June 10 Check in Friday 18th*************


Good morning ladies...

SOrry I was missing yesterday. I had alot going on around here...Looks like you gals were chatty too. I will try to get over to that thread and check it out....

The kids and I are getting ready to head out to the track soon. I was so happy to get on the scale today. I am down a few pounds. I have been trying REALLY hard with my eating and the extra walking has been helping too. The walking has 2 purposes: To get the kids exercise and I wanted to get a little more cardio in. I was going to start running. But, I want the kids to get this in at least 4 or 5 days a week and I thought that much running wouldn't be good. I can go longer and use my weights with the walking and I really enjoy it. I pump my arms and really push the speed.

Ok, anyway...that is what we are doing. Later I am sure we will head to the pool....

Be back after the walk....
Hiya Kathy!

Hiya everyone!

I'm finally feeling GOOD today and well rested! Last night I started with a headache, and I was so afraid it was going to be "one of my headaches that don't go away", but it really was just from being tired. Sleep (even though interupted) really did help.

Kathy: Congrats on the weight loss and extra walking!!! that's awesome. I think I found the few lbs you lost, though. :eek: I don't know what has been wrong with me the last few days. usually I'm pretty good about eating during the week. I'm betting today will be better since I feel pretty rested and AWAKE for a change.... Have fun with the original IMAX. I like that one! Easy to do intervals make it easy to push yourself instead of concentrating on not falling down! LOL!

I'm about to go downstairs to do GS: Back Shoulders Biceps, the shortened premix. And then some abs (not sure which ones). Afterwards, going to head to the park for a run. I also have to stop at Zach's school to drop off a gift for the nurse, and then groceries for the weekend. Ugh. HATE grocery shopping!

And so I woke up around 12:30 am to find out the Celtics blew it. Oh well. What can you do?

Hottie: You would love my house with the 3 boys. Life is all about poop talk! ;). Hope the Lakers win doesn't screw up your life too bad today :(

better start moving....

Good morning! Yes, Kathy, congrats on the lost poundage! I think walking with weights is great -- if you pump your arms (I do all kinds of things you might be embarrassed to do with people seeing you), it really gets your heart rate up!

Chris, maybe you've been discombobulated because of the trip and the end of the year craziness -- hopefully things will settle down and you'll get back into your groove. Glad to hear you got a good night of sleep and you're feeling better rested!

Well, was there rioting, Hottie? I've got to say, it was a very exciting game! Even I watched! I was at my mom's house, but knew she would be watching, so I did have it on while I did some things in the background and in the end I couldn't take my eyes off the game! There were a fair bit of plugs for "celebrating in a dignified way" or something like that.

I did a netflix instant this morning -- Crunch Super Slimdown. It was the ticket. I'll get back to more intense stuff at home. I'm leaving in a little while -- have to put clean sheets back on the bed and go see my mom. I hope I don't hit that Santa Barbara traffic! Larry still thinks I should fly home, but I have so much stuff to take home!

Waves to Joanne!! I'll let you know how I like the Trainer Bobs -- they may be waiting for me. I saw a breakdown of the bob's workout (whatever that one is called) and it looks good!

Have a good one!
Boston you have forsaken me.


You were up by 13 points!?!?


Now I have a miserable commute on Monday. Just miserable. I think i'm going to go in late...or super super early. ::sniff:: I hate you, Lakers. I hate you.

no workout this morning, I hope to do it when I get home. I got to bed so late because I screwed up making Evee's food last night. In my efforts to pressurize some of the hardest bones I've ever had in the house I ended up burning the bottom again and then when I tried to blend some of the other bits I overfilled it...just a nice old mess after I had spent the evening cleaning the kitchen. Oh but did evee clean up aisle 9! I think her tongue got longer last night. And then I had to go to the notary at Caltech for some documents and there was just no way I could muster the energy for STS Legs. If I get home by 530 I could conceivably do the workout before my tutoring students comes to the house....

I had a DREAM about the Bob workouts. I had a dream that my friend in Santa Barbara was looking for them so I had to buy for them but I got stuck in an endless target. ::shudder::

Kathy -- that's awesome! I look silly when I pump my arms with the handweights and the vest. But i'm all about burning those extra pounds.

