Lets talk compliments!


We all love them,we all get them and we are all hot you know?:) So lets share some compliments!:7 :+

Last night a friend of mine came to the house and she had seen her cousin out at a bar with his girlfriend. I don't know how I got brought into the conversation but he said "Man, she is in really good shape.She is the only girl that runs around town and nothing jiggles":) Then his girlfriend said, "yeah I know, have you ever seen her arms"?
This sort of made me smile a bit b/c when I go running I try to cover my deary rear b/c I figure its going a mile a minute.But I guess not.
I think we all workout, we all look good,and we don't even realize how good we do look(myself included).I bet most of us are very fit,trim and muscular and although we think we could stand to lose 5-10 lbs and we could pick ourselves apart when we look in the mirror, most of us are pretty darn fit!
Anyone else gonna share something that may have made you grin? Watch out, b/c you may not think people notice but they do!
there are relatives that recently moved to VA. but they had not seen me in quite a few years. well we finally got to visit last night and they were impressed with weight loss but my one uncle commented with "are you lifting the weights?it does show". i am not even the muscular but i have gotten nice shape in the arms from lifting.

there was one particular goon at the party who did say i was skinny but considering he made a rather rude(and perverted) remark about my upper half(and i don't mean shoulders) i don't count that as a worthy comment for me. its one thing to comment on a woman's body its another to be crude about it. but i did feel good about my uncle's remark and all the others who were asking about how i lost weight.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I shared this a few months ago. When I moved and was having my washer and dryer delivered, I observed that the delivery men had bulging arm muscles and I commented that they needed those muscles to do all the lifting and carrying of these heavy applinaces. One of them grinned at me and said " Looks like you've got some serious muscles of your own going on". I grinned back:7
I was talking to one of my coworkers this week about working out because she has recently gotten back into exercise and she has some weight to lose. I don't usually bring up my fitness regimen, because very few people really care or are interested.

Anyway, my coworker mentioned that having my shape and condition is her goal. In my opinion, I of course have lots of faults and could definitley stand to drop about 10 pounds, but it did feel really good hearing that from another woman. I am so tired of the women who don't like me (or are resentful) because I am dedicated to fitness and not overweight.

It is hard to learn to take a compliment!

A couple of women in the fitness center (one in her late 20's and one my age, mid-50's) who have become my regular clients, both said they wanted arms like mine - "Whatever you're doing, that's what I want to do!" So I have them on my regimine (spelling?) and you can see a huge difference in the way they look. They are both naturally thin and not very muscular, but both are becoming nicely defined and NOT AT ALL BULKY! All three of us are going to have a push-up contest very soon.
Just Do It! :)
About a year ago my boss (whom I have known since high school) told me that another friend of ours commented on how he bet that you could bounce a quarter off of any part of my body. I took that as meaning that not only did he notice I was in shape, but that I was muscular and firm as well.
The first weekend of September I went into Walmart to pick up a few things and saw this man I had gone to high school with. We recognized each other immediately. He looked me over and said, wow, you haven't aged a bit since high school which, of course, I feel I am in better shape than I was in high school body-wise but of course I have aged in my face, etc. since high school (I'm 44 after all). We chatted a few minutes, then each had to get on with our day. On parting, he said, you're still married are you? (I wear a ring so he did see this) and I said yes, 26 years this year. He said he was divorced but thought he'd ask anyway. LOL... he then said "he sure is a lucky man".(meaning DH) LOL..... I grinned the rest of the day!!!
I live in the DC area but was just down in Florida for a week. I went to a gym there and all of the guys were having fits because I was using 40lb dumbbells and doing lots of pullups. Here in DC the people are pretty reserved - sometimes I wonder if some of them have a pulse! The people in Florida had no issues talking about me and my muscles rather openly. When I got on the plane for the flight home I was standing in the aisle holding my carry-on bag in front of me and my bicep was popping. A guy seated in first class was pounding his own bicep and smiling at me like a banshee - obviously he approved. It made me laugh. I haven't gotten a "skinny" comment in years. I am quite lean but have worked very hard to add muscle weight - I like to get compliments in that respect.
Any time I receive an e-mail from Charlotte...she is very sweet with her compliments. The words mean a lot but the source...that is what makes my day!!!

