<--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy unknown...

RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<--Thinks Liann is such a good mommy!!!
<--Was totally kidding about the snakes... hopes she knows that :)
<--Likes the name "Miss Piggy" or "Babe" for the guinea piggy
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<---Smiles at Liann, thinks she is a cool scaly mom too!
<---Tells her Hoochie Coochie is a cute name! :)
<--says howdy to the oal!
<--is sorry lorie's been up since the butt crack of dawn
<--hopes surgeon friend takes care of her hip painlessly
<--says she's had cortisone shots in the hip, and they really help with the pain
<--is sorry for robin's restless night as well!
<--waves to ronne and catherine
<--likes beavs idea of the toilet dunk
<--has a colleauge that could use that as well
<--hopes beth finds a peaceful decision about work next year
<--knows it isn't easy
<--would like a pic of liann's new furry family member
<--is sorry stephanie didn't get a snow day!
<--agrees with melissa that she should talk to the ob/gyn about this study
<--doesn't think one cup of java a day is bad
<--is a licensed childbirth educator and doula
<--wears many hats, lol
<--says hi to carole and is happy she has a short day!
<--agrees with her that all men are boys
<--wonders what suzanne and SO will do for date night?
<--lol at liann's sign to protect the pig
<--is having serious DOMS today from yesterdays rendezvous with drill max
<--has a rest day today
<--will bbl
<--says ciao for now
<---waves Happy Tuesday to all
<---had a nice 3-day weekend and is now back at work - boooo!
<---should've gotten a snow day today because the roads are really bad
<---got a ride to work from DH in his big huge pickup truck :)
<---loves DH :D
<---is sorry Lorie had a sleepless night
<---also had a sleepless night, so <--- can sympathize
<---is excited about Lorie's HRM ;)
<---hasn't used <---'s HRM in ages... maybe <--- should bust it out again, for old time's sake
<---is sorry about Robin's restless night too
<---hopes Ronne has fun with Christi
<---is sorry Catherine doesn't get a snow day either
<---is happy to hear about Beavs' mom and niece :)
<---definitely thinks a toilet dunk is the best way to deal with disrespectful colleague
<---has a couple colleagues that need a good toilet dunking }(
<---understands Beth's apprehensiveness re: going back to teaching full time
<---knows she will make the best decision for her and her family :)
<---wants to see Liann's guinea pig!!! :D
<---thinks he sounds adorable!
<---would love to visit Liann's zoo sometime ;)
<---tells Stephanie <--- is also a little bummed about the caffeine-miscarriage study X(
<---doesn't drink coffee, but drinks tea almost daily, and has the occasional Diet Coke
<---probably doesn't need to worry about that... but doesn't want to take any extra chances
<---also agrees with Melissa re: moderation
<---thinks it's hard to know what to do anymore - so much conflicting information
<---should just encase <---self in a bubble and eat nothing but broccoli and water
<---is sure they'll find something wrong with broccoli now :p
<---is excited for Melissa's new furry addition to the family!
<---agrees with Carole that roundhouse kicks are great for unruly colleagues ;)
<---agrees with Suzanne that using a food diary is very eye-opening :eek:
<---tells Liann to give her DH a good whack on the bottom for threatening to get rid of the guinea pig
<---MEANIE! :p
<---has to go to another meeting this morning (ugh).... bbl!
<--Cody! Hi! How cool that you're a doula
<--way back in pre-historic times <--studied to be a home-birth midwife
<--didn't happen but learned so much
<--date night will be quiet as SO is sick (again, still, MEN x( )
<--dinner and usually a little Discovery Channel
<--thinks Liann should name GP some grand queenly name
<--says Thanks Melissa!
<--wanders out, blushing...
<---forgot to congratulate Melissa on her soon to be new addition
<---hopes he is a good boy for her!
<---knows she must be uber excited!!!
<---promises Cody to take some glamour shots of "she who has no name yet" tonight
<---tells Emily that if one hair on that pig's head is touched when she gets home, that DH will be getting more that a good whack to the bottom!

