Index for Cathe's Rotations

They should really sticky this! I was looking all over for this last month.
Too bad it could be contiually updated!
~Reece Out~
Sharon THANKS for doing a super job on this!! I really appreiate it!! It makes it so NICE and EASY when I am shopping for a rotation!!:D

I AGREE this needs to be STICKIED!! PLEASE !!
Thanks again!!

I also appreciate the work that people have put into this thread. It is helpful to those looking for a rotation. As I stated earlier I did make a suggestion on the Cathe forum to SNM that this be stickied/pinned to the top. Due to the recent posts, I brought the thread up again in the Cathe forum. Maybe if there is enough interest this thread will be stickied to the top. If it is not possible, we can always bump or use the search function.

Thanks again to those who have worked on this thread,
Thank you Sharon! It would be great if SNM would put a stickie on this one. I haven't used the rotations until recently because I didn't have many workouts, but now I find them very helpful and am trying to catch up on ideas.

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