Yesterday while at work, my DH was printing pictures of me finishing my 1/2 marathon and one of his co-workers (she has never seen me), saw the pictures and said that I look like I could do an iron man comeptition. I needed to hear that since yesterday sucked!
From the pictures of all of you that posted above....I can see why you all received wonderful compliments!!:) They were well deserved for sure;-) !

Bicep curls,
Wow ladies! Great compliments! Great topic Lori!

I honestly have lost count of how many people have told me in the last year or so that they are shocked to hear that I am 49 years old. This is particulary meaningful to me because both sides of my family tend, unfortunately, to age quickly and die young. I know I can't beat my genes, but the compliments make me feel like at least I'm doing the best I can to take good care of myself.


P.S. Oh, my! I just hit 3000 posts! :eek: :eek:
I think it is a common thing for people to think we are younger than we really are. I'm only 28 and people think that I am in my lower 20's all the time. Let's just keep hoping that it stays that way!!! LOL :)
>Any time I receive an e-mail from Charlotte...she is very
>sweet with her compliments. The words mean a lot but the
>source...that is what makes my day!!!
>Yesterday while at work, my DH was printing pictures of me
>finishing my 1/2 marathon and one of his co-workers (she has
>never seen me), saw the pictures and said that I look like I
>could do an iron man comeptition. I needed to hear that since
>yesterday sucked!


You are so way high on my list, it is not even funny! Funny, how I think the same way you think of me. You are mighty mighty fit and looking all that from head to toe! Plus you are a fitnessfreaky thing with loads of info. You have helped so many of us here. I have a great deal of respect for you!

I just had to add in more compliments! Couldn't resist!!!

Last week, my DD said my arms are looking bigger. Just today my hubby said the same thing. So now I want to curl 70!!!!! I am fired up!!!!

While going in town yesterday some teenage guys waved at me. LOL! I thought maybe they were DD friends and recognized me as the mom, but DD said she didn't know who they were.

I just went to the Charlene Prickett High Adventure. One morning while we were doing a step class, one of the participants asked me if I'd ever been in one of Charlene's videos, because I stepped so well and looked so fit! That was pretty cool.
My sister said I don't have an ass anymore and believe me this is a compliment because my butt was grande.:) Maybe my hearing is going and she said I was an ass:p
Lori - this is a GREAT post b/c often times, I don't think we give ourselves enough credit!

I am six feet tall and everyone seems complelled to comment on it (duh!) but that someteims works into come very nice compliments! Often ladies will tell me "god I wish I were tall like you" or "oh if I could steal just two inches!" every now and then one will tell me that I "must" be a model & I like that one ;)

The nicest compliment that I received was a very weeks ago after a business transaction...I am a lawyer and I came to a meeting to explain documenTs to my client. I was a little elate so I swooped in and started going at the docs. There was a lady there that was watching me like a hawk and had this strange look on her face. Honestly, I thought she was annoyed with me! At the end of the meeting, she asked for my card (in front of anyone) and told me that I was very professional, efficient and intelligent and she'd like to recommend me to others for my services. Then she took me aside and said that she is amazed that "one woman can have it all - intelligence, grace, strength and beauty." :eek: I was dumbfounded!

Christine :)
Yesterday I was in Lowes looking for bug killer and some other man was shopping and asked what I was looking for , I said for bug killer for the basement. Then he poked my bicep and said, wow, where did you get those biceps? I replied, in the basement with the bugs (which is where I workout), and left as fast as I could, I liked the comment, but not the poke. Melissa
Lori, thanks so much for this post!! You ARE such a cutie!!! I agree that we are pretty hard on ourselves. And it has been so nice to read the replies to your post. It makes me feel so warm and happy!!

I must admit I recently visited my younger Sis in Cape May and I received a lot of compliments from her male friends and family. My Mom and Sis were introducing me to everyone they know at their Campground (my Sis's in-laws own it). And my Sis's father-in-law said, just put her (meaning me) in a bikini and you won't have to bother taking her around, everyone will run right up to her. I was REALLY embarrassed!!! But it felt good too.

Another compliment (my personal favorite) was when one of the trainers I work with told me that she just signed someone up because she said they saw me and said I want to look like that. I was really surprised...shocked because I'm always so busy in my mind saying I've got to lose five more pounds, lower my body fat...etc...

So, thanks Lori!!!! I haven't shared that with anyone since I've been home because I didn't want to sound like a jerk!! So thanks..haha

We are ALL hotties and need to just enjoy that every once in a while!!!

:) :)

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