Just started STS yesterday...


and, man, am I sore! After much reading, research, and debate, I finally decided to go for it and asked for STS for my birthday. I just finished disc 1 yesterday...wow, I only THOUGHT I was in good shape, ha ha! :eek: I've been an avid user of Cathe's DVDs for about 3 1/2 years now (most recently STS Shock Cardio, which I got for Christmas). I love coming home after work to de-stress and exercise and do so about 4 days a week on average. After yesterday I realized all this time I must not have been pushing myself as hard as I should be! I was fried by the end of the push-ups and that was only 3 exercises in! :confused: I guess I know for sure this series will really push my limits and am excited to see the results I hear everyone else talking about. Yeah, those STS Results Stories and pictures don't lie! I AM glad I took the time to do the 1RM testing beforehand as I'm gonna need all the downtime I can get in between exercises to breathe, stretch, and not have to think about which weight to use for the next exercise. That being said, I hope this gets a little easier as the weeks go along! Yikes!
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It will get easier. you will be shocked at what you will be doing by the 3rd month.....even before that you will see changes. Good ones - :) autumn
It will SORTOF get easier. You will really feel stronger by meso 2 but the workouts get harder so it is still kicking your butt. Im in week 2 of Meso 2 and im seriously AMAZED at how much weight I am able to use and how much core strength I have gained. This is the first time I have EVER followed a rotation or program and I actually look forward to the workouts. I was freaking exhausted after the first week of push ups in meso 1. I cant wait to see how insane Meso 3 is. Keep going!

Thanks for the encouragement! I just finished Mesocycle 1 today and feel great. And I'm even already starting to notice very subtle results. Can't wait to start Meso 2!
I totally agree with what you said...I found that in previous workouts, before STS came out, I wasn't pushing myself as hard as I should have been. Having done the 1RM ahead of time made me push beyond what I had ever done. Plus, having the rotation all spelled out beforehand made it so much easier...just put the next disc in and go! As far as it getting easier, I would say it if does, you need to up your weights! No slacking!!! :) That is the beauty of doing the 1RM. The series will never wear out! Have fun and WORK IT!
1 rep max question

i decided not to do the 1 rep max tests before i began the STS workout series b/c it looked like it would've taken forever to do for all the exercises in the STS series.

so i'm just doing my best at picking weights that work and are a challenge to me. i'm only 2 weeks into meso cycle 1, but can already tell that how much weight i can lift is affected by whatever else i've done during the day or even the day before.

let me know if you have a short cut way of squeezing in the 1 rep max.

also, i do use the barbell, but often sub 15-25lb DBs for ease. do you think it matters? i have DB from 2 lbs thru 30 lbs.

as i get stronger, i may sub using my vectra (universal-like machine) for chest press type work since i don't have a spotter at home. do you think it will matter?
Yeah, I too wished there were a quick and easy way to get the 1RM out of the way. I was dreading it, too, before I started STS but just spent one week doing most of the exercises that had the most stars. It really didn't take as long as I had thought but has really made a difference. I didn't invest in a barbell until Meso 2 but wow! For me the barbell is so much more difficult than dumbbells. Not sure exactly why, but I'm thinking maybe it's easier to cheat when I use dumbbells. :confused: I definitely find myself using better form (using less momentum) with the barbell but that may just be me.
I just ordered the Sts program should be here on Saturday... I am very excited about getting started... I haven't been very active in the last year so I am hope with this program it will get me back into shape. I was thinking about trying the one month nutrition site just wondering if anyone has tried it?
I just finished Week 2 of Mesocycle 1 and am seeing small improvements already. I can only imagine what I will see by the end of the program. I'm loving it so far - I'm seriously sore after each workout...especially the legs ones...DOMS is killer on those!

It's my first time doing STS - I bought it last year but kept putting it on hold. Now I'm wondering why I didn't start it earlier! I did most of the 1RMs but rushed through them too quickly - I wish I had taken more time to do them...next round!

Ketros - I signed up for the nutrition program and it's good but there are also a lot of free ones out there. It depends on what you are looking for. Signing up for a one month trial is a good idea so you can see if you will use it and it works for you. I don't use it much these days but that's mainly because I stopped tracking food - it just makes me crazy if I do that.

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