Just did Slo Mo again- LOVE this workout

Hi all,

I guess I am in the minority, but I do not like anything on Slo Mo except the core work. I like Amy's cardio, but I'm not sold on any of her weight work.

After reading this thread, I decided it was time to give this workout a whirl so I did Slo Mo legs on Monday. Ever since then my legs/glutes are KILLING me! I was shaking doing just about every exercise and I was using around 2/3s or less of whatever weight Amy was using! :eek: For me, it was harder than B&G, L&G, LL, PLB, and GSL and I can match Cathe for weights in all of those. Moving that slowly was so effective in getting all my muscle fibers engaged. (Don't get me wrong, I work hard while doing Cathe's LB work, but I'm not shaking as badly or as sore afterward.) Gee, I guess there is something to this whole "changing up your workout is most effective" concept! :D

Is Cathe's slow & heavy a muscle fryer like this? I've owned the leg workout since August RT, but confess I haven't tried it. Today I'm going to try Slo Mo UB split 1. Those of you so inclined, please pray or send good lifting vibes for me...:)

From now on, I'm going to be more decisive. Possibly.
Received Slo Mo from Amazon yesterday. Decided to go with the Chest/Bi/Tri split since chest work is my fave. Some changes I didn't get, like bringing the pinkies in at the top of the chest fly, but some of the tweaks were really cool and I could feel them. At the end of the triceps work I was thinking, "I don't think I really got much of a burn in those resistance band kickbacks." Went down to dinner 15 minutes later, and my arms were feeling like noodles!

Love the music in this one, and the time really flew. Tonight? The dreaded leg work!!!

Thanks for the input guys. While I doubt that this will take the place of my beloved S & H, it really is an enjoyable weight workout. I guess I'll be trying one of Amy's step workouts soon.
>Received Slo Mo from Amazon yesterday. Decided to go with
>the Chest/Bi/Tri split since chest work is my fave. Some
>changes I didn't get, like bringing the pinkies in at the top
>of the chest fly, but some of the tweaks were really cool and
>I could feel them. At the end of the triceps work I was
>thinking, "I don't think I really got much of a burn in those
>resistance band kickbacks." Went down to dinner 15 minutes
>later, and my arms were feeling like noodles!
>Love the music in this one, and the time really flew.
>Tonight? The dreaded leg work!!!
>Thanks for the input guys. While I doubt that this will take
>the place of my beloved S & H, it really is an enjoyable
>weight workout. I guess I'll be trying one of Amy's step
>workouts soon.

Amy's step is some of the best on the market in my opinion. Adavanced Step Challenge is short and sweet (and it's in Amy's very first set of workouts so the set, sound, production values aren't quite up to par with her more current offerings). Advanced Step Challenge 2 is somewhat complex yet remains athletic with motivating music. There is not a lot of breakdwon and to me the cueing is spot on and you have to learn the way Amy cues, but I like that there is no lengthy explanation of upcoming moves that you have to listen to each and every time you do the workout. Amy has quickly learned what it means to consistently deliver fresh workouts Amy style and she is very focused and knows the most important part of making a fitness DVD is the end product...an effective workout. She just filmed Advanced Step Challenge 3 this past Saturday with two bonus ab workouts (one will use a kettlebell). Amy and Cathe are my all time faves! Her step is more complex than Cathe's and not to everyone's liking so make sure you go to www.nrgfitness.net and watch a long clip before purchasing!!!

SloMo catches up to you and I find that now that I understand the moves, I feel the burn during the workout as well. I'm always shocked the way my arms feel after SloMo...it's the limp noodle feeling that comes a bit later, and I become aware of it when I'm in the shower washing my hair...it's not a specific soreness, it's more like wow my arms have been WORKED over today!!!

I came back to say, that I really need to give S&H a shot again. I've never used this series much.
>Thanks for the input guys. While I doubt that this will take
>the place of my beloved S & H, it really is an enjoyable
>weight workout. I guess I'll be trying one of Amy's step
>workouts soon.

I LOVE S & H!! It's one of my favorite Cathe's ever! Slo Mo just didn't click with me. I've tried Amy twice now, and while I want to like her, her workouts just don't do it for me. ;-)
I was given this workout from a wonderful friend here, and haven't done it. But I pulled it out after reading this thread. I'm planning on previewing it and working in next week, after DOMS subside from this week's LB workout! Thanks for all your input, guys!

Hey TeTe

I was just wondering how you got on with the Legs split? I have to go sooo much lighter than Amy to get through it. Those hamstring things near the end where you lean forward with your leg on the step? I can only use 5s on those!
Ronne - I started off matching Amy with the first exercise, and quickly realized there was no way in the world I could do that, so I ended up going pretty light too. I think I did those hamstring things with 8s or 10s and nearly died. True story ;)
Hey Shell

Perhaps I can blame it on the fact that Amy's legs are twice as long as mine? Worth a try anyway!
Ronne--I haven't done it yet; I'm an after-work exerciser, so I haven't done it yet. I'll let you know!!! (I guess there's no getting out of it now!!!}( )

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