Intuitive Eating check-in May 8


How's everyone doing with this? I ate a lot the first two days or so, then was hardly hungry for the rest of that week. Some days I eat so much it's positively alarming, then other days not so much. I've gained 2lbs but still fit in my size 6's. It's hard for my brain to accept that it's okay to eat what my body asks for even if I don't logically think I should have it.

I ate to the point of uncomfortable fullness a few times and am learning my lesson about that. Being stuffed is just as miserable as being hungry. I'm making sure I don't repeat that mistake.

I've been staying away from the scale but do a check in once a week or so, if I feel I can face it that day.

Overall I much prefer this way of eating, but am concerned about getting fat.

Anyone else?
I posted a couple of weeks ago about how I was interested in the book simply because of the title. I had years of trouble with food. Now I feel I have a more comfortable relationship with food and I wanted to see if what I was doing what was talked about in the book. I'm almost finished with it now. I'm reading about "gentle nutrition." It seems like I have been an intuitive eater. But the funny part was that when I started reading the book I started eating all kinds of things in greater quantities either just to test myself or because the book said you should allow yourself to! It felt like a 10 year setback!! But it didn't last long because I wasn't getting any enjoyment out of it and it made me feel like crap. So I'm back to "normal" for me again. And since I've been eating this way for so long I don't worry about getting fat because with my workouts, my weight has been a healthy stable weight. Almost as little as you, about a size 7/8. And I feel good like that too!
Sounds like you're on the right track, I think from my experience of not dieting and thinking about all that stuff it's been even easier to stay at my weight, just like they say!
Hi Kath, Carmelle, and the rest of the gang,

Thanks for starting the checkin..I've been drifting's why - This has been a very interesting experiment for me. To recap, about three years ago I lost all excess weight by eliminating dairy, sugars, and red meat almost totally from my diet. I also exercised a lot for fun. Then I started eating what my BF ate. His staples are hamburger helper, mac&cheese, and sandwiches with a lot of mayo. Work got more stressful and I stopped exercising. I gained 15 lbs. Then I started a myriad of diets (scan diet, 8 minutes in the morning, slimfast, weight watchers, suzanne somers) and sporadic exercise. I stayed the same weight plus or minus the monthly five pounds. Then I read Intuitive Eating and stopped dieting though I did exercise more, probably 3.5 times a week average. My metabolism was slow and though I never stuffed myself or binged, I gained 15 pounds. Wow. Ironically, I was/am more amazed at having gained weight so fast than upset at having gained weight. So yes, you might really gain some weight eating whatever you want.

BUT I think Carmelle hit it right on. Eating junk makes me feel like junk. I preferred how I felt when I ate very little dairy or sugar. I positively glowed then AND my body thrives on constant exercise. This last week or so I've been worried that cutting dairy and sugar out would be a case of the diet police. I don't want to diet ever again and I want to be free of dieting. With this in mind, I've made daily a.m. exercise a very high priority and I cut out the sweets. I truly don't miss them at all. I drink a lot of ice water. I pamper myself more. I try to add a fruit or vegetable to every meal. In another week I'll phase out the dairy and see if I really miss it or not. I was really allergic to dairy as a child and I am just constantly a bit phlemy when having it as an adult.

Is this consistent with Intuitive Eating? I think perhaps it is. In the gentle nutrition section they say that you should opt for the most nutritious choice IF you don't feel deprived by it.

I guess this is the next phase of IE - I can use nutrition guidelines for eating but must be careful that I'm not depriving myself. Oh, I did go ahead and buy bigger clothes so the weight-loss wouldn't seem so urgent. It does bother me a bit, but I just think to myself "Who cares?!" I've learned what I need to do to feel healthy and I'm doing it.

Sorry this is so long, but hopefully it will be informative for someone. Feedback always welcome :)
Hope everyone is doing well. I started out horrible this week. I actually made myself throw up last week, something I haven't done in about a year. But this week has been better. I really need to read the book (Intuitive Eating) more though. When I read it, it inspires me. Take care!