Chris -- ::moan:: why did boston screw up....have fun with the workout.

Beth -- LAPD was ready. In fact the news coverage after the game was all watcing how the LAPD took down troublemakers. There were some fires, broken into cars and windows of businesses, but it was something less than 100 people involved. hey that was my first ellen workout! you could always come down to Pasadena before you head out but I imagine Larry would kill me if I did that. Is it more than 2 bags? Southwest does not hate your bags...

Gosh, i'm so sleepy. Everyone here is excited. Nobody else is driving in from the east side. Screw them.

Blech...it's going to be a long day...DISTRACT ME JOANNE!
Hi ladies..

Finished with the workout and shower. Now, lunchtime!!!

Thanks for the congrats on the weight. I am encouraged now that the scale is being nice to me. So, I have been able to resist the ice cream in the freezer...Plus, Wednesday I go for my yearly checkup at the dr. I want that good weigh in!!

Oh and also on the walking...I do pump those arms like mad. I also don't care how I look. So, I will twist and bend to the side to work the core. I also do a few boxing arms now and again...There is usually nobody around. But, who cares..I am working out!

By the way, my kids can never get enough of saying poop and stuff....

Time to go eat...Hungry!!!
Hi everyone!!

Kathy, congrats on the missing poundage. I think I found it, too, though! I've thought about adding in some walking. I could do it on my lunch hour.

Chris, I've been horrible with the eating, too. Sometimes I'm so good, then I slip once and it's all over. It's like I have to get myself in a certain mindset and it's easy. But, right now I'm in the mindset of eat anything I want. Not good. Sounds like a great workout planned! Although I'm sure you are done by now. I'm sure Zach's nurse will appreciate the gift. Glad to hear the headache didn't stick around. Oh, we have something else in common - varicose veins. :( Mine are horrible - I'm the same way - hate to wear shorts let alone a bathing suit. Capris have saved me. I even had surgery for them many years ago, but like the doctor warned me, they came back.

Beth, hope you are having an uneventful drive home. Yes, please do tell me about the Trainer Bob DVDs. I'm confused if they are going to be the same price at Target. They look really intense, like Insanity-level.

Hottie, I know, I was bummed the Celtics lost. When the Bulls won in the 90s there was rioting. Even turning over cars. Why? People are just nuts. I hope Evee appreciates all your hard work on her behalf!!

Yesterday I was really freaking about our party next weekend. The kitchen is still in disarray. DH is putting ceramic tile and instead of just doing it all at once he's doing a little bit each day so we can walk in there. You have to let the tiles dry for at least a day and since it's so humid and we have no AC, it's taking even longer. I told him just do it all - who cares if we can't go in the kitchen for a few days. He's got about three more sections to do then we have to grout it and let that dry for two days, I think. We are cutting it close here. The rest of the house is a disaster cause it's hard to de-craptify (is that a word?) and clean when tools and your kitchen are spread out all over the place. Ugh!! I at least ordered the food yesterday and a root beer keg for the kids. Have to get some alcohol, appetizers and snacks. And more beverages. Also, I have no idea how many people are coming, hardly anyone has RSVP'd. Could be anywhere from 20-75.

I woke up early and was going to do an upper body workout and run during lunch. Well, I putzed around so long figuring out what I wanted to do that I didn't do anything. There's something to be said for too many choices! I wound up doing some laundry and watching some DVR'd TV. Oh, and ran to the grocery store. I did run during lunch on the treadmill here, though. Did an itread for about 40 minutes.

OK...off to do some work. Hope I was a distraction, Hottie! ;)

I have to go send Zach off to his semi-formal AND get dinner ready, but OMG, Joanne, I LOL'd at "DE-CRAPIFY"

SO what my house needs!!!

I'll BBL to babble (but then everyone will probably be gone by then..LOL!)
We all need some decraptifying!!! That was the highlight of our thread for the entire week, I think!!!

Good luck with the kitchen work, Joanne..... I imagine your stressing, but maybe it's so out of control that you will just relax and not worry about it. Maybe????

