and getting the blood pumping, even if it was only a 10 min bike ride. Tomorrow is suppose to be 56, let's hope they are right about that.

Rhea, I have had stuff like that and tried clarinex, which I know is for allergies, but it dried everything up and I only took one pill. Weird, but it worked.

Lita, sounds like you are doing good this winter. Your spirits are up.

Tracy, you seem to have the same clouds we do, but I do know you get more rain. Still, I know we won't be hanging around here all year long when we retire. Summer is ok, but not winter. I hate being cold.

So I finished up STS meso 1 today. Will work on the new series. I have noticed I am stronger in my core from it, but still have to be careful about the neck. Have a good evening everyone.
Melinda - I hope you can enjoy the new series and protect that neck at the same time! Glad you got outdoors, too :cool:! I think it's getting out as often as I do during the work week that helps me keep my sanity during the winter ;). Even the few times the weather's not nice, there's something to be said for fresh air and breathing room several times a day :p!
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Hi babes! I know people here who have been fighting sinus issues for over a month, not fun!! I hope you are feeling much better soon Rhea! You spent your rest time wisely enjoying last season's DH!

Yesterday was pouring rain but DH took BB out anyway. :) Weather usually doesn't stop us from doing stuff. Usually! I took BB out for a run today, it was 48 degrees and that's fine for a run. It was cloudy but no rain! I do enjoy getting outside regardless but you ought to see the change in mood in everyone when we get a sunny day!

On the last week of Jillian's Get Ripped in 30. I will be glad to kick it to the curb. :D It's been OK but I just don't like her!
Glad you could finally pop in, Tracy :D! Just in time for the end of the month :p!

Speaking of which....

Here is the February thread.

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