Intuitive Eating Check-in anyone?

Hi, I didn't start this check in but did find the book to be filled with very solid, healthy advice on how to eat without it ruling your life. I finally did finish reading it. Like I said at first I overate some "bad stuff" just thinking I could eat anything and got scared that I would be that way. But I"m back to "normal again" after going through that period. There's no depriving myself of foods here and I think that's what keeps me balanced.
I read the book a few yearsa ago and support it.

If you liked the "intuitive" philosophy you may also like Pamela Peeke's book:Fighting Fat after Forty. I heard her speak last week and was impressed with her no-nonsense approach to weight management. Her emphasis is on STRESS management. And her work is based on research. (She is an MD)

Intuitive eating works well with Peeke's suggestions. It can be another way to arm yourself in the battle against mindless eating!:7 :7 :7
Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
Hi all! I am so glad I read this book. I am sure intuitive eating comes naturally to most people but for me its been one of the hardest things I have ever done. I never knew how strong my obsession with food, exercise, losing weight etc. had become until I tried removing some of the many restrictions I had laid down for myself. Everytime I tried to 'let go' of them, I found myself spinning into panic mode. I felt I was losing control of the things that I had worked so hard for. I went from stuffing myself silly one week to starving myself the next. But I have to say that things are getting easier. I have realised that I hate over indulging as much as I hate acute restriction. I guess balance/ moderation is the key. I no longer dread weekends and eating out. In fact I look forward to them. I also feel that I am strong enough to eat things like ice-cream, pizza etc without fearing that an occasional indulgence will set me up for wanting more. I guess the more I get used to eating without restrictions, the easier it gets and a sense of control and moderation is finally returning. I am learning to exercise more wisely, eat without guilt and work with my body rather than fight it. So once again, a huge thank you to Jen for starting this check-in and to all those who contributed to it.
Hi, I had read the book when the check-in started and I think I'm realizing that I'm more normal than I thought when it comes to eating...after a long battle with multiple eating disorders. I recently decided to skip getting weighed altogether since my last weigh-in when I got incredibly upset. Right now I'm working on redefining what size I should expect myself to be, and have decided to settle for a "normal" size rather than a size that's too small for my frame. I will never have a small frame without surgical intervention and bone removal, so it's about time I come to terms with that. In 50 years none of that will matter anyway (I hope) so I'm just trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle of moderation. I realize that given a choice, I will choose healthy foods most of the time anyway. "Intuitive Eating" is the most reasonable approach I have read to eating so far. I also use Evelyn Tribole's cookbook, "Healthy Homestyle Cooking", and the recipes are really excellent (though I'm changing the subject somewhat).
Hope all of you are doing well! I haven't read it in awhile and I want to go back to it. I have been really busy lately and really stressed and have been eating just horribly. And I don't mean 'bad foods'. I mean, standing up, in my car, fast food, late at night, binging, just horrible. If there are any of you out there who believe in it, please pray for me. The last week has been rough. Best of luck to all of you. Thanks.
Hey Gang, so good to hear from ya'll...and such wonderful suggestions!

Hollycat - I'm interested in that cookbook. The reviews on amazon are very good. What are some of you favorite recipes from there?

francosmom and prfitness - It's so interesting how you both mention getting back to moderation and losing some of the fear of some foods. That was how I felt too. I did gain weight from my early excesses, but it is now coming off without dieting. I just eat what makes me feel good and things seem to be fine. Like you said, the excesses of junk food or even of any kind of food just don't feel good. If I truly listen to myself then it works out...but that brings me to another wise woman's comments...

likes2bfit - Pamela Peeke sounds wise. I am thinking more and more that it really is all about stress management. For me I think it's really about not abusing food when stressed, in pain, or for enjoyment. I found that the silliest things help - keeping my apartment clean and neat, decorating, reading, resting more during the day, a haircut, and almost daily exercise.

jillybean - I'm prayin' for ya every day girl! Ditto what Hollycat said - HANG IN THERE! Read that book again. Find some tricks that work for you. You can do it!
getyourfreakon0402 - The recipes that I like the most so far from "Healthy Homestyle Cooking" are Chile Relleno Casserole, Mu-Shu (sp?) chicken, pumpkin bread, Hawaiian chicken, and spicy vegetable stir-fry. I'm sure most of the rest of them are good also. I didn't really like beef stroganoff and pot-roast style dinner...but I think the problem was with the meat and/or cook, and not the recipe. I tried to modify those two because I didn't have all the ingredients, and it just didn't work out.
Hi, Different persepective here...I really wanted intuitive eating to be the answer for me, but it just caused rapid and ongoing weight gain. I wasn't willing to stick with it and see how high it went, I bailed after 3 weeks. Intuitive eating is what gets me overweight in the first place, I'm sorry to say.

What has always worked for me, is weight watchers and avoiding sugar and refined carbs. I just needed to get back in the saddle with ww and am now doing fine.

Just my $.02.
Hi Kath, I partially agree. I think most people when told they can eat whatever they want tune into their indulgent side. I know I did! Bring on those m&m's! But, after doing that for a bit I realized that was NOT what I wanted. I wanted to feel good. I bite or two of something sweet is good and makes me feel good, but more than that just really makes me feel like junk. Right now I'm keeping myself open to different systems of eating and finding which or combination of ideas makes me feel best. To be open, I tried WW and disliked the concept of counting and of watching my weight for a lifetime. The meetings I attended fed into weight obsession in my mind. I'm sure there are some good meetings out there. So that's my bias and experience. I wholeheartedly agree about the refined sugar and carbs thing - I don't think our bodies like that at all. Good luck with your journey and thank you for sharing your experience!

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