Kettlebellin' on a Monday!


Good Morning!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Jane::: Hope you got your run in and are having a wonderful vacation!!!

Melissa::: sending you cyber (((Hugs)))..... We saw the Lightening Thief this weekend! Even though it didn't follow the book, we really enjoyed it! - DS13 and I (we read the book) agreed the book was better though! ;)

Here's todays workout!

it was a good workout, and I think my snatches are better on the left than the right!! Also, the less I think about what I am doing for snatches the better form I have, which I think is really weird!....during the presses, I am constantly thinking about form and I think it helps!

Have a groovy Monday gals!!:cool:
First, I would like to thank you guys for your words of encouragement to remember my grandpa instead of the drama. It is so much easier to feel anger than to allow myself to hurt, and I need to let it go because I know that there is absolutely nothing productive about letting myself get carried away with those emotions. It won't fix a thing, they won't change and I can't let it effect my life. I know that it is way deeper than me or my sister. There has always been a special hate and jealousy for my mom: she and my step-mom went to school together and my mom was smart, pretty, outgoing and confident, and my step-mom, though pretty and smart, was always very insecure. She despises my sister and I because we are Donna's daughters, we resemble her and because in a way we are our dad's first love as well as a reminder of someone else. I am pretty sure that she makes it appear to the rest of the family, for years and years, that we don't really want to belong IYKWIM. When I really think about it, I feel very, very sad for her. She has the opportunity to have 2 more daughters, but doesn't want it, choosing instead to spend her life trying to put down a woman who doesn't even care about her or her husband anymore.
Because of your encouragement (I know it doesn't seem like much, but sometimes only reading 1 or 2 sentences is all you need), I was able to talk to my dad (without attitude), and he is really, really having a hard time. There is nobody that my dad was closer to than his father: they raced cars together, went into business together, spent days at work and weekends together... my dad has lost a brother, a daughter, a grandma and his father within a short time frame. :( I want to help him so badly... The wake is today, and the funeral is tomorrow and I know that there will be loads of people there. But I worry about him when everyone gets back to the real world.

Jane, I hope you have a super, wonderful relaxing time with your family at the beach. :) You are a pretty special person and you guys deserve it.

Deanie, great workout. The book is always better! Except for The Notebook - I actually thought that the movie was better.

Marcy, love the article! It certainly feels like twice the work in half the time since you are using so much of your body just to do one exercise.

Nita, don't worry about calories burned. :) Your heart worked, your muscles worked, your body's happy. I actually have a great link I want to share at the end of my post, it is really long, but if you get to watch it tell me what you think about it. It is more about how our body breaks down and stores sugars (fructose, glucose, ethanol), but he does talk a little about calories, exercise, etc. and I found it helpful. :)

Gayle, I watched something this weekend on youtube, it's the link I told Nita about re: calories. I watched it to help me stay focused on avoiding sugar, which is really the focus, but the lecturer did talk about alcohol and how it effects your body as well since it is a sugar. The only reason that I am mentioning this to you isn't because I think you have a problem ;), but because you have said that you had a hard time with beer and when you drink you don't perform as well the next day. It breaks everything down with science and facts. I am not drinking much wine anymore because what he says alcohol does in our muscles is what I have experienced. It is very long at about 90 minutes, so you will need a good chunk of time. I certainly don't expect you to watch it, but I wanted to put it out there for you if you were interested. (I realize not everyone is a health nerd like I am :p) :)

I did ETK and snatches. I am loving this rotation, I have to say. I did 3x5, and now that I am up to 5 rungs, the first 2 are starting to feel like they are just warm ups. My final 3 rounds felt reeeeeeaaaaaaallllllllly good!
C&P's 30# all
all pull-ups unassisted, even though I did have to touch my toe to the ground in between a few reps
I did 6 minutes snatching with 30#, actually, I was supposed to do 6 minutes, instead I did 4 rounds with close to a 1 minute break. I think I'll try the 35# next time I snatch.

Have a great day everyone. :)

Good Afternoon!

Saturday was a rest day. Yesterday I went to a West Coast Swing class.

Today I did 2 pullups, 2 chinups and the Total Body Sculpt practice from Sadie's Core Strength Vinyasa Total Transformation DVD. I really like this DVD but thought there would be more footage. Lots of the sections get repeated in the different practices. This one had handstand practice with the shakti kicks. I'm getting much better at handstands but lots of pressure on the wrists. Still having trouble with eagle:

but otherwise had a pretty good practice. Also went for a 30-minute walk.

Jane - Sounds like you're having a great vacation. We had 68 degree weather yesterday. It was beautiful. Hope you get your run in!

Deanie - It's nice to have an easy day once in a while.

Melissa - I think your step-mom's insecurities are making it hard for her to see what she's missing out on. It's good that you still have a close relationship with your dad in spite of her. Just keep being there for your dad.

Congratulations on doing all your pullups unassisted!:D Thanks for the link. I will watch it when I have time. I have cut out some sugar and in the process lowered my carb intake which has definitely made a difference for me along with more low impact cardio, yoga and barre workouts.

Waves to Gayle, Rhonda and Nita!

Hi everyone. For some reason Aunt Flo was not happy with the kettlebells or me getting off the couch. I have been dealing with her and am finally sending her packing. Anyone want a guest?

Be back on track tomorrow.

Melissa- Hugs to you

Waves to everyone.

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