Kristin Kagin's Step This Way



Has anyone out there used this tape? I would love a review here. I see positive information on VideoFitness, but frequently these positive reviews are contradicted by reviews at CollageVideo. I have been checking CollageVideo for some reviews, and nothing yet. So. . . if anyone can give a measured review of this tape I would love to read it. I bought Christi Taylor's newest tape because of positive feedback HERE (and I love it), and I was chary of trying her again after buying Step Heaven and being repeatedly frustrated in my efforts to do the second section. I want another new step tape because I have been so happy with Rhythmic Step.
I just got that tape and have only previewed it but all I have to say is...OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! It has a lot of impact, kind of Mindy Mylrea style. To me she reminds me of a mix of Cathe and Mindy. I wouldn't say it is dancy at all, nothing like Christi. She does not break down the moves, which is good for me. After I learn a tape that gets really old. I shouldn't get tired of this tape for a while. The choreography is quite complex. Of course, after I do it I might have a different view of the tape but these are my observations from just a preview. It looks very fun and Kristin never seems to be out of breath. How does she do it? Anyway, I am sure there are others that have actually done this tape and can provide a better review. I plan on trying it out next week some time. I am looking forward to it but I'm also a little apprehensive because it looks tough. Hopefully I will do better than I think!


P.S. I got this tape because of the reviews at VF!!
I did this tape for the second time this morning. The first time is hard to gauge because of learning etc. Today I was able to more accurately assess the intensity. It's up there! The cardio is 50 min. not including wu & cd. I like the tape a lot and I believe I will use it consistently. It is worth getting. Kristen has been very conscientious with her choreography and puts together a good routine. She really wanted to give people their money's worth. She delivers. The abs at the end are decent. I don't think you will be disappointed. My only minor criticism is that Kristen is not nearly as comfortable in front of the camera as Cathe. Cathe is gifted in that regard I think. But I will give Kristen a little slack as this is her first video. With that in mind she does OK. The choreography style is a little Cathe, a little Christi, a little Mindy, and a little Franny Benedetto. It's a good mix. She does break down the moves pretty well and some of the trickier things can be modified. Like she does a full turn on a basic step like Christi has done. Very modifiable. I hope this gives you the info you wanted.

Best wishes, Cyndie
RE: Question for cyndie

Hi Cyndie. You seem to have a very professional eye for videos. I wonder if you could tell me your opinion of powerstrike V.2 from their old series at fitgear. Is volume 2 at all usable? I would really appreciate your opinion. Thanks
Thanks, Cyndie and Kelly! I think I will try it. It sounds terrifically intense from the VideoFitness comments I have read, and I really want something like IMAX to rotate in with all my new weight tapes from Cathe.
Well Cyndie and Kelly, you both just convinced me to buy this tape. I have been so disappointed lately because none of my favorite instructors, besides Cathe, seem to be putting out anything new. I really like Franney Benendetto, Andre Houle, and Christi Talylor. Actually, I can't complain about Christi, I just got her Still Steppin' a few weeks ago. It's great. Not as good as Step Heaven but really good. Can't wait to get this Kristin Kagen tape. Do you think it'll compare with my faves?
From viewing the video preview at Collage, I got a whole different opinion of this video: more athletic-looking moves, good pace, etc. Sure glad I didn't get it from that, since I'm looking for less choreography in my step tapes.
Very Athletic....

Kathyrn, are you looking for athletic and a good pace? If you are..don't let the Christi and dance comments scare you..she is very athletic in her moves and it's got a pretty quick tempo. There's just a hint of flare to it. She certainly leans towards athletic is style.

Of course..pivot impaired as I am;-)..anything video with a mambo or turn is dancy to me!LOL
I know this was an old post but I was surfing thru and had to stop because Kristin is a friend of mine. Actually, she is the one that originally got me hooked on fitness. She's one of those "When I grow up I want to be just like..." I try to take her classes as often as possible but my own classes keep interfering. Like Cathe, she humbles the most seasoned exerciser. I don't know if you went ahead and got the tape but I highly recommend it. Its TOUGH! Like a Cathe step tape I would say. I'd love to hear what you think of it!
RE: Question for cyndie

I'm not Cindy (but another Kathryn), but I just got Powerstrike 2 because someone at video fitness said it wasn't as bad as it had been rumored to be. I'd have to say the workout and instruction is A+, as are all the Powerstrike videos, but the camera work gets an F! Previewing the tape was difficult, because it was so frustrating--I got angry enough to want to hit something! They two cameramen seem like friends or relatives of the powerstrike gals who just got video cameras for their birthday. Instead of staying in one place and letting the action take place on screen, they pan a lot (too fast!--VERY amaturish) and do odd close-ups (who really wants a close-up of Ilaria's arm when she's turning up the volume on the CD? And an extreme close-up of Patricia's sweaty back may show the effort she has put in , but it doesn't help with learning the move they are just teaching) as well as other annoying camera "tricks" they maybe think are cool. Doing the video was not as bad, since I didn't look at the screen constantly--but it's still a bit frustrating, and I got lost during one move--which I don't do with the other tapes). I'll keep it because I'm a Powerstrike junkie, but if the routine were not as good as it is, I'd get rid of it in the blink of an eye.
Hi, Cybele! (Turned your name into a goddess!!)I have done the tape 3 times and posted a review at CollageVideo. I like it quite well, although I don't know if I will ever master the fifth step segment. The others I haven't had too much trouble with, but I am still learning. I think she's a good instructor who will probably improve with time and more tapes. She's a little stiff in terms of her personality, but her moves are very crisp and nice to follow. I personally did not find the intensity blasts that tough, but the workout as a whole is excellent and I would definitely try another tape by her. A lot of the music has been used too many times on too many other tapes.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-01 AT 10:20AM (Est)[/font][p]Just wanted to chime in and say how much I enjoy this workout... it's one of my favorite new tapes this year... I've done it about 4 times... and love Kristin's style... would love to see more workouts from Kristin... you are right--- her workout is tough but I love the fact that it's a complex routine with very little breakdown... she really keeps things moving...

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