KB Goddess Workout

Anyone have a breakdown of the different workouts on this DVD? I've heard there are several on there, but I haven't found specifics on how long, how hard, etc. There's no music, is there?

Thanks for any information!
There are several short premixes on the dvd that are about 20 minutes a piece. I haven't used my bells in a while so I am working from memory. I may not get it exactly right...there's an upper body premix, a lower body premix, a total body premix, a cardio endurance premix I think and one or 2 others. She also has the warm up, cool down stretch and each exercise chaptered so that you can create your own work out. I can't rightly remember if there is any music. There may not be but if there is it's akin to elevator music. Nothing exciting. LOL Many people dislike this dvd. I enjoyed it because of the shorter premixes and the ability to mix n match the exercises to make my own work out.

HTH a bit!
IIRC, there are about 10 workouts (not all completely different exercises, but quite a few). No music (just heavy breathing), and the instructors are very serious. Some people really like the workouts.
Here is the complete breakdown. I believe each section is around 15 to 20 minutes. There is lots variety and you have the ability to mix and match. I really like this workout dvd. It doesn't have music and isn't fancy but it's a pure kettlebell workout. You can't go wrong with an instructor like Andrea Du Cane. Her form is flawless. I haven't used it recently because I do most of my kettlebell work outside.

Goddess Workouts
Artemis - Upper Body
Athena - Full Body Strength
Auxesia - Abs and Core
Callipygos - Legs and Butt
Nike - Cardio and Endurance
Odyne - Strength and Cardio Kickbutt

Design Your Own Workout
Joint Mobility/Warm up
Upper Body Drills
Lower Body Drills
Cardio/Conditioning Drills
Ab Drills
Cool Down

Bonus Drills
Clean, Press and Overhead Squat
Clean, Squat and Press
Turkish Getups
Bottom Up Cleans
Farmer/Waiters Walk
One Legged Military Press
One Legged Lat Pull
Crush Curl
Pyramid Deadlight
Triceps Dips
Thanks, ladies!

Looks pretty comprehensive! I think I'll give it a go.

Outside, Lioness? That's not a bad idea. I have this vision of launching a kettlebell through the drywall. I also have a curious cat.
I have a dent in my wall from a kb. I was doing slingshots and the kb just slipped out of the hands. :eek:
Jane, I once broke the wall with a dumbell. LOL I have kicked the walls here in my new home since I don't have as much room. I tell you the cardio segment on Kettlebell Goddess is good. I sure wish that they would have added music because this is a really good workout.

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