Info on gaining unwanted inches of muscle on thight is this normal?


New Member
I would like to here back form anyone who has experinced this.I have been weight training now for about 3 months. I have changed form slow and heavey on legs to high reps and lower weights. also bumped up cardo th 5 to 6 times pre week 30-45 min.Im getting alitle frustrated! corybugg.
I have. It is strange because I have always heard that most people don't notice weight loss in pounds on the scale, but they usually lose inches. Well, leave it to me to be different. I have been doing heavier weights (PS, MIS, CTX, I have S&H but haven't done it yet), I have lost a few pounds, but have gained an inch on my thighs. I think I have lost about 1/2 inch from my hips. Strange. I have been working out for 21 or 22 years, but just recently started trying to lift a lot heavier weights. Over the past several years, I tried the Firm with tallbox climbs, but always bulked in the hips and thighs. So I always tried to stay away from the tallbox (Fanny Lifter, or whatever you call it! LOL), but doing Cathe's with the leg presses on the tallbox, I haven't noticed it as much as with say....Firm Strength, Firm Cardio, etc. Maybe cause I am only doing those leg presses once per week. But yes, my thighs got bigger :-(

I must add to my post that even though my thighs are an inch bigger, I still look better, stronger and more toned.

Hello ladies,

My goal is to get bigger legs in the middle of the thigh area (where your quad is located) . I cannot seem to get it to the mass size I want, but have noticed that my upper thigh increased. At first, I thought, No IM just imagining things, but after reading this post, Im convinced it got larger. I have always heard that heavy squatting can increase the hips and upper thigh area, so maybe that is the case.

One question: When you say your thigh area increased, are you talking about the upper thigh (connected to the hip area) or where I really would love to see mass size............the quad area? If so, give me some pointers. Im currently doing S&H series.

Gosh, everyone is SO different. I love the Firm and was doing mostly their newer workouts for a few months and lost 3/4" in my hips and 1/2" in each thigh. I then switched to an all Cathe rotation and gained it all back. I have currently been doing the Firm again for only two weeks and my hips and thighs are toning up again. I guess you have to play around to find out what works for you.
GN, Yes only the upper thigh region. my hips and waist have gone down. I look better toned that is in that area, but still need to lose inches there. So i have bumped up the cardio. Maybe cathe can help us how do we ake her? corybugg

Mine is only my upper thigh area, also. But I do have better definition and shape in the area that you are talking about! I have been doing PS for 6 weeks. I have always done a lot lighter weights and would really like to keep up the heavier for a while longer and see what happens.


Thanks for the reply. So PS for 6 weeks huh? How many times, just once per week? I usually do SH once per week for legs and then do my own rotation of heavy lifting on my gym. Over the past month though, the only rotation going on around here is strep throat. Im on my second bout of it, and each of my children had it twice. It's become a plague around here.

So any other quad-builders out there?? Join in please.

Happy Holidays,


Ohhh dear! So sorry about the strep throat. Hope you and your family gets over the strep throat for the season!!!

I do PS only once a week. Then I do either MIS, CTX Leaner Legs, etc. I was planning on stopping the PS after 6 weeks and then trying S&H, but I am contemplating keeping up PS for a few more weeks. QuadBuilders....hmmm have you tried adding more step for cardio for the week? That seems to shape that area for me. But I am constantly tweaking that, cause sometimes I feel like they are getting too muscular, so I add more running. A good balance between running and step works good for me. I know people don't think of that shaping or toning legs as much as weight work, but it does make a difference for me.


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