Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

I did Totally Pumped Total Body this morning but stopped before abs. I hate abs... so I rarely do them unless they are mixed into a workout.

Today should be my last day of Cathe live. Its been a fun month but I'm ready to get back to DVDs... no worries about whether the internet is going to glitch out.

It seems like they are really spreading the pictures of the new workouts out slower than normal. We normally have more pictures by now don't we? I wish KCM would post more pictures from her's too... Halloween was too much candy for me... I'm ready to kick it into gear!
This morning I did Kelly Coffey Step Boxing both workouts combine, 59 minutes, 379 calories, heart rate average 130, max 155, 5,600 steps. I thn did 21 Day Fix Extreme Yoga, 31 minutes, 86 calories, 130 steps. Total time was 90 minutes, 465 calories.

Doreen, we have lots more goodies coming along the next couple of months. I too wish there were more pictures and clips out on both Kelly and Cathe's workouts.
Hi girls,

Today I did STS D6 legs and a walk.

I had no candy on Halloween. I did had a piece of pumpkin pie the day after.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.
Belinda, good for you for avoiding the halloween candy. I rarely keep that sort of thing around the house. What I ate made me feel kind of icky. Candy always settles like a ton of gooey lead in the belly :( Today I have been better.
Doubles today!! I did KCM Trimdown workout 1. Excellent. I was initially put off by the fact that it was just Kelly but its a really great workout. Why have I avoided Kelly's workouts for this long?
Today I did two pre-mixes from Kelly Coffey's Slim Sculpting. I started with Upper with swings, 44 minutes, heart rate average 116, max 160, 237 calories, 1,214 steps. I then did the Lower mix without the swings and skipped the warm up and stretch, 26 minutes, 142 calories, heart rate average 117, max 158. I finished off with Suzanne Bowen Barre Amped Power Stretch , 22 minutes, 49 calories. Workout was 92 minutes, 428 calories burned.
Upper timed
kettlebell swings 4 sets 15# , 15#, 20#, 25#
Rock curl press 20# right 20# left 2 sets alternating right left 20#
overhead triceps extension 2 sets 25# , 2 sets from chest to extensions 25#
Rows right 31.5# left 31.5# repeat right and left
figure 8 swing 25# 4 sets alternating starting side
planks balance on kettle bell(same as on the core abs) 4 sets timed
single swings 4 sets 25# kettlebell
cardio jacks kettlebell press 15# 4 sets
rack press rack 20# right then left , 15# right then left
alternating swings 20#, 20#, 25,#, 25#
Lower body
Goblet squats 256# 1 set, 31.5# 3 sets
cardio scissors 4 squat oout 15# kettlebell 4 sets
airplane kettlebell 4 sets 15# kettlebell
push press lunge 4 sets right then left 20#
side lunge push off 20# 4 sets
side lean leg left 20# 4 sets
tactile lunge 25# 4 sets

Doreen, I used Trim Down a lot post knee surgery. It is one that I have laid out to do. Next week may be quite a bit of cardio and weight workouts :)
Hi everyone,

Today I did Jessica Smith 6 Weeks Turnaround Interval walk, that's it. I got rid off more stuff in my basement today. I have a huge industrial shelves in my storage area, it's half empty :D It helps, if DH helps. We decided together what goes and what we keep.

I talked to my sister in Germany today, I told her about all my workout dvd's and that Cathe is having another pre order. She was like "who buys/has still dvd's?" LOL! She said, you don't need them...get rid off them. That really made me think!

Have a great evening.
Belinda, good for you clearing out some more stuff. I think my husband has more stuff and collections than I do. Now, I would not want someone deciding in my workout space though. I am the one who decided to get rid of several pieces of equipment. My husband kept asking me if I was sure. I really did not want to fill two rooms with fitness equipment. Of course, now we are filling our bedroom for my husband LOL I want to get him a weight bench. He has the Tread Climber and some dumbbells right now. Good thing our room is big :) I don't know....... I am still not ready to go all out for streaming and downloads. I have already had issues with both. I just want to know when I put my workout in that it will work. Maybe later when they get things right. Plus, at least downloads you can still use them when internet is not working. I am still purchasing both from Cathe. Hopefully I have better luck playing this next time as I did not like that I can only use itunes to play my FT downloads.
Diane Sue - that is wha my husband said " are you sure?". I was sure! The storage area belongs to my kids, DH and myself. Lots of crap, lol. I hear you on streaming. I don't have any problem with SBF. Not sure about others sites. I think what my sister was trying to tell, me less is more. Yes, I love working out with DVD's. Jessica Smith is coming out with 20 new workouts, I will defiantly get those. Love her! Once I see Cathe clips I will make up my mind wether I want to keep my order or not. We shall see. I am going back and forth on the KCM new workouts?
Belinda, I think that Kelly has made great strides with improvements on her workouts and she is looking great. Very motivating. I always got a good calorie burn with her Muscle Definition when I did the combined workout. It is pretty long that way though.
Today was cleaning to the max. I cleared and vacuumed and the cleaned the carpets in my workout room, the living room, and dining room. Tomorrow I will have to put all the furniture back in place.

