Just checking in....


good mornig ladies, i just needed to vent a little. as some of you know my mom was diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer in sep. of 05. she completed 3 rounds of chemo and was considered to be in remission . sept of 06 she went into the hospital with abdominal pains and they told us that the stage 1 cancer metastisized to the periteneum(spelling) and that she would need six more treatments. well after hearing that news i insisted that the dr.s(which they were against becasue they did not think she needed)give her a pet scan(a whole body scan) well yesterday i got the news that it has spread and is now stage 3 liver cancer as well. i can not begin to put into words how much this turns my world upside down. i cant workout or do my work or laundry or anything. i feel like i am frozen and i am so sad. people keep telling me about those people that you here of that get cancer and are told they are going to die and then they recover and i am hopeful but i also have to be realistic. i will keep you posted and sorry this is so long
I am very sorry that you are going through this. I wouldn't worry about whether you workout etc at this point. Just do what you can when you can. I can't offer any words of advice because I have never been confronted with a close relative suffering from a long term illness. But, as with any grieving process, you owe it to yourself to take care of your emotional needs right now.
mary, i am so very very sorry. please write here anytime and know there are friendly understanding ears. i wish i was close by and could offer more support. my thoughts and prayers are with you, your mum, and your family.
thank you so much for your kind words. i am trying to remain optimistic and sane for my kids. it is so strange because my dad died when i was 8 years old and the thought of losing my mom makes me feel like i am alittle girl alone without any parents. i am 32 years old but i guess when it comes to our moms we are always their babies. thanks again
Hello Mary,

I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I can truely feel your pain. My father has been battling prostate and esophageal cancer for the past five years. He recovered from them both. However 5 weeks ago we learned that the esophageal cancer is now back and is fatal. He is not expected to survive past Thanksgiving. I don't know how bad your mom's situation is. I know stage 3 is serious however I think my dad had stage 3 prostate cancer and he survived that. It is great you insisted on the scan. Doctors don't know everything.

Those feelings you are experiencing i.e. not being able to work out much less anything else are just what I went through and are very normal. I realized after about a week though that the initial shock starts to ease up a bit and you are able to cope a tiny bit more each day.

Don't worry about your exercise right now. When the shock wears off a little then do some exercise just for the endorphan factor. It can give your mood a little lift.

Lastly, I don't know if you are a spiritual person or not but prayer has helped me the most.

I'll say a prayer for you and your mom,


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