Is it ok to do MIS 3 times a week ?


I am still working on my rotation and I'm wondering if it's ok to do Maximum Intensity strength 3 times a week. Thanks !


What are your goals?

My intitial thoughts are that if you put at least day of rest in between workouts you'd be okay. I would think that you would become very bored with doing the same workout 3-times/week.

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I know some people may use the same workout 3 times a week to track their progress. It is easy to see what weight you started out with, how many reps you could do at that weight and see a lot of progress when you stick to the same workout. After my TLT kick, I may go back to using one Cathe series several times a week to track my progress.
Edited to say...not necessary to do the same workout 3 times a week to track progress but to keep it in a rotation at least weekly but I think you could do MIS 2 to 3 times a week safely as long as your muscles are recovering and it would be a great way to track progress.
Are you adding a cardio session the days you do MM or MIS? That may be helpful if your goal is weight loss, but maybe someone else can offer some insight on that....

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