In need of advice from all of you!



I am so in awe of all of you. You seem dedicated and so disciplined. I am relatively new to exercising...I have just recently lost 25 lbs and want to start (and stick with) an exercise program. I ordered the six-pack. My question is this: when do you all exercise? I have an 18 month old son and it is hard for me to find the motivation to exercise in the evening, and it is hard for me to find the motivation to get up in the morning to do an hour tape. Does one time of day seem better than the other?
Also, one last long does it take before a person sees or feels the results of exercise? I have been jogging/walking 30 min a day for about a month, and have felt no different and have seen no visible results. I am hoping to see better results with cathe's videos. Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. All of you inspire me!
Best time to work out

I read in your post that you've recently lost 25 lbs. Congratulations! That's a great accomplishment! You say you've been walking/jogging 30 min. for a month. What I would now do is up the intensity a little at a time. For instance, instead of just walking 30 min. try tacking on 5-10 more min. with each workout. The strength training is going to increase your metabolism and make your stronger. There really is no best time to work out. I'm a working mother with an 8 yr. old. I get up at 5:30 a.m. get my husband and son ready for the day and off to the babysitter at 7:30 a.m. I get home from work with my son at 6:30 p.m. Whew! I put my son to bed at 8:30 p.m. and that's when I workout. It's hard but I love it and have been working out for 15 yrs. In your situation, I would try working out when the baby is napping. Just try to squeeze it in when the baby doesn't need your attention. Or maybe a family member can come over and watch the baby while your working out. Some mothers even have their babies watching them while there working out. There's no easy solution. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Best to you, Kathy
Hi Shannon!

Congratulations to you for making the commitment to work out. I work out in the morning just because that's the time of day when I'm most likely to work out. During the school year (I'm a teacher), I get up between 4 and 4:30 to work out before school. On those occasions when I'm just too tired, I make myself work out when I come home, but I really do prefer morning workouts. Of course with summer here, I have the luxury of sleeping in. Usually my puppy lets me sleep til 5:30 or 6!
You may just have to experiment to find the time that works best for you. I'm sure it won't be easy with a little one demanding your attention
, but hang in there. It's worth it! You may find that for now, an hour tape is too long to commit to. You may want to try for 30 minutes at a time. Actually, Cathe's crosstrainers seem like they'd be perfect for that. You could always do the 25-30 minute cardio workout at one time and then fit in the 10-12 minute strength workout at a different time.

As far as seeing results, you may find that you see results more quickly if/when you start to incorporate strength training. Strength training really is vital to reshaping your body. Also, I hate to say this, but nutrition plays a key role. If you're not eating right, or eating too much, (not saying that this is the case with you) that will sabotage your results.

BTW, you've come to the right place to get advice. Everyone here is great!
my 2 cents

It's true there is no perfect time! I am the mother of 5 soon to be 6 and I have to play it by ear every day as to the best time to squeeze it in-- especially with summer here and all my children at home all day. I am almost never able to get up early enough (2 yr old is up by 6 @ latest) and find it difficult to exercise at night after dinner clean up and children in bed. Most days I try for nap time. The older children lay down and read during this time while the younger ones sleep. Often this is the best time. Occass1ionally I get up early ( especially if I am working on a new wo for the class I teach) and then many nights I stay up after bedtime; although I do find that this tends to make me stay up too late. All this to say as long as you have the commitment, as you do; you will find the time during the day to take care of you. Remember the healthier you are the more energy you will have to take care of all those who need you. So, see your exercise as a way to better do your job rather than taking time away from your little darling. I think alot of us moms feel we are being selfish when we take the time to nurture our own bodies when really just the opposite is true!
Hi Shannon!!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-00 AT 01:46PM (EST)</font></center>

Here are some ideas you can sift through. I have three girls, 3, 4, and 8, and have been working out since they were 1, 2, and 6.

1. rack your brain for different times you could work out. Since I live in a small house and 2 of my 3 are early risers, I can't get up at 5 am and work out or within 10 minutes I would have 2 little "helpers", so early morning don't help me much. However, at 10 am when Blues Clues and Franklin are on Nickelodeon back to back, my younger two are riveted (my oldest can entertain herself) so I can work out 10-11. If I miss that opportunity, I can work out 2-3 when my youngest is napping and my two older girls are snacking. If I miss that, I can work out 9-10 pm after they're all in bed (I'm awfully tired at that point but those are also my most blissfully peaceful workouts!). HAVE OPTIONS!! Flexibility is going to be a key if you want to maintain as your child grows and his schedule changes.

2. Would he stay in a playpen? My daughters were happy in the playpen IF it was in the same room where I worked out and IF I had "special" playpen-time-only toys and books in there. IN fact, one day I put the youngest in the PP and 10 minutes later ALL THREE were in there partying away! HOWEVER, I had trained them to be in the playpen, so they were used to it. I doubt if an 18 month old who's never been in one would be very happy if you suddenly plopped him there!!

3. consider splitting your workouts. Do 30 minutes of cardio in the morning, and 20 minutes of strength in the afternoon. usually kids do better with littler blocks of time, that's for sure.

4. Lower your expectations. Don't expect yourself to do the same workouts that someone with no kids (or older kids) is able to do. THis is a precious time in your child's life and in yours. Treasure it, MAINTAIN your fitness, make all kinds of grand plans in your head for later if you want to, but be realistic about what you can do now. I don't do the check-in because I see those AWESOME 2 hours per day workouts and I just KNOW I can't do that and if I start checking in I'll feel pressure (TOTALLY self-induced) to "produce" more, so I just don't go there. I do enjoy reading what people are doing and thinking "when all three girls are in school, I'LL DO THAT!!"

5. Don't have an all-or-nothing mentality. Do what you can fit in. If you only have time to do a warmup, ONE step section, and cooldown of one of Cathe's tapes, then DO THAT rather than be discouraged that you can't do more. Being consistent will get you LOTS farther than being perfect EVER could!

6. NEGLECT THE HOUSEWORK!! Don't neglect your child, don't neglect your workouts, NEGLECT THE HOUSEWORK!! It matters the least. Don't wait until you can "fit in" your workouts. Schedule them in as a priority, and fit in little spurts of housework here and there where you can.

About results, I have found that I see quicker results from strength training than cardio alone. . . YOu are probably having results that you just don't recognize just yet. . . But in terms of BODY CHANGE, strength will do it for you quicker than anything. You'll love the cross train express package, I ordered it too and can't wait to get my tapes! Maybe we should keep in touch, when the tapes come we could encourage one another to stick to the program. Just click the e-mail button below my message and you can e-mail me if you'd like. In the meantime I am sure you will get lots of good advice here, these ladies are AWESOME folks!

Thanks for all of the advice! I cannot believe that some of you get up at 4:30 a.m to exercise, or exercise at 10 pm in the evening!! You all are amazing. And I guess if you all are getting up that early, or staying up that late, I can certainly find some time to work it into my schedule! Thanks again. It is so motivating to hear from you, and to read your other posts.

I like late morning

Being a mother of 3, I have no energy first thing inthe a.m. or at night. So I exercise around11:00 or 12:00. Now this is only in the summer.[I work for the school system]. During the school year I try to get my exercise in around 2:00pm [I get off at 1:00]. Now I do teach aerobic and strenght traing classes 2 nights/week and 2 Sat/month. On those days I have no choice but to exercise in the evenings and that's O.K. as long as it's not an everyday thing!!! Hope this helps!! Congratulations on the weightloss and exercise programs hang in there, you're doing GREAT!!!!

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