I'm home. TGIH! No offense Hottie, but I just can't stand SoCA. It seems like it gets worse with every trip down there..... I just could not be a happy person living there. Anyway, I got an early start and never hit any traffic... made it in 5-1/4 hours. That's no stops for eating, two stops at rest stops to pee and one really quick gas fill. I was very efficient.

I got home and cleaned up a little (no decraptifying yet), put in some laundry, and decided it'd be a nice touch to bake them all cookies (I'm home alone until 4:30). Well, I've already completely burned two batches. I don't know what's wrong with me, or the oven, or what. At least it's not as messy as the Evee cooking, though it does stink..... not exactly the picture I had in mind of everyone walking in, seeing me and smelling heavenly fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies! :)

Trainer Bobs..... I read on vf (don't know if it's correct), that Target won't have them until Oct. 5 (the yoga not til December). Mary at totalfitness is supposed to get them I think before then. I've already previewed the weight one and it looks really good/hard. I'm going to do it tomorrow morning I think. I've heard the cardio is actually not all that cardio looking. We'll see.
Zach is off and dinner is done. I hate not knowing what Zach is doing. And there's no way he'll talk to me about it. Damnitall. Looking back on DC, it was really cool to see him interact with other kids and who he interacted with. ... His friend's mom picked him up and will be bringing him home. So I'm going to be anxiously waiting for his arrival home tonight!

Beth: Ya, I wonder if DC messed me up for that long? I FINALLY feel "normal". Holy cow, it's been a WEEK! ... Glad you made it home without hitting horrid traffic. Still a long car ride by yourself. That workout was cardio this morning? Yes, I can't wait to hear about Bob's workouts too!!! They looked so cool in preview. I might even be able to wait until October. With Turbo Fire coming and I'm still thinking about P90X and another round of STS. .... OMY on the burnt cookies! That sucks!!!! What kind were they? Maybe Larry did something crazy to the oven while you were gone? ..... Yes, De-Crapify IS the word of the week!! LOVE it! And it's now in my vocabulary. Can't wait to use it! LOL!...

Hottie: oh I know. Boston tanked it. bastards! I'm sorry about the crazy Licker (I mean Laker) fans. A-holes! That dog food mess sounds, well, messy. I know I may have said it before, but I will say it again, Evee is one lucky pooch!!!... Hope you get your workout in before your tutor session!!

Kathy: I look like a total fool when I run, I'm sure! I bop and sing to the music! LOL!. Screw everyone else, that's what I say!! And good to hear your kids talk "poop" too!! I swear, I thought my boys had a disorder! LOL!

Your kitchen mess sounds stressful!! I'd be crazy stressed too. Won't most of the party be outside then? .... Well, my weekends are always shitty for eating. I stress on Saturdays, and on Sundays I eat for fatigue. I kind of think that's what happened this week. I was tired and couldn't shake it, so I ate. ... Seriously, do you think we're sisters from another mother? LOL!... My legs are horrid with varicose veins. And I've never had them done. I'm too chicken. I hate doctors and being medicated. So yes, I'll be happy when the scuba suit comes back in for swim wear!! .. Nice you got to run today!!

Speaking of running , I did get to the park for one. It was a tad bit hot, and it makes it harder for me when I'm hot . I feel like stopping sooner. But it lasted about 37 minutes total , with warm up and stretch. I even ran through a gaggle of those nasty geese. Oh they are nasty, and they poop big!!!! No snakes though. Well, I didn't go down "Snake Hill" (that's what I call it now). I did GS: BSB Timesaver before I went for my run. Burned out my shoulders and back with the band work! YIKES! And I did oldie abs from Step Heat. LOTS of crunching!!!

That's it for mwah!
no workout...will have to doubleup tomorrow. too lethargic, the too full (mmm, curry and reverse dinner), and then my student came. she's improving but I think joe is having more fun than me...with me I have to sort of fill in these holes where joe gets to really teach her. oh well, $$$ is $$$.

I need my weekend! looking forward to it and being chatty tomorrow...

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