Let's go PEEPS!!


I think that in honor of our innebriated Ellie, I am going to watch School House Rocks, which is the DVD made up of all those little diddies from the Electric Company!

Ellie, I hope you sleep with one foot on the floor to keep the room from spinning.

Okay, so I know it’s the end of the day and there’s no way I’ll be able to do personals with everyone…but here’s to trying!

Heather – I *love* the song Shackles! Our pastor’s daughter sings it sometimes at church and she really throws a lot of sass into it! You have such a motivating attitude…it’s hard for anyone to feel discouraged when you’re like that!

Gayle – nice to see you again…you know, when I would go visit my mom in NM when they still lived there, I would sometimes be a sub at their bunco game when it happened to occur while I was down there. It’s fun! Boy, the ladies can be soooo noisy, too!

JJ – no, I don’t have Press Play…that will have to wait a little bit until I get it, but I’ll be sure to let you know when I do! I do hope your hip feels better soon.

Connie – I still prefer the original Journey to the Center of the Earth…such a great book and movie (original one!). I got it on DVD last Christmas.

Jerry – I’m with you – I also have zero desire to contact anyone from high school. There are two ladies, actually…one I haven’t spoken to in over a year, and the other one moved away after our junior year (we were best friends) and we talk sporadically, but there’s no weirdness or anything when we talk. We’re just busy. As far as everyone else is concerned I may have just dropped off the face of the earth and I’m okay with that. I absolutely hated my high school with a passion. And that’s saying it mildly.

Vilma – holy cow, how in the world do you drink 40oz upon waking! I can drink 16oz, and that’s better than before. One of my goals for this year is to drink 64oz of water each day. I am sorely lacking right now!

Ellie – you are really making me laugh here! And I remember School House Rocks. Remember the one about the constitution? America Rock? I think we actually have that on VHS.

Karin – are you feeling any better yet? One of these weekends I have to run over to the Celestial Seasonings factory (*LOVE* the mint room!) to pick up something for my mom. Maybe we can get together for lunch at their café or something? That would be fun!

Well folks, thanks to the wonders of Word, I was able to keep up with the personals! If I left someone out, I’m sorry. Holy cow, it’s 9:30…past my bedtime. Have a good night everyone!!

The hotel I work at is only open seasonally, from April thru New Years', so I need something to get myself out of the house when the weather won't let me get my WOGS in, hence the gym membership.

Regarding Weight Watchers, DW prefers the meetings, so that's what she'll do. I will follow along at home since we have a Weight Watchers scale in our home. This is going to be tough for me, I loathe scales, but it's a challenge I need to embrace due to my family history of high blood pressure.

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