I've just been diagnosed with colon cancer


You have an awesome attitude, Joyce and they say that is a key factor! Keep thinking those positive thoughts and check in with us often to let us know how you are doing!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!



I was very saddened to read your post.

I hope all the treatment goes well and that you beat this illness.

((((hugs)))) to you. Please keep positive through all this.

I'll keep you in my prayers.

Take care and God bless


I second the recommendation to read Lance Armstrong's book, It's Not About the Bike. It's a great read and very inspiring. Just know you're in eveyones thoughts. You have an excellent support system
right here, and I'm sure there are excellent support groups near you. I'm a firm believer in meeting with people who are going through similar circumstances. Just knowing you are not alone is a huge comfort. Best of luck to you. Keep us posted!

I'm so glad that someone brought this post back up. I missed it the first time around!

Praying and hoping for a speedy recovery! You are such a strong person and I truly admire you for your determination on getting over this cancer!

How are you? Ok, blessings and prayers for you and your family!

take care:)
Hi Joyce,

I just wanted to add my voice of support to you. I believe as well, that your positive attitude and determination will go along way in helping you to beat this. I also really wanted to share some information with you that I think will be helpful. Please check out the following link.


I hope and pray that things will go well for you on your road to recovery.

Hi Joyce,
I know it's an older post but I wanted to let you know that you are also in my prayers along w/ everyone else and prayer is very powerful so I am just thanking God right now for the restoration of your health :)

Hi Joyce,
You've received alot of great support love and encouragement here.
I'm not speaking as someone who has had cancer myself, but i am speaking as a Radiation Oncology nurse.

I agree with everything everyone has said, keep strong physically, keep a positive strong attitute.
You'll have days where you'll feel like crap, mostly from the chemo.
Keep your nutritional status up as best as you can.
As questions, take advantage of all the support systems you have.
Lots of people turn to vitamins and the such. I don't know if it is proven or not, but we had an oncologist who told our cancer patients to stop vitamins until cleared because vitamins can feed the tumor as well. Again, not sure if it was proven, but he sure made me think about that.

You may find nice outdoor brisk walks are more to your exercise liking than the intense ones. Listen to your body!!
God bless and please keep us posted!
Hi Joyce! I just thought I'd let you know that you will be in my prayers. Sounds like you have a great attitude towards this and I know that they say that all of the cases of cancer where the people survive they have a strong will to beat it. Keep up the great attitude and take care.


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