<---adds that DH PROMISED her that she could get another Hammy after Bri died and she never did, so doesn't see why he is having such a cow over the pig? She's only a tiny bit bigger...
<--likes all the hats also
<--says that <--is really in the beauty business, as a hairstylist, makeup artist and now home spa "specialist", lol
<--but is so fascinated by pregnancy and natural childbirth that <--got certified when dd was born 6 years ago
<--realizes that <--should have used the word "certified childbirth educator and doula" as opposed to "licensed"
<--THinks it is so cool that Cody is a doula
<--Did an article on doulas for a local Parent magazine once
<--Thinks it takes a special person to do that
<--Was operating under the motto of all things in moderation until we actually get pregnant (which for all we know may take several months), but <--is a little worried about those two weeks each month where you just don't know "if it took" (sorry if this is TMI).
<--Says <--still has been enjoying a glass of wine here and there and morning coffee and Saxby's lattes, but now is questioning if <--should just start living as if <--already is preggers "just in case."
<--Has a doc appointment next month, and <--will talk to doc about it more
<--is totally neurotic, BTW
<--says all this talk of coffee really makes <--WANT COFFEE!!!!

<--In self absorbed rant, <--forgot to say hey to Evily!!!
<--Thinks Ev is so funny
<--Hopes she enjoys her meeting!
<--has read all the posts and think all you are the bomb diggity
<--once had a G. Piggy named Easter (she came that way)
<--'s mom somehow let her get loose and <-- was devastated
<--'s mom was well meaning but could be kinda callous at times!
<--thinks its nice that there are doulas like Cody
<--thinks <-- would need a doula or two or three if <-- should ever reproduce
<--likes Carole's idea of a roundhouse kick
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<--- runs in & waves to everyone!:)
<--- adds a swift roundhouse kick too}(
<--- hasn't been around in a few days & glad to be here today
<--- thinks it sounds like everyone is doing pretty good
<--- sends hugs & positive vibes to anyone in need
<--- congratulates those with new additions & soon-to-be-additions
<--- needs to run back out again for now
<--- doesn't even like running or any kind of cardio:p
<--- hopes everyone has a great day
<--- will try to BBL:D
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<---is a bit upset
<---just got a call from doctor's office
<---'s EKG from Friday's pre admission work is abnormal and has to be repeated before <--is cleared for surgery
<---will have repeat EKG this afternoon
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<--Hi Kel! Whew, slow down chickie!
<--says was honored to attend 2 hospital births and 3 or more home births while studying
<--indescribable to be on the coming or going edge of any life
<--very humbling and magic infusing
<--was fortunate to have DD and DS at home with a midwife
<--no licensing of homebirth midwives per se in this state
<--friend who <--studied with went on to become L&D nurse
<--thinks that's pretty cool
<--fingers crossed for Robin!
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<--- comes in way late and will NOT be doing personals:p
<--- hasn't really read above either
<--- took over two hours to get to work today
<--- was not thrilled
<--- hopes you all have a great day
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<--hopes it was just a "blip" that they picked up on robin's EKG and that all will be fine with the next one
<--sends a hug to tide her over
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<---sends Robin hugs!!! {{{{HUGS}}}}
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<--hugs Robin and knows having to repeat an EKG is a pain in the arse
<--knows everything will be fine and tells her to treat herself to something nice when the surgery is done
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<-- pops into thread to wave a quick hello and hug Robin
<-- is sure everything will turn out fine
<-- will keep Robin in thoughts today
<-- has to get ready for class and is still in workout clothes and not showered http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_3_159.gif
<-- wishes everyone a fantabulous day
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<--- comes back in (a lot more slowly than before)
<--- decided to take Suzanne's advice & s-l-o-w d-o-w-n;)
<--- just wanted to give Robin a big hug (((ROBIN)))
<--- glad Shelley got to work, safe & sound
<--- sorry it took so long, though!
<--- is starving & super duper glad it's almost lunchtime
<---'s tummy says ***GROWL***:p
<--- is off to find some food now
<--- will try to BBL... again:)

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