Journalize Your Journey 2/28


Good Morning,

Today is Cardio for me and plan on doing Rhythmic Step. I love this workout, and I can literally wring out my headband, it's that effective.

I couldn't figure out why I was not losing weight when I was working so darn hard to gain muscle. I looked into body types (most people know what type they are) and for the life of me couldn't figure out which one mine was. Finally, I realized which one. Endomorph. I'm finding that weight lifting and not enough cardio, does not work for me. It's cardio, and high rep weight training I need to incorporate. Losing only 1 pound a month and not seeing any results from weight training, was really aggravating and frustrating.

Now that I'm encouraged to attempt a different way of workouts, I will add more cardio 6 days a week. On the days where I do high rep weight training, 30 min. cardio would be good for me. The days where there are no other workouts, 60 min. cardio will be added. Before, I was only incorporating 3 cardio days a week, for only 30-45 min.

This endomorgh body type, to me is challenging. There is fat even surrounding my organs, and of course along my outer body shell. That's why I couldn't see the muscle I've must have built. Not that I'm fat, I lost over 35 pounds and want to lose the last 10 to 15 pounds. You can't believe how long it's taking me!

The journey of a well kept body is never ending, and I learn new things all the time. I tweak and change when necessary as the challenges are endless. I can understand some people giving it up, because it is so darn hard. But like Tony Ventura says, "it's suppose to be." And he knows his stuff.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I did Rhythmic Step. I haven't did this step up for a very long time. And to my surprise, wasn't thrilled when I had to stop and continue on my stair climber, and again to my treadmill. But, I did DO 60 min. of cardio today. YEAH!

Since my new knowledge, about being an Endomorgh, I read in my BFFM ebook, that eating "The Zone" way is very beneficial for my body type. Thank goodness I kept all my books. So I'll get them out tonight and read up on it. We are carb sensitive and do better with a higher protein diet.

I'm excited to learn about this fact and now can move on, from a couple of years of being stuck, and not losing anymore weight. I can hardly wait to see more changes coming my way. I do have to be patient with this type of body though.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

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