Is anyone else having kooky dreams......


...about the Cathe Road Trip?!?!? It's insane!!

The only thing I remember about my dream last night was that Maximus was getting irritated because we kept calling her Musclemax instead of Maximus! LOL!!!!

Please tell me I'm not the only one having freaky dreams!!!

I'm not having any about the road trip, but I did have one yesterday where I was biking this mountain that was like Mt. Everest and when I got to the top I could not walk down because there was an ocean I would have stepped into and I can't swim so I went back down the mountain frustrated. Go figure. LOL!

The only weird dream I've had lately is that I ate an entire cake in one sitting. Last Thursday we had cake here for a birthday and I passed on it. I guess my subconscience was playing tricks on me that night.

I think we need a special forum for road trip posts.
Debbie in OH
Debbie - I've been having dreams about eating things I want to but can't also. I wake up feeling guilty until I realize it was only a dream!!

I actually had a dream where I went to the road trip and no one liked me and Cathe wouldn't let me have my picture taken with her! I'm a nice person, really I am! :)
LOL, Lunacat! I dreamed last week that you guys decided you didn't want me to room with you all so I didn't go on the trip! I have to stop this obsessing.....

P.S. I want a picture taken with you!!

I haven't dreamed about the road trip. Yet. I'm sure I will and in truly Shelley fashion, it will be some violent, twisted thing with gun battles and chases through dark streets.}(

Of course, we want you to room with us! We're pretty insecure, huh? :p And I'll have a picture taken with you, but we have to have 3 taken so there's a chance we can get one where my eyes are open!


You're scaring me! :)
We'll just have to keep Shelley up all night so she doesn't have any of those nasty dreams while we're rooming with her! Who wants the midnight-4am shift??

I'll take it. I'll be armed with pictures of fluffy bunnies so when she wakes up screaming, I'll hold it in front of her face and gently whisper: "Shelley, you're dreaming about bunnies. Picture the bunnies, bunnnniieeeeeeeessssss."
So which one of us going to share a BED with Shelley??? :p And we better search her baggage and make sure she doesn't have anything that can be used as a weapon, like an ultra-pointy toothbrush or something. ;)
Ok. I guess it was my turn to have a kooky dream. Probably because I read this thread yesterday before I went to bed.

Last night, I dreamed that Pinky & I had to rush to the mall, during a brief respite, to get something to wear that evening for the party. Well, of course being out of town with no vehicle we were trying to decide how to get there. Then Pinky says she knows how to drive a tow truck! She starts driving and makes a U-turn into the shoulder of the road which was on an incline & scares the crap out of me. She tells me that's the way tow-trucks are meant to be driven & it was under control.

That was so bizarre. I can't believe I admitted to this.

Marla - LOL! That is so funny!! :7

(By the way, I'm renting a car so I'll take you to the mall. Under no circumstances get into a tow truck with Pinky.) ;)


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