Ah, Jilly, please don't. You know how bad it is for you and you know it's a symptom of something bigger. I had a student come in a while back that was paying all the big prices from things she'd done related to eating disorder. She was so young and she loved to run but she can't anymore. Truly. Her spine and knees are damaged, she has heart problems now, years later. Don't do it. Please, talk to someone professionally again. The book can't substitute for professional help and assitance. We'll be here for you for support, but please do see someone professionally. Sending lots of love your way, Jen
Thanks for the support. I know it is bad and I know that it is stupid. I really honestly (because I know people with Eating Disorders lie up the yazoo!) don't plan on doing it again. What is the deal? I've been told that anorexia is a control issue and bulimia is a power issue. What am having a power struggle with? Seriously, I don't know. I hate my job - is that it? Thanks again for the kind thoughts and words Jen. I hope for you nothing but success and happiness this week (and all weeks!)
Hey All -

Well .. I did just fine throughout the week, but my battles come on weekends. If I'm out having drinks with friends, it sets off my cravings and appetite, and I end up overeating big time. My world has become a perpetual cycle of clean eating during the week, and munch-fests on the weekends. Even during the day on Fridays and Saturdays I eat healthy, and then after a drink or two, all I want to do is eat! Last night I had two cocktails at home with my neighbor, and afterwards, got on a chow frenzy and probably downed 1500 cals in the course of a couple hours! I don't understand how to break this cycle!! Does anyone else experience this when having a drink? I'm soooo frustrated, and find that I'm hugely disappointed in myself, and it makes me feel like complete crap that I can't control my eating more on the weekends!! I don't crave that kind of stuff during the week, and don't understand how the cravings surface during the weekend. Being powerless to stop it makes me feel like a complete loser on top of the lousy feeling of overeating to begin with!! Any advice?

~ Nicole
Hey Jillybean - Thank you and I hear ya. Hating your job could be key. My pet theory - I think not being able to eat intuitively comes from unhappiness. Getting happy by either changing your life or your attitude can have a huge impact on how you live and vice versa. I wonder if we should be focusing on that instead of diet :) Any ideas or thoughts about this?
Here's a quote on discipline:

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-13-02 AT 08:59AM (Est)[/font][p]"No discipline is pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
Hebrews 12: 11-12

Hope this helps.

Weekends are for Fun!

Maybe during the week you are restricting yourself too much? That could be why you let loose with the appetite on the weekends too! If you are concentrating on eating "clean" then, then maybe you should be a little more relaxed with your eating during the week and you may not have the urge to overdo it uncontrollably on weekends. That's what the book says about dieting. When you don't let yourself have things for so long then all of a sudden you have everything all at once! Make sense? I dunno. Just trying. Seems to help for me when I eat a little bit of everything instead of thinking in terms of "clean" all the time. Good luck and please enjoy your weekends. At least they are only 2 days long!
RE: Weekends are for Fun!

Hey Carmelle :)

I thought of that theory myself initially as well. However, after a lot of thought, I realized that I just don't crave that kind of stuff during the week. I really think it's induced by the appetite surge that comes after a cocktail or two. I read somewhere that there's something in alcohol that gets the appetite going. I'm not sure of the truth behind that, but it's irritating me that things that I don't desire during the week, become 'must-haves' for me on a weekend! Yeah, thankfully the weekend is only two days. I'm sure there's many people out there who such foods on a regular basis, I just don't understand the out of control cravings, and it makes me feel so powerless!! Ugh ... back on track this week.

Hi everyone,
I had a good week.But was pissed to hop on to my mother-in-laws scale and to learn that I have gained a couple of pounds in the last few weeks. But I had already started cutting back by then.When I weighed on Sunday I was one pound lighter.
My problem is that on Wedesdays and Thursdays I work from 12-9.And I work out in the morning.Then when I take my supper break from 4-5 which is way to early, I come home and raid my cupborads so that had to stop.Plus the late night eating.I haven't eaten in the night time for a week now.and I promised myself that if I was good all week that when we go to the cabin this weekend I can have a few chips and a couple drinks.But I probably won't want to cause once I let myself have whatever, I find it really hard to get make on track.
Over the last couple of nights I haven't been hungry when i went to bed.I think your body gets use to it.
Anyway, hoping to have a good week again this week.Doesn't take me long to lose a couple of pounds when I put my mind to it
take care,

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