I did KCM muscle up lift 2b fit workout one. I like it very straight forward. I could see doing this with a barbell too.

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Hallo everyone,

Today I did more purging and SBF Relaxation Stretch, 30m. I am so glad I signed up again, missed her workouts. That stretch was wonderful.!

Diane Sue - that is good to hear. I have so many off her older workouts, I have hardly used. How many workout dvd's do I need, LOL? Do you follow Kelly on FB?

Doreen - good job on clean max today.

Good night everyone.
Doreen, cleaning carpets and moving furniture is always a lot of work. Particularly in a workout room where you have to move equipment around. That was plenty of work without a workout.

Belinda, yes, I follow Kelly Coffey on facebook. I really like the two dvds that I have of Suzanne Bowens. I did a 7 day free trial once. I am just not sure how much I would use her streaming. I would like more good stretching workouts.
Rest day today. My daughter and I went to the park and spent a good hour flying her kite. She was running all over keeping it up!

Belinda- of course since you mentioned Jessica Smith's new series I had to go check them out. The clips look good....but 20 Dvds in a set is a lot! I signed up for the email list to see how much the are when released. I have done several of Jessica Smith on YouTube. She is a nice instructor.

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Today I did Kelly Coffey's Trim Down Both workouts mix, 60 minutes, 404 calories, heart rate average 139, max 178. I used 1# dumbbells for the boxing segments and 5,8,10, and a 12# for the weight segments. This is a metabolic interval workout with boxing between weight work. I used this a lot for getting back into some lower body stuff after knee surgery. There is not too much jumping and when rehabbing my knee I modified the jacks that were in some portions. I forgot how much I liked this workout. No work sheets for this one. I really don't think with a workout where you are doing combined body parts at the same time that it would be easy to do a worksheet, plus it is rather fast paced.

Doreen, kite flying sounds like lots of fun. :)
Hi everyone,

STS D7 is done. I also walked 2 miles.

Doreen - lol, about Jessica Smith. I thought it was 20 workouts, not dvd's?

Diane Sue - a few years ago, I signed up for SBF streaming and really liked it. I am trying to downsize/became a minimalist "less is more". Do I really need more dvd's? I am in the mood for purging :) I don't want to move with so much stuff anymore.

Have a great day and Monday.
Belinda- Maybe it is 20 workouts - not 20 DVDs.... that would actually make more sense since her's tend to be about 30 minutes.

This morning I did two Jessica Smith on YT that I found last night poking around. Legs, Glutes and thighs and Bootcamp Cardio Boogie. The legs was a circuit of 5 leg exercises done 3 times. Really good set of moves for the legs and then I did 15 minutes of the cardio which I mostly did on my new mini-tramp. Very fun without being completely killer.
Belinda, I am with you really! I feel like I just do not want to have to pack or move stuff that I do not need around anymore and I don't want to leave my children some day with a lot of junk that they don't want, to do something with. Lots of dust collectors in the house makes more work and junk fills closets and cabinets where it would be nice to have more room.

Doreen , I picked up a Jessica Smith Walk on 5 day fat burn dvd at the library today. I had heard someone else mentioning doing one of her walk workouts on their mini trampoline/ rebounder, and thought it might be interesting to try. I think I tried one of her workouts once on You Tube that Belinda recommended. I have really not looked at her stuff that much. Not much in our library that I would want or do not already have. No Cathe there. I saw a couple of Amy Bento Ross and a few Kelly Coffey workouts that I have.
Diane Sue - I agree!! When I move, I want less. I know, it sounds crazy. I want to spent my time wisely, not cleaning so much. I already have a huge house to clean. I want less and smaller space. I want more time for myself, not constantly keeping up/ cleaning.
Hi girls,

Today I walked 3 miles (indoors) + SBF Upper Core + Cardio & Weights, 23m. The UB core was tough, lots of planks. I did more purging today:)

Good job, everyone.
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